How do Taurus break up? Horoscope of breakups: how zodiac signs cope with a breakup How Taurus men break up with a woman

Women who have at least once built a relationship with a Taurus man know that these men are conservative, hot-tempered, touchy, but if they truly love, they are ready to do anything for the sake of their chosen one. If Taurus really decided to break up, then it will be difficult to keep him from this step, and he shouldn’t do it. Perhaps you greatly offended Taurus, dissatisfaction and resentment accumulated in him for a long time, and one day he simply exploded. Marriage with a Taurus suits many women, because Taurus are homebodies; a comfortable environment, delicious food and good sex are enough for them to be happy. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the woman intends to return Taurus. Over the years, a wise woman determines the mood of her Taurus by her voice, habits, and gaze, so she knows how to avoid quarrels, but this does not always happen.

Taurus always works on relationships, because he is hardworking in principle. Representatives of this sign are largely patient, but this patience should not be tested. Taurus will never forgive betrayal and betrayal. He will leave decisively, leaving you not the slightest hope of renewing the relationship. But a man of this sign can leave in a fit of rage and without a serious reason; do not return him in this case, he will cool down and begin to look for ways to reconcile. It is pointless to put pressure on Taurus when he leaves; these are extremely stubborn men, their character is quite complex.
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If you have really done something wrong to Taurus, then you should wait for time, let him cool down, and then talk. At the same time, let the man know that you love him, admit your mistakes, be honest. Despite the fact that representatives of this sign are stubborn, they are kind and easy-going. Many of these men are suggestible. It is very important to learn a lesson from the breakup, analyze the situation, and change something in the relationship, because you won’t have a second chance to get Taurus back. Taurus always wants to see a reliable rear for himself in the woman he loves, so it is worth providing him with this rear. After breaking up, behave like an intelligent, balanced woman, with good taste, distinguished by her effectiveness. Even if in a conversation Taurus screams and loses control of himself, this only means that his feelings for you are strong.

Taurus is capable of generously forgiving; usually men of this sign return after the first conversation after breaking up. Whatever happens between you, do not enter into conflict, behave caringly towards Taurus, admit your mistakes. Don’t put pressure on a man, remember that Taurus always has the last word, but you may well give him the opportunity to demonstrate his generosity. Happy return!
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From the site administrator. This text has already been widely distributed on the Internet, but it has an author, a professional psychologist, and is even still preserved.

Let me remind you that this “horoscope” contains a VERY biased, subjective description of the signs, or rather, their way of ending relationships. I don’t pretend to be objective, some things may coincide, some may not.


Stage one. Alertness In general, Taurus is a little less boring than Capricorn, so he is satisfied with himself and his partner until the partner comes at him with a knife to his throat, trying to push Taurus to do something for which he is not yet ready. Get married, learn to cook “like Svetka,” have a second child, change your favorite job to a well-paid one, etc. Since Taurus is a leisurely creature and lives in its own way, he doesn’t like it. But, possessing innate intelligence, Taurus will remain silent for the first time and will not say anything, will not even quarrel, and even - and here is the ambush - will not stop his partner.
But the sediment will remain. If this is one of the first showdowns on the topic “I’m leaving, I can’t do something, let’s not let everything be like this,” Taurus will move away after that, a centimeter, barely noticeable. If the topic is “what’s happening, explain” - two centimeters. If at this moment the partner is overcome by an attack of throat paralysis and accidentally falls silent, Taurus will quietly cross himself and exhale.
Then, the kind soul will come close again, because it was good. Well, okay. But he will already be on his guard, because you never know? Therefore, Taurus, unnoticed by himself, tries not to expose himself in order to maintain the existing balance. In case of conflict, he explains, makes excuses, demands to stop, and, in general, apologizes and asks for forgiveness if he is even slightly wrong.

