How to cook millet porridge with milk or water. How to cook millet porridge: recipes Millet porridge quickly

Surely everyone remembers the taste of milk porridge from childhood. It was regularly served in kindergartens and sanatoriums, and prepared at home for breakfast or lunch. We offer you the best recipes for making milk porridge in a slow cooker.

Which to choose? Try everything. But it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of such food, despite its benefits and dietary properties, can lead to obesity.

Preparing milk porridge in a slow cooker is very simple. Most models are even equipped with a special mode. It’s called “Milk porridge”. It allows you to prepare a tasty and nutritious dish. The porridge does not burn, cooks evenly and has an optimal consistency.

There are only two main ingredients – cereal and milk. Add butter to taste, as well as salt and sugar. It is fashionable to mix with additional ingredients. For example, nuts or fruits.

To cook delicious porridge, you need to sort and rinse the cereal. 1 part grains and 2 parts water and salt are poured into the multicooker bowl. After a certain time, milk is added. Its quantity depends on how liquid you want the final dish to be.


Milk corn porridge is cooked in a slow cooker for about 40 minutes. Before laying the cereal, it must be thoroughly rinsed until the water is clear. If this is not done, a slight bitterness will remain. Although it is practically not felt, it is still better to get rid of it so as not to spoil the taste of the product.

Corn milk porridge is very convenient to prepare in this way. If you cook it in a pan, you can easily get burned. When it reaches a viscous consistency, the formation of bubbles causes splashes to scatter, so you need to cover the pan with a lid. At the same time, we must not forget that it needs to be stirred regularly. A multicooker solves this problem.

Corn grits are useful because they are able to retain most of the vitamins after heat treatment. It also promotes weight loss and removes toxins from the body. Fiber improves intestinal function. Skin condition improves.


Milk millet porridge is prepared in a similar way. Polished millet is placed in the multicooker, then water is added and salt is added. After 20 minutes, check readiness. Add warm milk and leave for another 10 minutes. When choosing millet, you should pay attention to its color and purity. If there are black inclusions, it is better to find a better option.


Milk crumbly porridge made from buckwheat is also quite popular. The peculiarities of its preparation are that before pouring in the liquid you need to lightly fry the core in the “Baking” mode.

When a pleasant aroma appears, you can add water. The less water, the denser the grains will remain. You can initially mix 1 part water with 2 parts milk. Or boil ordinary buckwheat porridge and pour sweet hot milk over it just before serving.

Buckwheat is beneficial due to its high iron content. It is eaten during a diet to combat excess weight. Low calorie content, valuable fiber and a huge supply of vitamins make it a leader among cereals that are healthy for the human body.

Milk adds a dose of calcium to the dish. Some nutritionists argue that you should not mix buckwheat and milk in one meal, as the absorption of beneficial minerals from these products is blocked.


Another dish that is easy to prepare in a slow cooker is rice. For a dense, oblong variety, it is better to use the following recipe: boil it and dilute it with heated milk. A little salt and sugar - the porridge is ready. If you like soft, viscous porridge, then you need to fill the round cereal with milk and put it in the “Milk porridge” mode for half an hour.

White rice is not as healthy as brown rice. But it still contains vitamins and useful minerals. For variety, you can include it in your menu, but in moderation. Remember to wash off excess starch before cooking.

This product is known for its unrivaled absorbent properties. It is able to remove waste and toxins and excess fat from the body. With a low calorie content, it will charge you with energy for the whole day.


This recipe is completely different from the previous ones. Semolina is poured only into hot milk. The finer it is, the faster it thickens. Since we will cook it in a slow cooker, you can forget about the problem of constant stirring. Be sure to add butter.

Despite the fact that semolina is also classified as porridge, it does not bring much benefit when compared with other cereals. But certain of its properties still put it on the list of recommended dishes for consumption. It is rich in gluten and phosphorus.

The main difference between semolina and other cereals is that it has little fiber and a huge amount of starch. It is included in the menu for stomach diseases. But phytin helps remove calcium from the body. Therefore, do not overuse semolina to keep your bones strong.


Thanks to the multicooker, you can quickly cook real oatmeal. To do this, take one part of cereal and 2-2.5 milk. It is necessary that the liquid covers the oatmeal by 1-1.5 cm. You can add candied fruits, figs, nuts or banana to the milk oatmeal.

This dish is good for the stomach, as it envelops it from the inside and protects it from acids. Fiber normalizes digestion and intestinal function. Oats prevent harmful cholesterol from entering the body, protecting the stomach and preventing fat from being absorbed.

