How to make thin hair thicker. How to make hair thick. Mask made from fermented milk products

Lush hair on the head is the dream of any representative of the fair sex. On a subconscious level, men perceive the owner of a head of hair as a carrier of healthy genes, and therefore male attention invariably accompanies such ladies. That is why the question of how to make thick hair at home is extremely important for women.

Curls look thin and unkempt due to an unhealthy lifestyle, an unbalanced diet and poor hair care. You can get thick and strong hair at home by following certain rules. Let's highlight the most significant of them:

  1. Maintaining a nutritious diet. Hair health requires minerals and vitamins, and therefore trichologists recommend taking vitamin complexes.
  2. Providing proper care, including washing your hair only when the hair becomes dirty with soft water using high-quality products, drying your hair under a towel turban, combing with a comb made of safe materials (wood, ceramics).
  3. Wearing hats that are appropriate to weather conditions to protect against the effects of adverse natural factors, and staying in rooms with your head uncovered.
  4. Regular cutting.
  5. Use of gentle care products (hair dyes, shampoos, conditioners, etc.).
  6. Limited use of hair styling devices (iron irons, hair dryers, hot rollers, etc.).

You can also achieve thick and beautiful hair by organizing special procedures at home. Including:

  1. Rinsing hair with herbal infusions and decoctions. Herbal remedies based on chamomile, nettle, sage, burdock roots, oak bark (for dark hair), and hop cones help improve the structure.
  2. Massage the scalp with aromatic oils. Vegetable oils to which a few drops of ether are added help make hair stronger. Burdock, linseed, olive, castor, almond, and peach oils are beneficial for strands.
  3. Restorative, moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Here are recipes for the most effective mask compositions.

Masks for thick hair at home

If your hair has lost its presentable appearance, and the problem of how to achieve thick hair at home has become particularly urgent, we recommend using masks that include natural substances that are beneficial for curls.

First recipe


  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • burdock (or rapeseed) oil – 1 tbsp;
  • dry mustard - 2 tbsp.


The yolk, burdock oil, dry mustard are mixed and diluted with cooled boiled water.


The mixture is applied for 40 minutes, and the head is wrapped in a towel. For treatment, it is necessary to carry out the procedure twice a week for 1.5 months.

Second recipe


  • yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • – 1 tbsp;
  • castor oil – 3 drops;
  • pepper infusion – 1 drop.


Mix the yolk thoroughly with mayonnaise, add castor oil and pepper infusion.


The composition is rubbed into the skin and left for 1 hour, washed off with warm water and a mild detergent. The frequency of procedures is 2 times a week for a month.

Third recipe

Every modern woman at least sometimes thinks about how to make her hair longer, thicker and thicker, not fall out or get tangled, and also grow faster. Alas, the modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules to us, and we do not always have time even for the correct step-by-step implementation of basic care procedures, such as masks or conditioning.

What determines hair thickness?

Making thin hair strong and voluminous is a feasible and feasible task, but it will require a certain level of perseverance and patience from you.

And of course, you need to set aside some time for this - the procedures will have to be performed on a regular basis.

It is not difficult to achieve longer and more luxurious hair at home, but in this case it is important to pay attention not only to specific, but also to daily care.

If you dream of dense, voluminous, flowing curls, you simply need to give up bad habits and reconsider your lifestyle as a whole. The fact is that local anointing will clearly not be enough here, because every problem with the condition of the hair comes mainly from the inside.

For example, if you have a worsening seasonal hypovitaminosis, and at the same time you are following a strict diet, it is likely that your curls will quickly become unsightly. But even if you do not limit yourself in food, but eat mostly “empty”, fatty and carbohydrate foods that do not provide any benefit, the result may be identical.

Smoking is a constant provocation of the destructive action of free radicals, which also cannot affect the condition of the hair in a positive way. And if your scalp does not receive enough oxygen (for example, you spend little time in the fresh air), you definitely won’t have to expect a luxurious state from your hair.

So, how can you make your hair thicker and thicker on your own?

How and what to wash your hair to make it thick?