Stage two. Attempts

If nothing changes, Taurus, as a born teacher, decides to gently educate his partner. Well, or at least try. From this moment on, he can stop making excuses and begins to attack in response, and then completely disappears from communication for a short time. If every morning began with his affectionate greeting or kiss, now after a nightly showdown it becomes more and more difficult to make peace with him, and you will not notice how kisses and “good mornings” will begin to disappear from your life.
The catch is that he doesn't quarrel or argue. There is no open conflict at this stage. But there is practically no Taurus either. He gets caught himself and draws you into a vicious circle: you go crazy because of his cooling, he moves away even further, you go even more crazy, he goes even further. But since Taurus, in general, are quite sane people, the very first changes in your behavior for the better make the relationship immediately an order of magnitude warmer. But we remember both the sediment and the alertness. Taurus, like some kind of miser, does not throw anything away, saves everything and remembers. At this stage, he does not give up trying to tell you in different ways that in his world this is not possible, in his world there are different rules. he is ready to listen to your rules, talk about his own, and find a compromise.
Did you hear him? Great, all you have to do is survive the fairly frequent relapses of Taurus jumping into the bushes at the slightest danger, and everything will be great. But if you get scared yourself and frighten him with various punishments, the process goes further.

Stage three. Hide and seek

You return from vacation, shopping, from a walk, and Taurus is not there. Nowhere. This means that he clearly understood: one more quarrel, and you will lose him, he will not be able to control himself and will disappear completely, but he needs you, he does not want to be disappointed in you, and therefore he is hiding.
That's a good explanation, pinky. The bad thing is that you have bothered him (her) so much that he can no longer see or hear you. Today, tomorrow, a week - he himself still doesn’t know when he will leave. He hides no matter where. And it doesn’t even matter how or with whom. A wife who went to a neighbor's house and got stuck there for the whole evening and doesn't want to go home. A man who suddenly left somewhere sits there, answers calls and text messages, but does not leave the bunker. Your friend or girlfriend, who was there, laughed, argued a little, quietly asked for something, “don’t do that, otherwise I feel bad,” and then suddenly it turned out that they have a different company and this time you are spending your vacation separately.
It is clear that Taurus’s partner is experiencing a range of feelings at this moment. Confusion: what did I do? Is fear the end? Indignation: in your opinion, you were in your right. Despair: it is not clear how to return it. Wine: was it really that bad and I didn’t notice? At this moment, the partner is thrown and sausage, Taurus enjoys life and peace, from time to time remembering with a heavy feeling that he must return.
At this moment, Taurus is quite accessible to contact, but where there used to be real warmth, there is now affectionate politeness. This is how Taurus finally establishes the distance he needs, which is not yet very large, which saves him from being too involved in the process.

Stage four. Escape

Having rested, gained strength and not yet made any fateful decisions, Taurus at this stage still returns to the quiet partner and if he sees that something has changed, the relationship continues. But if everything remains the same and Taurus is again turned over and taken out in any way, he will silently and relatively soon no longer hide, but run away.
At this time, you will observe new unpleasant things: he is no longer available for contact, does not respond to your attempts of any kind, it seems that he doesn’t care about your hysterics, and your declarations of love, and your begging, and your threats. It doesn't work, that's it. We've finished the game. In his Taurus view, he has suffered so much from you that he is ready to close any previously available information from you. In especially severe cases, you will be removed from his contact lists, disfellowshipped, everything will be under lock and key, mutual acquaintances will receive clear instructions to remain silent.
For a Taurus partner, this is the right time to decide - what should happen next? If not, everyone will quietly leave, but you will be congratulated on holidays and birthdays. It may even be that for a moment something will resume. But it will be such a boring, pathetic surrogate that both will quickly stop.
If Taurus sees that you desperately “need to go back,” then he hopes that during this time you have drawn at least some conclusions. And if you make the first move, Taurus is generally quite willing to listen to you. If fate brings you together again, and everything has really changed, everything will be ok, just remember that everything that was accumulated in the piggy bank has not gone anywhere. And alertness, and attention to your intonations, and coolly playing out a mini-scenario about escape in order to sober up your partner.