All recipes are original in their own way. Each dish has a special taste. The benefits of eating milk porridge are simply invaluable! This includes calcium, fiber, iron and valuable vitamins.

Recipes for dishes with millet will help housewives look at millet cereals differently and include new, excellent-tasting culinary masterpieces in their diet. Millet porridge is the most famous dish made from millet kernels peeled from the outer shell. It is very healthy, it is prepared with water or milk, pumpkin or apples are added, and served for breakfast with a piece of butter and sugar. Both adults and small children will enjoy this treat.

Millet is most often found in recipes with these five products:

Millet is added to cutlets and meatballs, casseroles with vegetables and mushrooms, and first courses. Soup with added millet can be with finely chopped pieces of vegetables or crushed to a puree consistency. Delicious pancakes, thin and rosy, are baked from cereal ground into flour. They wrap meat, fish, and mushroom fillings and bring them to the table along with soups or as a main treat. Millet is used to stuff poultry carcasses: chicken, turkey, duck. Try to cook original food that is healthy and tasteful.

Most often, for 1 cup of millet, take 3 cups of liquid. The porridge turns out not too boiled, but not crumbly either. If you want to make it crumbly, take 2 cups of liquid, and if you want it to be viscous, take 4 cups.

Porridge with milk - even if there is only a little of it - will turn out more satisfying and flavorful than a dish prepared only with water. Milk and water are usually mixed in a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio.

Rinse the millet thoroughly under cool running water or in a bowl, changing the liquid several times. Ideally, the water should become clear.

YouTube channel Larisa Gri

Old millet may taste bitter. So, just in case, it’s better to pour boiling water over the washed cereal or pour hot water over it for 5–10 minutes.

What to add to millet porridge

If you are preparing salty porridge, add about ½ teaspoon of salt per 1 cup of cereal. For sweet porridge, in addition to salt, you will need about 1 tablespoon of sugar. Although it is better to focus on your taste: try either water and, if necessary, add seasonings.

Salt and sugar are thrown in along with the cereal or after the liquid boils. Place a piece of butter into the prepared sweet or unsweetened porridge. This will make it more fragrant and tender.

How to cook millet porridge on the stove

Pour the cereal into a saucepan and add milk or water. If you cook with mixture, add water first - you will need the milk later.

Bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes or longer over moderate heat, stirring occasionally. The liquid should be absorbed. If necessary, add hot milk 10–15 minutes after the start of cooking, when the water disappears.

YouTube channel Larisa Gri

Leave the finished mixture to steep under the lid for 5–10 minutes.

How to cook millet porridge in a slow cooker

Place the millet in the multicooker bowl. Add milk and/or water. Cook in the “Cereal” or “Milk porridge” mode for 25–30 minutes.

YouTube channel “Multi-cooker: recipes in Marina Petrushenko’s multi-cooker”

To make the porridge thicker, you can leave it in the “Warming” mode for 10–15 minutes or a little longer.

How to cook millet porridge in the microwave

Place the cereal in a microwave-safe container. Pour in half the liquid and cook at full power for 5 minutes.

Stir, add the remaining water and/or milk and cook for another 3-5 minutes. If the porridge turns out watery, increase the cooking time by a few minutes.

Leave the dish in the microwave for 10 minutes to steep.

How to cook millet porridge in the oven

It is better to cook cereals with milk. Then the dish will be covered with an appetizing golden brown crust and will be very fragrant. For this method you need to take 3-4 glasses of liquid.

Place the millet in an oven-safe container. Pour milk and place in an oven preheated to 180 °C. There is no need to cover the mold with a lid.

Cook the porridge for about 40 minutes or a little longer.

Millet is the purified seeds of millet, and millet, as you know, is one of the most ancient cultivated cereals. The unpretentious plant was grown as an agricultural crop in Southern Europe and Transcaucasia, Mongolia and North Africa. And then they brought corn, and very quickly it replaced millet.

But the situation is changing: familiar and even somewhat forgotten millet is gaining popularity as another “super product”. And not in vain!

Complete benefit

In terms of vegetable protein content, millet is not inferior to wheat, but at the same time it is a gluten-free product. By the way, it is millet flour that gives gluten-free baked goods the familiar wheat taste. Millet has a lot of fiber, a low glycemic index and an acidity level shifted towards alkali. In general, a complete benefit. Now all that’s left to do is learn how to cook it tasty and varied.

