How to create a Facebook event with an invitation. How to create an event on Facebook. How to increase the effectiveness of a Facebook event

The social network Facebook is not just a place for virtual meetings with old friends and new acquaintances. Using this international service, you can create an event and invite all your Friends to it. Or even bring people together based on their interests or some common points of contact. Very convenient! And most importantly, quickly.

We will organize a real meeting virtually

So, you are determined to hold an event at some place. Perhaps it will be a private movie screening with your best friends. Perhaps an alumni reunion is planned. Or, in general, you are holding an exhibition that requires publicity to attract visitors. Regardless of the purpose, the mechanism for creating an event on Facebook is the same, and it looks like this:
1. On the main page in the left column of the menu, click on “Events”.

2. In the window that appears, click “Create”.

3. Fill out all fields, including the name, time and location of the meeting.

4. Click "Create".

Please pay attention to one important point - the confidentiality of your event. Remember how it often happens in American films: you posted information about a small house party for close friends on Facebook, but the whole school came? To prevent this from happening, be sure to check the confidentiality status of the meeting - whether it is closed or open.

You can edit the information after creating the meeting. However, you will not be able to change the privacy status from private to public. This is how the social network protects event participants.

When everything is ready, you can start recruiting participants for the future event. First, invite your Friends. This can be done using the corresponding button on the event page.

By the way, recently you can invite not only Facebook members, but also your friends by e-mail.

But not everything is as rosy as it seems. The management of the social network has set a limit on the number of invitations that one person can send out - 500 pieces. If you overdo it with your “hospitality”, then be prepared for temporary blocking, because... your actions will be considered spam.

You can also invite someone to an event by publishing their address in your status. You can also ask your friends to send invitations to their friends. So, if you wish, it is quite possible to recruit a sufficient number of participants. The main thing is to lure the audience and warm up their interest, and then everything will start spinning on its own.

So don't worry if you don't have time to send out personal invitations by mail. You can always use Facebook - a universal assistant for your social life.

Organizing events is a complex process in itself. We talk about how to organize high-quality information support for an event on Facebook - how to increase conversion and what steps should be taken to build an audience for an event on Facebook.

The social network Facebook offers its users an excellent promotion tool called “Event”. It can tell you more about the company, the range of products offered and upcoming projects. Loyal fans of your brand will respond with gratitude to useful and up-to-date information posted in a convenient format.

More than 550 million people use Facebook events every month. Just imagine how many potential buyers could be among these users. An event is not just an announcement of an upcoming event, but also an effective way to attract new customers. And, as you might guess, increase the number of sales. This is the main goal of any entrepreneur.

Let's talk about how to plan a successful and profitable event on a social platform. It should be emphasized that creating an event may well be on a budget. It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on this. Do you want to quickly promote your post on Facebook? Post your event online as soon as possible!

How to work with this? Step-by-step event setup

Of course, everything starts with creation. This stage of work has its own subtleties. They should be taken into account, especially for beginners.

Correct name of the event

It is much better if the planned event is named briefly and succinctly. This phrase should hook the user. After all, this is the first thing that catches your eye. A banal name is unlikely to attract the attention of spoiled users. Get creative, but don't overdo it. Know moderation in everything.

High quality image

The picture also entices the eye to look at itself. Therefore, it is important how the event is designed as a whole. Don’t make a clumsy and complex design, and don’t forget about the originality of the content. Do everything in such a way that the user does not want to pass by! He should be interested.

What? Where? When? For what? Why?

When a person does not understand what they want from him, his interest in the offer noticeably decreases. The description of the event should not raise such questions. Cover all important information. Add key details. But don’t create longreads – that will also be inappropriate.

How to increase the effectiveness of a Facebook event

Having a large subscriber base, you can hope for a good response from the audience. Or you can be even more entrepreneurial and launch additional advertising. Your event should be seen by as many users of the social platform as possible.


  • Open Ads Manager;
  • Select “Engagement”;
  • => “Responses to invitations”;
  • Go to your ad account settings.

Decide on the right audience for your ad. Let's say you invite users to the opening of a new restaurant. Not every person (due to his financial situation and life interests) is suitable for the role of an invited guest at such an event. You must “weed out” all the unnecessary ones and invite only the necessary ones. So to speak, to find the ideal target audience.

To make life easier for your guests, tell them the best way to get to the meeting point. Any show of concern will be appreciated. Every guest should feel welcome, otherwise why would they waste time on a dubious party?

Determine the budget, types of placement and schedule.

Choose the optimal ad format. This could be a photo, video, slide show.

Indicate the details of the upcoming event: date, time and location. How to get there. Who will be present among the celebrity guests and so on.

Facebook Custom Audience

The social network offers very flexible targeting settings. They allow you to create the most suitable user audience. When viewing a posted event, the user can select a response option. “I’ll go,” “I won’t go,” “I’m interested.” And it's convenient. If only because you can immediately filter out people who do not plan to attend the event or doubt their plans.

How to set up an audience

Scheme: Audiences => Create an audience => Create an individual. audience => Engagement

After that, select “Event”.

Select users who have responded positively to your invitation. If you wish, take into account those users who were interested in the event.

How to calculate the results of an event

You won't get far without analytics. Success is measured by numbers, and if you don’t know them, then what’s the point of posting an event on a social network? You need to be sure how effective the advertising campaign was.

Carefully monitor your CPC and CTR metrics. Another important metric is user responses to invitations.

If the user response does not live up to expectations, adjustments should be made to future advertisements. Perhaps the event was not organized well enough. The reason for the fiasco may also be hidden in a vague description of the event.

Consider possible mistakes when creating a new event.