  • Tip #1

Water quality plays an important role. It is advisable to wash your hair with soft distilled water. We recommend that you test your running water for hardness and soften it before each wash.

To soften it, it is enough to freeze or boil the liquid. You can also add vinegar (preferably wine or apple), or freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. It is highly advisable to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions and infusions that are relevant for caring for your type of curls.

  • Tip #2

Choose the right shampoo. Usually the main culprit for various curl defects is your shampoo, which you use constantly. It may simply not suit you, or contain such a concentration of chemicals that even the strongest and healthiest strands can suffer. To make your hair thicker and not fall out, it is important to choose a quality cleanser. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be expensive. By the way, it is the shampoos of the high price segment that are replete with aggressive chemicals more than their cheap counterparts.

Remember - good foaminess does not at all indicate that you have purchased an excellent product. On the contrary, the thicker the shampoo foam, the more laureth sulfate it contains - the very substance that mercilessly spoils our curls and raises the scales of their cuticle, making them porous, weak and dull. To make your hair grow thicker and faster, try to choose products with minimal chemical content.

Some more useful tips:

  • When washing, apply shampoo only to the scalp, and in no case along the length of the curls. They will be washed with the remaining foam mixed with water.
  • Try not to use industrial balms and conditioners. They contain a high amount of silicones, which provide only a primary cosmetic effect. In general, on the contrary, they severely damage the structure of the strands and make them dehydrated.
  • Handle your curls with extreme caution and care. Do not expose them to mechanical trauma - do not comb them when wet, do not rub them with terry towels, do not squeeze them with all your might.
  • Wash your hair as little as possible. Of course, you don’t need to let it get dirty and greasy, but you also don’t need to overdo it with cleansing procedures.
  • Dry your hair naturally. If you don't have enough time for this, use a cold or cool air stream from a hair dryer;
  • As "natural shampoo" You can use the yolk of a chicken egg.
  • Try rinsing your hair with herbal teas and infusions after washing. Products made from oak bark and linden flowers are perfect for this.

How to achieve thick hair at home: useful tips

First of all, you must take care of the correct daily care of your curls to give them thickness, strength and beauty. Follow proven advice from hairdressers.

  1. At least once a week, use hair masks with a variety of natural stimulants (menthol oil, mustard powder, cinnamon) aimed at hair restoration and healthy growth.
  2. When combing, use a brush with natural bristles or a comb with wide teeth - these tools are least likely to injure your hair and scalp.
  3. If possible, try to reduce the use of styling products - varnishes, gels, foams, lipsticks and mousses. They stick together and damage curls due to the abundance of various chemicals in their composition.
  4. How to make hair thick and strong? You definitely need to get your hair cut once a month! Even if you dream of long hair, it is important to regularly cut off damaged and split ends. Otherwise, all your efforts will come to nothing;
  5. Take multivitamin complexes and rationalize your diet. Without an internal struggle with external problems, local care will definitely not be successful;
  6. Protect your curls from external irritants, especially ultraviolet radiation and frost. Wear hats and caps in hot, snowy and rainy weather;
  7. Try ready-made cosmetics with a thickening and weighting effect;
  8. Use a product called Rogaine. It will provide your hair with optimal thickness.

Cosmetics for thick hair

Homemade cosmetic products have a cumulative effect, so they do not give visual results immediately. But it will be fixed and prolonged, unlike "Cinderella effect" provided to us by chemical products.

Use basic cosmetic oils for hair growth, strengthening and accelerated regeneration. They will help you nourish and moisturize your hair, smooth it out and add weight. The oil is also suitable for protecting hair from harmful environmental influences.

Hair is one of a woman’s main weapons, her calling card, so it should always be not only clean, but also healthy and beautifully styled. “If only I had something else to style,” one of you will say ironically, thinking about your thin hair, which you inherited from one of your parents. Of course, it is almost impossible to turn naturally thin strands into very thick hair, but you can strengthen and make them thicker, longer and thicker at home. And folk remedies, tested by more than one generation of beauties, will help with this.