Proper storage

The first thing you need to know about millet relates to purchase and storage: due to its high fat content, millet spoils much faster than other grains, so when purchasing, pay attention to the shelf life and store in the refrigerator. Then the millet will not develop bitterness and an unpleasant rancid odor. It is also believed that bright yellow millet is tastier and more crumbly than pale millet.

How to cook

Depending on the amount of liquid from millet, you will get a viscous porridge or a crumbly side dish. But, regardless of the recipe, you need to start cooking by thoroughly rinsing the cereal in hot water until the water becomes completely clear. And then cook, choosing the desired consistency - viscous or crumbly. In short, the situation is this: the more liquid, the more viscous the porridge will be. Crumbly millet will be obtained under conditions of “lack of water” and calm, without stirring, cooking - in fact, steaming. And it can be used as a side dish or in salads instead of couscous, bulgur and expensive quinoa.

5 super millet dishes

Super salad with millet

Greens are, of course, very healthy. But you won’t be satisfied with grass alone. Add some healthy carbohydrates - millet and protein products - feta, and green turns into a vegetarian superfood.

Spring salad with millet

Millet porridge - a delicious basic recipe

Sometimes the simplest dishes require special attention. Like, for example, the usual . Master its preparation, and you will have several more wonderful vegetarian dishes in your hands.

Basic recipe for millet porridge

Pancakes with millet topping

They are sunny in color and have a familiar but unrecognizable taste that is... You don’t have to specially cook the porridge; leftovers are fine, just dilute it with water or milk to the desired thickness.

Millet pancakes

Fashionable dish - polenta with millet

Real polenta is made from corn grits, but millet is more native, and will soon become more fashionable. So try it: it’s both a side dish, a hearty element of a green salad, and a base for bruschetta. And just a snack, after all.

Baked millet polenta

Stocking up on millet popcorn

Popcorn is made from just about anything to be used as a crunchy addition to salads and snacks. You'll have to make more than two movements, but sometimes it's even interesting. Keep in mind: millet should be slightly overcooked.

Millet popcorn

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It would seem that what could be simpler than millet porridge? But not quite, because you need to be able to cook it correctly in order to get a truly tasty dish. This is not a difficult matter. The main thing is to choose, process and prepare the cereal correctly.

There are two types of millet groats - steamed and non-steamed. The first has a bright yellow color, and the second is very pale, it contains impurities of various grains and husks. Moreover, unlike rice, for example, the nutritional value of both types of cereals is the same. It also changes little after cooking, regardless of the method. This is a valuable cereal, which is a complete source of protein, B vitamins and many minerals, in particular phosphorus and magnesium.

You can prepare millet porridge in a variety of ways. This is a tasty and healthy dish that can be prepared at home, not just outdoors.


Method one: On the stove

This method of preparing millet porridge is the most popular among all. It is not labor-intensive, understandable, and allows you to get a tasty and healthy dish.

The method is to boil the cereal in a saucepan. Depending on the recipe, millet porridge can be sweet or not sweet, with or without additives.

For example, sweet additives in the form of dried fruits will help parents teach their children to eat porridge. Moreover, it is very useful.

Recipe 1. Millet porridge with water

This is a classic recipe for making millet porridge by boiling it in a saucepan. Depending on the desired viscosity of the porridge, yellow or pale millet is used. The proportions of cereal and liquid also differ. The result is a tasty, satisfying and very healthy porridge.


  • A glass of millet
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter for serving (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet thoroughly several times until the water from underneath it becomes clear.
  2. Place the washed cereal in a thick-bottomed pan or an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it, let stand for a while and drain the water.
  3. Pour the cereal with clean water in accordance with the desired consistency of the porridge: for crumbly porridge per glass of cereal you need to take 1.5 cups of water, for viscous porridge - 2 cups of water, and for cereal jelly - 3 cups.
  4. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Once it boils, add salt and cover with a lid. Reduce heat and cook for 25 minutes.
  5. Season the finished porridge with oil and serve.

Also, if desired, the finished porridge can be seasoned with vegetable oil and a small fried onion. This porridge is perfect for a Lenten table.

Recipe 2. Milk millet porridge with pumpkin

During pumpkin season, millet porridge becomes the main dish of the season. It is millet that goes best with pumpkin. It turns out delicious with both sweet pumpkin and table pumpkin. This is a tasty, healthy dietary dish that will fill you with vitamins and warm you up in the autumn weather. In addition, this porridge is indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases.