Stage five. Disappointment

If Taurus sees that his partner has successfully pretended to be a rag, and he himself is still sharpening his teeth, and little by little, little by little, everything comes back to where it was, he will be truly disappointed. Nothing changed. She still plagues me with jealousy. It still gets into my computer and phone. She pushes away again when I kiss her. He again takes offense out of nowhere. Unlike Capricorn, at this stage Taurus physically does not go anywhere. He doesn't disappear anymore. In general, he is now always in touch, at home, present, even preparing a delicious dinner.
But here’s what’s interesting: for some reason it’s now impossible to arrange a showdown with him or her. Something stops you from asking how your day was. There’s no need, he’ll tell you himself. Only later do you accidentally find out that he kept silent about the main thing - you are no longer aware of his new ideas and projects, he no longer introduces you to new friends, he no longer brings home new films and does not share his impressions with you. He answers the questions “where will we go on vacation,” but evasively, and increasingly uses the adverb “someday.” "Someday we will go to Bali." "Someday I'll take a picture of you." "Someday I'll tell you everything." This is not noticeable at first, then you realize that specific dates, plans have gradually disappeared from your life, and most importantly, despite the fact that he is there all the time, no action comes from him anymore, he hardly helps, he hardly cares. , is almost not interested, asks almost nothing.
From this moment on, Taurus, managing to maintain the appearance of well-being and without quarreling with you, establishes an absolutely iron-clad internal distance. He practically doesn’t see you anymore, although he doesn’t outwardly ignore you. He doesn't ask anything more from you. He calmly endures everything that previously tormented him so much, only instead of exhortations, anger and decisive suppression of the process, he now remains silent, maintaining an almost good-natured appearance.

Stage six. Boredom. End

If nothing changes, one bad day Taurus suddenly seems to wake up and see his partner in a completely new way. He is still silent. Only now he watches to see if something moves inside. But there is silence inside. Usually it takes him from one day to a month to understand that he is no longer interested in you at all, he is bored with you, and most importantly, he is not interested in the possibility of continuing to maintain anything with you, even the appearance of a relationship.
He will still remain polite, he will most likely treat you in the most generous way possible - until some stage where your interests end and his begin. Now you can break your head over his well-mannered indifference, which will be completely in vain. In response, he will yawn and dial someone's number. Unlike Capricorn, who is capable of going naked into the cold to nowhere, just to immediately and radically change everything, Taurus, after the final release from his partner, begins to fly over alternate airfields, fed and looked after at the third stage.
From this moment on, we can say that all this time, aggression, well-fed by you, has been accumulating inside him, and it will fall on your head with some absolutely cruel things: Taurus has opened all the information gateways, not on purpose, there is simply no need to hide now, and you will find out how long ago and how much you didn’t know about him.

The only thing Taurus will take care of is maintaining the goodwill of those around you.
If possible.

For Taurus, there is nothing worse than separation. If breaking up the relationship seems to him the more acceptable option than continuing to live together, then Taurus will begin to delay the resolution of the issue, trying to find other more rational ways out of the situation.

When learning how Taurus break up, it is worth understanding that they, suffering because of the woman they love, on a subconscious level want to punish her. Even if the price for this is his life. Having decided to break up, the partner of the Taurus sign does not think about the fact that he is punishing not only the girl, but also himself to the same extent. He is so jealous and so possessive that he is ready to fly into a rage at the slightest suspicion about the likelihood of the existence of another man in his woman’s life. The anger that grips the partner at such moments transforms into a desire to run away from the one who hurts him. But he won’t leave right away. At first, Taurus will tell the woman everything he thinks, cause a scandal, and only then will he ultimately come to the conclusion that such a relationship is meaningless.

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With any careless word or some gesture, a woman can only add fuel to the fire, and this will be enough for the Taurus partner’s decision to break up to be finalized. In one minute he is able to collect his things, slam the door and leave. You should not count on the fact that, having calmed down, he will be able to return, because his decision is always thought out and never arises under the influence of a momentary impulse. If you manage to meet this partner soon, you will see in him only a friend who is able to speak normally. For a representative of this zodiac sign, parting is a strong blow, which subsequently leads to mental trauma. No matter how hard a woman tries, there will be no normal relationship after a breakup with Taurus.

Why can a Taurus break up?

Taurus men categorically will not tolerate it when a woman begins to humiliate their manhood. To break off a relationship with a representative of the Taurus sign, you should constantly remind him that he has not succeeded in life on his own, and that you are fine without his help. In order for a Taurus to decide to break up with a woman, she must become a real workaholic. In addition, if she puts her loved one on a diet and stops washing the dishes, this can also affect her partner’s decisions.