Hair Density Factors

How thick your hair is is determined genetically by the number of follicles in your scalp. However, external factors play an important role and can turn even the thickest hair into thin, inconspicuous strands. Such harmful reasons include:

  • frequent dyeing and especially hair lightening;
  • perm and regular use of styling devices - irons, stylers, curling irons;
  • improper care;
  • constant stress and illness;
  • low temperatures and dry air;
  • poor nutrition, insufficient intake of vitamins and nutrients into the body, for example, with regular strict diets.

Under such conditions, it will not be possible to make hair thicker and thicker, especially quickly. It is very important that each hair receives complete nutrition from the inside, and for this you need to adhere to a balanced diet. Before you make masks for thin hair at home and try out various folk remedies to make your curls thicker, make sure you are healthy. Otherwise, doing wraps makes no sense.

Benefits of homemade masks

Why is it so useful to make homemade masks using natural folk remedies? Here are their main advantages:

  • absolute naturalness, which is very important, since you don’t have to worry about the content of harmful substances such as parabens, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors in their composition;
  • availability and relative cheapness of ingredients. To find the necessary mask component, you do not need to look for it in numerous cosmetic departments; most of them can be found in a pharmacy or the nearest grocery store;
  • effective when used regularly at home.

Natural products help strengthen hair and make it thicker due to their action:

  • they awaken dormant hair follicles, causing them to grow, thereby making hair thicker;
  • strengthen and nourish hairs, making them thicker;
  • increase blood circulation in the scalp, which has a very beneficial effect on hair growth.

To make your hair thicker and more beautiful, you need to do masks not from time to time, but regularly, only then the thin strands will become thicker and thicker.

When applying the wrap, try to always wrap your head with a plastic cap and a towel on top. This is necessary so that the head warms up and the beneficial substances quickly penetrate both the hairs and the skin. At home, you should always make fresh care mixtures and it is better not to keep the prepared products in the refrigerator for a long time.

Sizzling recipes for thick strands

Red pepper and mustard are effective folk remedies specifically in terms of hair growth and thickness, since their action is based on irritation of the hair follicles. Recipes with these products are appreciated by millions of girls, which is confirmed by positive reviews.

To make your hair thicker and grow well, you need to mix two yolks, a glass of kefir and a tablespoon of mustard powder. Carefully smear the hair roots and distribute as much as is sufficient along the length. Wrap your head and wait for about 30-40 minutes, maybe an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo and rinse with a decoction of sage or oak bark. Mustard stimulates hair growth, strengthens it, kefir supplies protein, and the yolk with nutrients, in particular lecithin.

A mixture of burdock oil 50 ml and red pepper ½ tsp is useful, which should be carefully rubbed into the scalp with light massaging movements so that the mask does not get into the eyes, and left for 20-25 minutes. There are reviews online about the effectiveness of pepper tincture; it is used in the same way as a mask with pepper.

The benefits of oils and nuts

Folk remedies with oils and oil massage are very useful for thin and thin hair.

At home, the root zone of the hair is usually massaged with warm oil for 10-15 minutes, then the head is wrapped for half an hour and then the mask is washed off.

To keep your hair thick, you need to regularly do body wraps with crushed pine or almond nuts and warm milk; nuts can be replaced with appropriate cosmetic oils. A wrap made from burdock, castor oil and lemon juice gives a good effect.

In general, the best oils for hair thickness are:

  • burdock;
  • almond;
  • castor;
  • pine nuts;
  • olive

Choose one or more, mix, massage and masks, and soon you will see that your hair has become thicker and more beautiful. If any of the oils seem most effective to you, write your reviews about it, this may be useful for our other readers.

Yeast and sour milk

You can make your hair thicker using a product made from a glass of kefir, a handful of cocoa and one egg. All fermented milk products are incredibly beneficial for hair, they help make it more manageable, thick, and elastic due to milk protein. So you can use yogurt, grandma’s yogurt, and kefir - everything will be beneficial. It is recommended to keep fermented milk masks on for at least an hour.