  • A glass of millet
  • 500 g pumpkin
  • 300 ml milk
  • 300 ml water
  • 70 g butter
  • 50 g sugar
  • Nutmeg and cinnamon, raisins, honey - to taste and desire

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet several times, add boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes.
  3. Boil milk in a saucepan and remove from heat.
  4. Add pumpkin cubes to millet, pour hot milk. Add salt, sugar and cook until tender, covered, about 25 minutes. Periodically check the availability of water and the readiness of the cereal. If necessary, stir and add water or milk. Add the selected liquid only when hot.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat, mash the pumpkin using a potato masher, add butter, spices, raisins and return to the heat for a couple of minutes.
  6. Serve the finished porridge with honey.

If desired, before serving, the porridge can be decorated with dried fruits, baked pumpkin and other sweets. Millet goes well with any fruit. Children will especially like this porridge.

Recipe 3. Millet porridge with raisins and cottage cheese

Porridge prepared according to this recipe is an ideal dish for people suffering from diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, this dish will appeal to those who prefer dietary nutrition. And, of course, it will appeal to all those who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to a balanced diet.


  • A glass of millet
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 300 g cottage cheese of any fat content
  • 50 g raisins
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the millet in several waters, transfer to a saucepan and add two glasses of water, add salt, cover with a lid and put on fire.
  2. After 20 minutes of cooking, add cottage cheese, raisins, sugar and mix well. Boil the porridge for 5 – 7 minutes.
  3. If there is not enough liquid, add a little hot milk or kefir. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add any dried fruit of your choice into the porridge.
  4. Serve the finished porridge with the addition of prunes, if desired.

When adding prunes to porridge, you need to remove the pits. It should be added only before serving, as the fruit quickly softens and loses its shape.

Recipe 4. Millet porridge with chicken

If sweet porridge is not an option for you, cook millet with meat, such as chicken. This porridge will be healthy, nutritious and very tasty. It is easy to prepare, and the result will please the whole family.


  • A glass of millet
  • 1 liter chicken broth
  • 1 medium chicken fillet
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Place the processed chicken fillet, chopped onions and carrots in a saucepan, add water and lightly salt. Put on the fire and cook for half an hour under the lid, slightly open. Strain the finished broth through a sieve.
  2. Wash the millet thoroughly, put it in the broth and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Cut the chicken fillet into strips and add to the finished porridge, stir, add butter and cook for another 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and wrap it in a blanket. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Place the porridge with meat into plates and serve.

It turns out to be a very satisfying porridge for the whole family. Men will especially like this porridge.

Recipe 5. Millet porridge with nuts, dried apricots and cinnamon

This is an Ayurvedic porridge recipe, and therefore it is as balanced as possible and is rational food for the soul and body. The original taste of this porridge encourages you to cook it for breakfast and start the day healthy.


  • A glass of millet
  • 400 ml water
  • 70 g dried apricots
  • 70 g ghee (Indian ghee)
  • 50 g walnuts
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon
  • ½ tsp. salt

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet thoroughly and dry.
  2. Melt the butter in a cauldron and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Add cinnamon powder and crushed nuts. Stir and heat well for 10 seconds.
  3. Add dried millet and grated carrots to the cauldron, fry for several minutes, stirring constantly. Then add salt and pour in water.
  4. Stir the mixture, cover with a lid, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10 - 15 minutes without lifting the lid. Add dried apricots to the porridge
  5. Open the lid and allow the moisture to evaporate and the grains to take a firm shape.
  6. Stir and serve.

If desired, the porridge can be served with olive oil and herbs.

  • Tip 1. Before you buy millet, think about what dishes you will use it for. If you want to cook porridge, choose yellow porridge. If you want to cook casseroles, choose pale millet. Depending on the color, the consistency of the finished dish differs, so you need to pay attention to this.
  • Tip 2. Millet, unlike other cereals, is not stored well. This is due to the high fat content in the cereal, which will quickly go rancid and the millet will acquire a bitter taste.
  • Tip 3. Due to the large amount of fat, each grain of millet is covered with an invisible film. To eliminate this, you need to wash the millet 5–6 times, changing the water each time.
  • Tip 4. If bitterness appears in the cereal, before cooking the millet, you need to keep it in boiling water, or boil it for about 10 minutes. After this, you can cook the porridge according to the recipe and you will get a tasty dish.
  • Tip 5. After cooking, the cereal increases 3 - 3 times, so choose the size of the pan taking this volume into account.
  • Tip 6. If you add honey to the porridge, then add it to the cooled porridge. Otherwise, honey will lose its value and usefulness for the body.