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Also, to break up with a Taurus man, you should definitely show him with all your appearance that you are not interested in sexual relations with him. The last straw for him will be if a woman stops taking care of her own appearance, and turns from a sophisticated and well-groomed lady into an unkempt hippie. Such a chosen one is far from ideal for Taurus, so he will easily give her independence and freedom.

How does a Taurus man break up with a woman?

At the moment of a conflict situation, Taurus begin to apologize, beg for forgiveness, so that the distance from the woman stops at any cost. This person himself finds it unpleasant when he has to travel a huge distance on the path to reconciliation.

People of this zodiac sign are quite measured, stable and constant. In this regard, they will not always tolerate any breakups and failures on the love front, because, having met “their woman,” they will try with all their might to preserve the relationship with her, even if they become completely confused.

If a woman leaves such a partner, then they regard this as a classic betrayal, and therefore they will harbor a grudge for a long time and even demand the return of all the gifts they gave.
In this case, Taurus will not recover soon, but having recovered, they will most likely forget and forgive, gaining some valuable experience for themselves, which will definitely be taken into account in the next relationship.

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What is the behavior of a Taurus man when he wants to break up?

It is not typical for a Taurus man to act quickly and hastily. He does not like sudden changes, as well as changes to his usual and established way of life. It is difficult for such people to get used to new things. If the relationship with the chosen one is far from ideal, then the partner may even tolerate scandals, quarrels and the woman’s dissatisfaction. But every patience comes to an end sooner or later.

The desire to break up with a woman in Taurus may arise slowly. He will think about his actions and behavior for a long time, trying to find a way out. If there are children in the family, it will be more difficult for the partner to leave.

On the other hand, due to jealousy, a partner of such a constellation is capable of provoking the rapid destruction of relationships. He will not be able to bear and tolerate the way his woman pays attention to other men. If the girl begins to joke about his jealousy, ridiculing her partner at the same time, then his patience will come to an end. The partner will have a desire to punish the lady by breaking off the relationship. Leaving a woman, Taurus may not even come back.

Taurus men can safely be called the most family-friendly sign of the Zodiac. Taurus people are incredibly courteous and sweet. Men born under this sign are generous, especially to the woman they love. Taurus behave calmly and balancedly, but sometimes it’s as if a volcano explodes inside them. In such cases, it is better to stay away from the “source” of fire, otherwise you risk getting burned. In a fit of anger, Taurus men can say nasty things, and you will be left with an unpleasant aftertaste, or even such an attitude will lead to a quarrel and separation.

My advice to you: don’t take Taurus’ passionate phrases too painfully. Believe me, deep down he thinks differently, and irritation and anger cause negative emotions to burst out. Of course, it’s hard to constantly endure all the breakdowns of Taurus and not pay attention. Try to talk to him after every quarrel, pointing out that you are offended by the words he said. Do this carefully so as not to start a new fire.

Pathological jealousy

Taurus men generally love once and for life. He is truly devoted and faithful to his chosen one. Therefore, your jealousy only amuses him. The opposite cannot be said. The Taurus man is very jealous. This feeling literally unsettles him. You will have to try very hard to prove that you are right. If the cause of the discord was the jealousy of a Taurus man, then you need to collect a whole “package of documents” to convince him of your fidelity. At the same time, you can resort to the help of close people, whose opinion is authoritative for Taurus.

Find the reason

Taurus men are true family men. If he chooses a girl, it means he is really in love with her and strives to make her happy. It is very difficult to bring a Taurus to the “boiling point”. Your relationship must seriously crack for a Taurus man to decide to break up. For him, this is a difficult and well-thought-out step. What could possibly go wrong? What could you do to piss off a peaceful Taurus? Perhaps you will find the answer to this question by reading our articles: and.

In them we discussed the most likely reasons why men leave. They will help you understand the situation and find an approach to solving a difficult problem - how to get a Taurus man back?