We must not forget about such a product rich in nutritional compounds and vitamins as yeast, which is very useful for hair thickness. Try making this mask:

  • stir 1 cup warm milk with a dessert spoon of yeast;
  • add a tablespoon of honey;
  • put the mixture in a warm place for an hour;
  • Apply to roots and entire length of hair for an hour;
  • rinse with a warm decoction of rosemary or nettle with a small amount of apple cider vinegar.

In a similar way, you can make a hair wrap with yeast and a decoction of herbs, such as calendula and oak bark. By the way, to avoid a strong smell of yeast or kefir on your hair, rinse it with vinegar added to water.

Rinses and other recipes

In addition to the listed masks, you can make a wrap from a mixture of cognac and honey, 50 ml each with the addition of sea salt, only this composition must be kept in a dark place for at least 7-10 days, and then used. Henna is good for thickening hair, but if you don’t want to color your strands, take colorless henna.

A very necessary and useful end to any hair treatment is rinsing with herbal decoctions, among which infusions and decoctions of plants such as:

  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • oak bark;
  • nettle;
  • marsh calamus;
  • calendula;
  • horsetail;
  • sage;
  • peppermint;
  • Bay leaf.

Proper care and salon methods

At the end of the article, we will name salon procedures that allow you to make your hair much thicker - these are lamination and extensions. They give an effect, but are expensive and do not treat hairs and roots. Therefore, if you decide to use the services of a beauty salon, it is better to spend money on healthy wraps and a special follicle-stimulating massage.

Revealing all the secrets of beauty and youth is the dream of every woman. Home methods provide good assistance in mastering your own techniques for maintaining an attractive appearance. Among the variety of recipes, masks for hair growth and thickness occupy a separate niche. Inexpensive ingredients and unusually high efficiency are the main trump cards of such methods. What to do to make your hair thick, recipes for homemade masks and vitamin complexes are presented in this article.

Often, over time, even the most voluminous hair becomes sparse and lifeless. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from the quality of the water used to internal changes in the body, illness and stress. In order to restore thickness to your hair, it is not always enough to change external factors, but you need to start with them.

If such measures do not bring success, you need to contact a specialist - a trichologist, who will prescribe specialized treatment.

Causes of hair damage:

  • Incorrect care. Taking good care of your hair is not a luxury, but simply a necessity. Proper washing and combing will help restore shine and strength, while the use of harsh chemicals and metal products will make the curls dull and brittle.
  • Hormonal changes. Typically, a woman encounters such problems in one of the three most important periods of her life. Adolescence can dramatically affect the type of curls, their volume and fat content. During pregnancy, many people complain of loss of initial volume. At the same time, it is not always possible to strengthen hair and make it thick even after childbirth. During menopause, many also face the issue of hair loss and thinning. Special medications will help to avoid this, the use of which should be agreed with a doctor.
  • The water is of poor quality. Ideally, it is necessary to use melt or rain water for maintenance, but it is almost impossible to ensure this in urban living conditions. In addition, there is a possibility of damaging your hair with contaminated “chemical” residues. Softening filters and settling of tap water can correct the situation. To soften water, regular baking soda is also used, as well as boiling the liquid.
  • Solar ultraviolet. In summer it is necessary to protect your head from the scorching sun. Overheating and ultraviolet radiation lead to brittleness and drying out of the natural protective layer. During the daytime, it is better to wear a cap or hat made of light natural materials; this, by the way, will also help to avoid overheating and additional stress on the body.
  • Lack of vitamins, especially in winter and spring. Such conditions are reflected not only in the condition of the hair, but also in the general well-being. Special vitamins for hair thickness must be discussed with your doctor. Regular use will help you feel better and make your hair thicker and thicker.
  • Stress adversely affect the quality of life in absolutely any area, so it is better to try to maintain peace of mind so as not to cause or stimulate bodily ailments.
  • Bad habits destroy the body from the inside, so you should not expect an impressive effect from external means unless you change the quality of the substances entering the body. Smoking, even passive smoking, especially affects the condition of hair. Poor nutrition can also lead to weakening and loss of hair. A balanced diet should be based on vitamin components, proteins and fiber, and not on fats and carbohydrates.
  • Regular coloring, especially when discolored. Chemical compounds can destroy even extremely thick hair. In order to avoid this, you should use gentle ammonia-free paints and natural dyes. Chamomile infusions are suitable for blondes, but brunettes can use natural coffee, strong tea and even dark beer.