Method two: In the oven

Oven-cooked porridge is richer and healthier than boiled porridge. At the same time, cooking in the oven takes the same amount of time as boiling. But, at the same time, you will not need to stand at the stove. It is enough just to look into the oven occasionally during cooking.

As a rule, millet is prepared this way in clay pots or in baking dishes. If desired, you can prepare the porridge in this way either sweet, with the addition of meat, or without anything.

Recipe. Millet porridge in pots

You can simply and quickly prepare porridge similar to the one our ancestors cooked in large ovens.


  • A glass of millet
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cereal thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and leave for a couple of minutes. Then drain the water and distribute in equal portions among the pots.
  2. Add water in proportions depending on the desired consistency of the porridge, add a little salt and cover with lids.
  3. Pour water into a baking tray, place the pots in it and put them in the oven.
  4. Cook for 20 – 25 minutes, periodically checking the presence of water in the pan and pots.
  5. Turn off the oven and leave the pots in the oven for a few minutes. Then remove and serve directly in the pots.

If desired, the porridge can be seasoned with oil, vegetable or butter.

  • Tip 1. To prevent the millet from sticking to the walls of the pots, first grease them with butter or vegetable oil. This will also prevent burning. And if your oven is equipped with a timer, you can safely trust the oven and not check the readiness until the beep.
  • Tip 2. Always add water to the pan. This will create abundant steam in the oven, thereby recreating the conditions of the old Russian oven.
  • Tip 3. Bake millet with meat or dried fruits. This porridge will turn out even richer in taste than boiled one.

Method three: In a slow cooker

Almost any dish can be easily prepared in a slow cooker. This is why I fell in love with this “almighty saucepan.”

Millet porridge is also one of the dishes that can be cooked in a slow cooker. The advantage of this type of cooking is that there is no need to stand at the stove and control the cooking process. But the main thing is the delicate taste, friability and richness of the porridge.

Recipe. Creamy millet porridge

Millet cooked with the addition of cream acquires special tenderness and an unforgettable creamy taste.


  • A glass of millet
  • 3 glasses of milk
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 0.5 cups cream
  • 50 g butter
  • Salt, sugar - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the millet several times until the water is clear.
  2. Place the cereal in a clean multicooker bowl, add all other ingredients according to the list, except butter. Select the “porridge” mode, close the device and set the timer for an hour.
  3. After the sound signal, open the device, add butter to the porridge, close the device and select the “keep warm” mode. Leave for 15 minutes so that the porridge brews and acquires the required consistency and taste.
  4. Divide the porridge into bowls and serve.

If desired, you can add dried fruits or herbs to the porridge.

Expert advice:

Depending on the multicooker model, the names of the modes and the cooking time for porridge may differ. Therefore, before cooking, you need to carefully read the instructions and choose the appropriate mode. Accordingly, the name of the mode and time indicated in this recipe should be treated as indicative.

Method four: Microwave

Today, it is still relevant not only to reheat, but also to cook some dishes in the microwave. Millet porridge is no exception. Moreover, this special cereal does not lose its beneficial properties even in the microwave. Therefore, skeptics can safely cook millet in a microwave oven and not worry. Moreover, how much time can be saved by cooking this way.

Recipe. Lenten millet porridge

A simple recipe for quick porridge that can be prepared in small portions. Just 15 minutes and the aromatic, healthy millet porridge is ready.


  • A glass of millet
  • 3 glasses of water
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the millet thoroughly and transfer it to a microwave-safe container.
  2. Pour water into a container with cereal, add salt, select the appropriate mode, medium power, set the timer for 5 minutes. Close the oven and cook for the indicated time.
  3. After turning off the appliance, take out the porridge and stir it with a fork. By this time all the liquid should have boiled away.
  4. Without adding water, place the container with porridge in the oven again and cook for another 2 minutes.
  5. Then stir again and continue cooking for another 2 minutes.
  6. Leave the finished porridge covered to steam.
  7. Serve with desired seasonings or vegetable oils.

The speed of this cooking method allows you to prepare healthy porridge for lunch on weekdays, when there is no time to cook something more ambitious.

  • Tip 1. If the cereal is a little bitter, you can pour boiling water over it and dry it in a hot frying pan. And then transfer to a microwave-safe container.
  • Tip 2. This method also allows you to diversify the porridge with fruits and other tasty and healthy additives.
  • Tip 3. In order not to spoil the consistency of the porridge, stir it only with a fork, as if loosening it. Thanks to this, the porridge will not stick together into a lump and will not lose its presentability. Even if you are preparing porridge with a viscous consistency.