Taboo actions

Taurus, although modest by nature, knows about their strengths and skillfully handles them. The Taurus man tries to achieve a lot in life and his perseverance should be encouraged by you. He will not tolerate humiliation and neglect. Think about how often you have embarrassed your man in front of your friends and acquaintances? Was his company publicly neglected? If yes, then this is the reason for your separation. Taurus values ​​respect very much and hates when people try to make him look like a fool. Perhaps you behaved incorrectly in one situation or another and here is the response - the man left you. But don’t worry, you can get a man back if you understand the reason for his leaving and influence his psychological points.

How to proceed?

We remember that if Taurus decided to leave, then there was a good reason for it. Now let’s give the man some time to move on from what happened. Let him experience the accumulated anger and resentment within himself. After being alone, Taurus will begin to get bored. After all, he loves you so much and is already attached. As we remember, Taurus loves sincerely and strongly. After some time, try to talk frankly with him. Admit that you were wrong. Some people, unfortunately, lack such a quality as the ability to admit their mistakes. But it plays an important role, and not only in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Become his queen

Taurus, although they do not show it to the public, really appreciate the beauty and attractiveness of a woman. He loves a well-groomed and spectacular queen and will never connect his life with a “gray mouse”.

If you want to win back a Taurus man, become an elegant and attention-grabbing person. You should look perfect at every meeting. But don't allow yourself to flirt with someone. Taurus should feel that you are luxurious and seductive, but you don’t need anyone else but him. In addition, you should not reproach him or put pressure on him. Let everything take its course. Even if he is partially to blame for your breakup, do not reproach him. Otherwise, the stubborn bull will not meet you halfway. Behave with him sincerely and openly. As soon as Taurus catches the falsehood and the dirty trick, they stop communicating with the person. Using all sorts of “tricks”, you will only further harm the already existing situation.

Press on memories

Taurus quickly get used to people, to the comfort and warmth created. Naturally, when breaking up, a Taurus man begins to miss the care and attention, the time spent with his other half. This should help you get him back. Remind your man about your walks, plans, and dreams together. Arrange a meeting in a place with which you have a lot in common. Play on memories. After some time, the resentment in the heart of Taurus will dissipate like fog. And he will again want to return to the old sensations. By reminding him of happy moments together, you only push him closer to restoring the relationship.

For the best effect, it is useful to show the qualities of the signs of the fixed cross - the power and authoritarianism of Leo, the love of extremes of Scorpio, the inconstancy and unpredictability of Aquarius

The easiest way is to break up with him at the beginning of a relationship, when you are just getting to know each other and there is nothing serious connecting you. Then, if he doesn’t like a partner who doesn’t meet his requirements, he will leave him himself. But if at first everything went smoothly and without problems, then he will get used to you at least as a good friend, and he will not want to lose people. He can endure a lot just to save relationships and family. He is extremely reluctant to break up, especially since he does not like to change his usual way of life.

This is where you can start doing everything in defiance of him, although it will take a lot of time to get him out of his calm state.

  • We need to become more wasteful, stop caring about him, what clothes he wears, whether he is comfortable or not. For food, the simplest tasteless dishes are suitable, best prepared quickly or completely sold cold straight from the refrigerator.
  • Do what you want, and zero attention for him. Criticize his slowness, lack of imagination, reticence. In principle, there will always be something to criticize for, if there is a desire.
  • Most Taurus do not like idleness and talking about impractical topics; it is difficult for them to imagine everything that is not material. Therefore, your conversation should be like this. Fantasize about the unreal more often, spend time doing nothing, so that only he can work more.
  • Counter, prove, argue with him, you can also add unpredictable emotions here so that he will not be able to understand at all what you really want. Completely criticize all his efforts. Don't notice his attention. And pay more attention to the compliments and flirting of other men.
  • You need to do everything quietly, without arousing suspicion that you specifically want to break off the relationship and are deliberately doing it in defiance, otherwise he may take revenge for everything. Even after many years he can remember revenge.
  • The main thing here is to smoothly move from one state to another. For example, show more inattention, absent-mindedness towards him, forget about promises.
  • Do less housework and spend more time relaxing and socializing. Alternatively, there may be communication with fans.
  • Taurus are jealous owners and will not want to share with anyone. They can quit faster themselves. You just need to be careful with jealousy so as not to cause dramatic situations. But on the other hand, this is a very good way that will help you break up with Taurus.

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