Maintaining long, thick hair is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To do this, it is advisable to avoid bad habits, excess food and provide the necessary nutrition to the hair follicles. In addition, there are effective homemade formulations that will help you achieve thick hair in record time.

Hair care rules

In order for your hair to be thick and grow quickly, you need to learn how to properly care for it. Purely theoretically, we all know these recommendations, but in reality we are in no hurry to use them. And this is completely in vain, because poor and insufficient care can ruin even naturally lush hair. You can increase hair thickness at home with regular simple procedures, some of which are described below.

How to wash your hair properly to keep your hair thick:

  • Use a shampoo that is suitable for your hair type. Preference is given to natural products, as well as home remedies. You should not trust advertising and use popular products containing silicone. They significantly weigh down the curls and are also useless for hair thickness, as they contribute to splitting of the ends.
  • The shampoo should be diluted a little with water and whipped into foam in the palm of your hand, and not applied directly to the hair.
  • The product must be combined with a light massage, during which the roots are cleaned as much as possible.
  • It is best to use shampoo twice, because some stains are difficult to wash off immediately. Washing your hair every day is not only economically unprofitable, but also extremely harmful to the hair structure. The main goal of such a procedure is to remove impurities, so it is better to focus on individual parameters.
  • After detergent, it is advisable to use conditioner or rinse. Both products must be not only from the same company, but even from the same series. Some substances can react with each other, which does not always have a positive effect on hair. This can only be avoided by arranging with similar means.
  • Rinsing with homemade decoctions gives excellent results. While washing, you can also make masks for hair thickness, the recipes for which are presented later in our article.
  • It is advisable to dry your hair naturally. The use of a hairdryer and straighteners is justified if there is no free time and the need for careful styling. When using such tools, it is necessary to use special heat-protective compounds.

Such rules are not impossible to implement, especially since all the components are at hand in any home. Almost any herbal decoction, weak vinegar solution, and even beer are suitable for rinsing curls.

The same components also have a good effect for making homemade masks.

How to make hair thicker at home

The recipes for such methods do not require special multicomponent formulations or expensive ingredients.

These methods can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • masks;
  • massage;
  • rinsing.

Simple masks for thicker hair at home

  • Dairy products of suitable fat content: sour cream, cream, kefir or fermented baked milk. Rub into the roots and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Vitamin mixtures help make hair thick, voluminous and healthy. To do this, you need to buy ampoules of vitamins A, E or group B. It is advisable to alternate the compositions.
  • Good quality cognac is also suitable for these purposes. Heat a small amount in your palms and rub into your scalp. It is advisable to insulate with a cap and rinse after 15 minutes of the procedure.
  • Colorless henna is an excellent option for strengthening and thickening curls. For greater effectiveness, you can add natural oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, honey, egg yolk or pharmacy liquid vitamins.
  • Natural honey is useful in any case, both as a separate component and as a component of healthy masks. Before applying, it is advisable to melt it a little in a water bath, in no case allowing overheating.
  • The juice of indoor aloe or Kalanchoe actively stimulates growth and will provide additional thickness to the hair. To do this, you need to keep the cut leaves for at least a week in the refrigerator, and then squeeze out the juice. In order to ensure supplies for future use, you can add vodka or alcohol diluted with water to the mixture. This tincture is applied directly to the roots and rubbed into the surface with light movements.
  • Hot pepper tincture is an excellent remedy for stimulating growth. To do this, you need to dilute it with natural oil, such as almond oil, and rub it into the skin with light movements. Under no circumstances should the mixture get into the eyes or mucous membranes for obvious reasons. It is necessary to wash off the substance after 10 minutes of exposure, and immediately in case of severe discomfort. Before use, a skin sensitivity test must be performed. The pepper mask should not be applied more than once a week. The main component can be replaced with dry red pepper powder.