A Facebook event is a unique opportunity to notify the “right people” about an upcoming event. Its additional benefit is to attract new customers. These users may not have heard of your brand yet. But this can be easily fixed with the right promotion tools! Use the power of the social network to your advantage.

Create events based on key system requirements. Include all important information in the description. But remember that beautiful design is not everything. The work done must be constantly analyzed. This is the only way to identify mistakes and reasons for success.

Today, Facebook is the most popular social network in the world, including among the Russian audience - its reach amounts to billions of users. One of the capabilities of social networks in general, and Facebook in particular, is the creation of meetings. It is for this reason that it is worth considering how to create a Facebook event, and then beautifully design and promote it.

How to Create an Event on Facebook

In other words, you can organize a meeting on Facebook by creating an event. The event is different from our usual group format or business pages. It is created for a certain period and comes down to a specific date and place where the meeting will be held, after which it loses its relevance. While groups and commercial pages are created on a long-term basis. It is the meeting that all the activity in the event comes down to, the discussion of the moments and nuances of its implementation - the group’s activities can be more multifaceted.


You can create an event on Facebook by selecting the appropriate item in the menu to the left of the main part of the page.

When you create an event, you will be given a choice, just like when creating groups on Facebook or other social networks - make the meeting open or closed.

In a closed format, you can become a participant in an event only by invitation of its organizer (but it is also possible to be invited by one of its participants if the meeting administrator has allowed its participants to invite their friends). When creating an open event, anyone can become its participants, regardless of whether your friends are among them or whether you have received an invitation. Let's look at creating an event using an open format as an example.

After selecting the appropriate column, a pop-up window will appear in front of you, where you will be asked to fill out basic information, which will become visible to all participants and other users in the news feed, advertising posts, posts and other notifications about the created event. Here you can upload a photo (or image) or video to create event covers. Photos and videos also have their own recommendations and restrictions on them. For the first, this is a wish regarding expansion: the best option would be an image of 1200x628 pixels, which will optimize its display. In the second case, it is recommended to upload videos up to half a minute long, the maximum limit is five minutes.

Below you will see lines in which you are asked to fill in the name of the event, its geographical location (where the meeting will be held), as well as its start and end time.

How to register an event on Facebook

Next, you should fill out a description so that the meeting participants understand what to expect from it, in what format it will be held, what the organizers’ wishes are, etc. - everything that you yourself wish to state in this column. Also, do not forget to fill in the field with keywords (“hashtags” in common parlance) so that the event is displayed among the search results for these queries, in addition, this moment can make the distribution of advertising a little easier. Below are the parameters for posting posts - posts can be created by any participant immediately or with the approval of the event organizer.

After creating a meeting, we get a practically empty event page that needs to be filled out so that it is interesting to participants and conveys important information about the meeting itself.

As you might have guessed, a boring page is not capable of attracting a large number of viewers. The same is true with an event - it’s not enough to create an interesting event, it also needs to be presented in an interesting way. The design of an event created on Facebook can partially cope with this task. A little below the header (image) of the event and information about it, you will have a kind of small toolbar on which there will be buttons for creating publications, adding photos and videos, and creating surveys.

microdistrict Chernaya Rechka, 15 Russia, St. Petersburg 8 812 497 19 87

Facebook event and how to promote it


A Facebook event is a great way to promote your project, yourself or brand.

What does this mean?

This means that this very event needs to be carried out.

Online or offline - it's up to you. Either way, it's an investment of time, money and effort. But the result is worth it!

With Facebook events, you can provide your followers with relevant information and invaluable experiences. They will definitely be grateful.

in the world 550 million people use Facebook events every month. Can you imagine how many potential clients this is?

Here A guide to promoting your event on Facebook, including tips on how to use Facebook and Eventbrite advertising to help you plan an event that's not only successful, but profitable.

Here is an article on setting up an event: (for those who are too lazy to read a lot;))

A Facebook event is one of the most powerful tools for engaging and growing your community, and it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Now you can post an event online and this will greatly benefit you and your public.

Let's figure out how to set up and promote an event on Facebook.


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Social networks, in the modern world, provide a sea of ​​opportunities for uniting people with common interests and views. Facebook also did not ignore this opportunity, implementing the function of creating events and inviting participants.

On the main page, on the left side of the menu, there is a button “Events”, click it. You will be given the opportunity to create and add a new event. All you have to do is click on the appropriate button or link.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that here you can also view a list of all past events in which you have ever been directly involved. Here you can see all the upcoming holidays of your friends.

When you organize an event, don’t forget to add a photo to it. It will show future participants the thematic focus of the event. To do this, you just need to find and click the “Add Photo” button, select the photo you need, and upload it in the usual ways through the uploader window.

After completing this step, you will be able to specify the start and end dates of the event. You can come up with and enter the name of the event, indicate the place where it will be held. It is worth indicating the address as accurately as possible, down to the street and house number, so that those who wish can attend your event.

Below, in the “Additional Information” field, you will need to indicate the purpose of your event, why it was created, the plan of the event itself, what the theme will be, and other small nuances. This is necessary so that your friends become interested in this information and pay close attention to the event being organized.

Through the special “Guests” field, you can invite your friends to the event; to do this, you need to click on the “Select users” button. Through a special search field, you can find the people you need based on several criteria.

When you create an event, you will have the opportunity to set privacy by specifying in the settings whether it will be private or public. Other users will be able to access your event page as guests. At the same time, you can make sure that this list of guests is displayed in the event itself in the settings.

Agree, a very convenient function is offered by the Facebook system. With a wave of your hand, you can gather all your friends, acquaintances and even strangers in one place, for a wonderful way to spend your free time and relaxation.