Thick hair will be ensured by regular use of the above products. It is also necessary to take into account that it is advisable to alternate the compositions with each other, so you should not get hung up on one recipe.

Multi-component hair thickening products

Complex mixtures that take a little time to prepare will provide greater effectiveness, so it’s worth trying them too. A hair mask for thickness and volume should be prepared immediately before use and applied to the hair and roots while warm.

Want something interesting?

After a short massage, distribute the remaining mixture over the remaining length. It is advisable to additionally cover your head with a plastic cap and a towel. This will ensure maximum effect.

How to make hair thicker with home remedies:

  • Egg yolk, honey and olive oil. This mixture should remain on the hair for at least half an hour.
  • Mix half a glass of kefir with a beaten egg and a teaspoon of cocoa.
  • Chop a medium-sized onion, squeeze out the juice and mix the resulting liquid with the juice of one lemon and egg yolk. Apply to your head, cover with a towel and leave for half an hour. To kill the onion smell, you need to rinse with slightly acidified water with the addition of any essential oil.
  • Mix mustard powder with natural oil (proportions 2:1), dilute with warm water to form thick sour cream, apply to hair roots. After 15 minutes, rinse, can be used instead of shampoo, but not suitable for dry hair, as the mixture dries out the skin.
  • Yeast mask is an excellent remedy for thicker hair. To prepare it, dissolve a little yeast in warm milk (it is advisable to use “live” baker’s yeast, not instant yeast). The resulting mixture must rise slightly before use. You can wash it off after 20 minutes; after regular use, growth by leaps and bounds is guaranteed.

Rinses help well, for which you can brew pharmacy herbs: calendula, chamomile, burdock root, sage or nettle. Birch buds and needles of different tree species are suitable.

The fastest way to rinse your hair is to make a weak solution of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. This will help increase hair thickness while stimulating hair growth. You can also use beer, only fresh and “alive”.

With this mixture you can strengthen your hair, or simply rinse your hair after washing. The smell will quickly disappear, and the beneficial components will begin to “work” almost immediately. Blondes should choose light varieties, but for dark-haired beauties the choice will be unlimited.

Over time, you will choose the best options for yourself on how to make your hair thicker. Just remember that the compositions need to be changed from time to time.

This simple procedure should become a habitual ritual. It must be performed before going to bed, stroking and massaging the scalp with light movements. To improve the effect, you can use natural oils that are sold in pharmacies.

Hair oils for growth and thickness

  • Burr oil- a recognized leader in beauty matters.
  • Cedar oil will provide additional nutrition and activation of hair follicles.
  • Castor oil extremely popular, but it cannot be used by blondes, so as not to acquire a reddish tint at the roots.
  • Avocado oil, which can be used both in pure form and as a companion with other components.
  • Jojoba oil has an excellent effect, stimulating hair growth.
  • Olive oil extremely beneficial for the skin and will help grow thick hair.

You can use almost any variety of natural oils, which you can buy at the pharmacy. Such compositions will help in creating your own beauty cosmetics, so such a purchase will pay off handsomely.

Natural oils have some limitations in their use. These are allergic reactions and too oily curls, for which such an ingredient will only aggravate the situation.

Making your hair thicker at home is not at all difficult if you use the tips in our article. Special masks and products give an excellent effect. We should not forget about proper care, because the beauty and thickness of hair depends on it.

Every girl dreams of thick, luxurious, shiny hair, so many people think about how to make their hair thick at home. But what to do if, by nature or due to other reasons, for example, improper care, the braid has lost its volume?

Maybe the only way out is a haircut or false strands? In this article you will find tips to help make your hair thicker and fuller. Choose the recipes that suit you and be proud of your hair!

If your hair loss is due to the fact that you have a scalp disease or you suffer from demodicosis or seborrhea, you will have to undergo a long course of specially selected therapy

Why does hair lose thickness?

Before looking for tips on how to make your hair thicker at home, it is important to determine why your hair is falling out or becoming thin. After all, some problems cannot be solved at home and require the help of a trichologist. For example, if hair loss is due to the fact that you have a scalp disease or you suffer from demodicosis or seborrhea, you will have to undergo a long course of specially selected therapy.

So, for what reasons can hair fall out? The most important thing is improper care. Inappropriate shampoo, heat styling and frequent coloring lead to damage to the scalp and poorer retention of hair follicles. Therefore, first of all, it is worth reviewing your care, giving up chemical dyes, drying your hair without a hairdryer and purchasing good shampoos, masks and balms.

Hair can fall out due to extreme stress. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist who will recommend medications that can restore your good mood. Often the cause of hair loss is banal vitamin deficiency: you should buy special vitamins that promote hair and nail growth.

Advice! If you are experiencing severe hair loss, be sure to consult a doctor! Such a symptom may indicate the presence of serious somatic diseases!

How to restore thickness to severely damaged hair?

Is your hair severely damaged, looks dry and breaks even with the most delicate combing? Then, before you start growing thick hair, you will have to go to the hairdresser! Brittle, porous hair gets very tangled when combing, and when you try to style it, you simply lose more and more hair follicles, literally tearing out hairs by the roots. Sometimes special leave-in products can help cope with this problem.

However, girls who have grown thick, long hair say that the first and most important step on the path to healthy hair is going to a beauty salon where they will give you a fashionable haircut. This is not easy to do from a psychological point of view, but you will notice that your hair will quickly begin to grow and will be thicker, stronger and healthier. In addition, the so-called tow on the head is much less decorative than a short hairstyle made of healthy hair!

Advice! In the cold season, be sure to wear a hat! Cold air causes the capillaries of the scalp to narrow. As a result, the follicles receive less nutrients and begin to die, and your hair thins literally before your eyes

Beauty Recipes


Vegetable oils will help you make your hair thicker at home: burdock oil, olive oil and castor oil. Masks made from these oils not only awaken dormant hair follicles and nourish the scalp, but also make the hair shafts more elastic and thick. Therefore, the result will be noticeable after the first few applications. Well, after a course lasting several months, you will see that “antennas”, or new growing hairs, have appeared on your head, which over time will become part of your hairstyle.

Using oils is very simple: they can be mixed or used separately. Pour the oil into a ceramic bowl, heat slightly to a comfortable temperature and apply to the scalp and hair length. After this, put a cellophane cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. You can wear such a mask as much as you like: it will not do any harm. You can even sleep with oil on your head (if you are not afraid that you will stain your bed linen).

If you have dry hair and scalp, you can do this mask three times a week. If your hair is oily, it is advisable to carry out the procedure once every seven days.

By the way, you can apply castor oil not only to the scalp, but also to the eyebrows and eyelashes!

Advice! It is not easy to wash vegetable oil out of your hair. You can buy a special cleansing professional shampoo or add a little soda to your regular shampoo. Rinse your hair at least three times to ensure perfect cleanliness.

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid will help you grow thick hair quickly. This drug has nothing to do with nicotine: it is a concentrated vitamin PP. Nicotinic acid increases blood circulation in the scalp, which accelerates hair growth and awakens dormant follicles.

Nicotinic acid is sold in pharmacies in the form of an injection. For the course you will need 30 ampoules, that is, 3 packages. Every evening before going to bed, rub the contents of one ampoule into the scalp. The acid has a peculiar smell, but it’s easy enough to get used to. The product should be applied to a clean head after washing your hair. It is important not to use balms and masks that contain silicones. Silicone creates a thin film on the skin that will prevent nicotinic acid from being absorbed.

Since nicotinic acid is a fairly strong drug, it can cause allergies. Therefore, before starting the course, you need to conduct a test on the inside of the elbow by applying a small amount of nicotinic acid there. If you feel dizzy, have a severe burning sensation on your scalp, or see red spots on your face, stop the course immediately!

Advice! Do not store nicotinic acid in open form. Many girls pour it from ampoules into jars to make application easier. However, when exposed to air, the drug quickly loses its beneficial properties. Each time before application you need to open a new ampoule.

Masks with mustard

This recipe is very popular: mustard has an irritating property, so by increasing blood circulation in the scalp, hair growth will accelerate and new hairs will appear.

To make such a mask, you need to mix two tablespoons of mustard, a tablespoon of sugar and a spoon of burdock or castor oil. The result should be a mask with the consistency of thick sour cream. The mask is applied only to the scalp, otherwise you risk drying out your hair.

A mustard mask greatly heats up the scalp: the burning sensation can be almost unbearable. Therefore, this remedy is not suitable for many.

You need to sit with the mask for 10–15 minutes. After this, the mustard is washed off with plenty of cool water. You need to apply a nourishing mask to your hair to avoid drying it out.

Advice! Don't keep the mask on for too long. Otherwise, you risk getting a scalp burn. If the burning becomes unbearable, wash off the product immediately.


In pharmacies you can find many vitamins, the manufacturers of which promise an effect on hair. Pentavit, Perfectil and Complivit Radiance are especially popular. However, you can purchase the most inexpensive complexes, which include vitamins A and E, for example, domestic Aevit.

It is important to take vitamins in courses without taking breaks. You will not notice the effect immediately: sometimes hair growth increases a month after finishing the course of taking the drug. Taking vitamins can be combined with other methods, such as regular hair masks.

Advice! Go to your therapist so he can recommend the most suitable vitamin complexes for you. And always take your vitamins as recommended by the manufacturer. For example, products that contain a lot of iron may cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach.

Scalp massage

Massaging the scalp provides an excellent effect for stimulating new hair growth. Massage is done every evening before washing your hair. Massage the skin with your fingertips, making light circular movements. Move from the periphery of the head to the back of the head and back. The massage should bring you a pleasant feeling: do not pull your hair or rub your skin too much!

The massage session should last at least 10 minutes.

If you can't or don't want to take the time to massage yourself, buy a soft hair brush with rubber bristles. By combing with such a brush, you will stimulate blood circulation in the capillaries of the scalp and achieve the desired effect!

Advice! You can combine a massage with rubbing nicotinic acid into the scalp. This way you will achieve results faster.

Colorless henna

Colorless henna is an inexpensive product that will not only improve your scalp, but also make damaged hair healthier and stronger. Clear henna should not be confused with so-called brightening henna, which is a common supra powder.

Colorless henna, just like regular henna, covers the hair with a thin film that protects it from external influences and makes the hair thicker and shiny. Therefore, after the first use, you will see that your hair has become thicker and more voluminous. Well, if you apply colorless henna regularly, new hairs will begin to grow.

Colorless henna is used in the same way as regular henna. Pour hot water over the henna, bring it to a comfortable temperature and apply to the entire length of the hair and scalp for one and a half to two hours. After this, the henna is washed off with plenty of warm water.

The effect of colorless henna is reminiscent of what you can get after salon lamination. You can use this product every week: henna will not cause any harm to your hair. The recipe is especially relevant for those with oily scalp, since colorless henna tends to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Advice! If you want to give your hair a certain shade, you can use regular henna and basma. They thicken the hair, making it look thicker. In addition, these dyes will not cause the slightest harm to your curls. True, getting rid of the resulting shade will not be easy: if after henna you decide to dye your hair with chemical dye, the result can be unpredictable.

Proper nutrition

In order for hair to grow quickly and become thicker, the body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Otherwise, the necessary “building material” will simply not be available! Avoid strict diets and add as much protein as possible to your diet. Pay attention to chicken and turkey: this meat contains a large amount of valuable, easily digestible proteins, and its consumption has virtually no effect on your figure.

Without enough fat, hair also does not grow. Eat more fatty sea fish and legumes. You can buy fish oil capsules at the pharmacy: this product not only helps make your hair thicker, but also has a great effect on mental performance.

Advice! Give up bad habits. For example, if you smoke, blood circulation in the vessels of the skin becomes difficult. And this affects the growth rate of your hair.

Making your hair thicker at home is not easy. You need to put in a lot of effort and remember to regularly do the above procedures. In addition, the result will not be noticeable immediately, so girls often leave the course of treatment ahead of schedule. A little patience, and your hairstyle will delight you and those around you with beauty, volume and mirror shine!