How to call upon your guardian angel for help. A strong prayer to call a guardian angel for help. How to call a Guardian Angel at home

The word “angel” translated from ancient Greek means “messenger, messenger.” Of all the representatives of the Higher Powers, Angels are closest to us. They help us, guide us on our path and bring us messages from the Divine Mind.

This is the fourth article in a series of materials about Angels.

  • Part 1 -
  • Part 2 -
  • Part 3 -
  • Part 4 - [You are here] - Help from Angels: 7 examples from life

Of course, life's trials contribute to our inner and spiritual growth. And the Angels have no right to interfere with our Soul lessons. However, they can help us navigate these lessons more gently.

Angels guide us in relationships with other people, in matters of health, career and even finances. Our Angels help us maintain peace and tranquility in our Soul.

Thanks to inner peace, we are more open to the creative ideas of the Universe, and our bodies will serve us and function longer if they are healthy.

Therefore, the Angels happily respond to our requests. They also help us in life-threatening situations. Read below for excellent examples of such help (the authors’ style has been preserved).

Help from Angels in real life

1. Svetlana
"I work in Internet. Recently there was such a situation: I needed information on the topic of web design. I spent half a day searching - nothing suitable.

In the evening, before turning off the computer, I went to check my email - and oh my God - I received a letter from the author of a web design newsletter.

2. Elena
“A story from my life. I was 16-17 years old then. One summer evening, my girlfriend and I went to a disco. It was still light, and we did not intend to stay there until late.

On the porch of the club, an unfamiliar guy suddenly grabbed me by the hand and said that I would go with him. At that moment, out of fear, it was as if I jumped out of my body and saw as if from the outside.

I had already come to my senses when I heard someone shout: “Leave her!” She is with me!" This was a guy from a group of young people in the “we are a gang” style. I didn’t know him either, but at that moment it didn’t matter, he helped me, that’s the main thing.

I didn’t see him again, and I didn’t go to that club anymore either. And I know for sure that my angels intervened in that situation!”

3. Igor
“One day I was returning in my car from a neighboring city. It was just winter. It was snowing lightly at first, and then very quickly turned into thick snowfall.

The windshield wipers worked continuously. But it was already starting to get dark, and in the headlights all that was visible was snow. The road was simply not visible! Where to go? I didn’t want to stay in the middle of the field in the evening, because the car could simply be covered with snow.

I had to call on the angels. And what do you think? After a few minutes, the snowfall became lighter, at least the road became visible, and I reached the house at low speed, almost by touch.

Already when I was in my yard, the snowfall intensified again and fell until the morning. Drivers will understand me - what it means to make your way through the snow in the dark, and what a relief it is to be at home)).”

4. Svetlana
“When my son learned to walk, we walked with him in the park. It was autumn, there were already a lot of fallen leaves on the ground. The son ran back and forth, rustling these leaves.

And suddenly I see an open sewer hatch ahead. And the son runs straight to him! I run after him and see that I don’t have time to grab him. By some miracle, he stopped right at the edge of this hatch and looked at it.

I ran up to him and with trembling hands grabbed his hood so that he wouldn’t step further. I know for sure that it was the angels themselves who stopped him!”

5. Maria
“One day I was cooking dinner and there were no onions at home. My daughter was 2 months old, and there was no one at home to leave her while I ran to the store. I had to take it with me.

On the way to the store, she fell asleep in the stroller, and in order not to wake her, I left the stroller with her under the store and quickly went to get the bow. When I left the store, an unfamiliar granny was standing next to the stroller.

I was scared: “What is she doing here? Does he want to steal the child?
And she tells me: “A beautiful girl in a beautiful stroller. Never leave a child like that! They'll steal it!" – and left.

When I came to my senses and looked back, she was nowhere to be found, it was as if she had disappeared. And then I got even more scared, realizing what could happen.

Then I often remembered that granny with gratitude for looking after my daughter then. It must have been sent by the guardians.”

6. Marina
“To communicate with Angels, I use a simple method: I formulate a clear question and wish that the answer to it is waiting for me, for example, in the book on page 15, 3rd paragraph from the top. Or the 5th song in the playlist. Or, if this is a radio in a car, then the 3rd radio station to the left, or the 2nd radio station to the right.

And then I read or listen carefully, sometimes several times, to understand the answer. Often the answers are straight to the point, and sometimes they need to be thought about or observed. I believe these are the answers of my Angels!”

7. Julia
“When I can’t find a missing thing, at home or at work, I always ask the Angels for help. Often these are jewelry, keys and even documents.

The angels seem to direct my gaze exactly to where this thing lies. Or I suddenly remember where I put it before.”

I know that the help of Angels manifests itself in the lives of each of us! It's just that not everyone pays attention to it. Events that we consider a happy accident are not an accident at all :)

Angels do not expect us to worship them. Their greatest pleasure is the opportunity to help us. And having heard our sincere call, they will gladly answer it. Ask and watch :)

P.S. Have there been situations in your life when invisible hands helped you in something or took trouble away from you? Share it in the comments!

It is believed that Angels were created by God. Their number is immeasurably large.

Everyone has their own Guardian Angel. And if a person does a good deed, the Guardian Angel rejoices. When a person “sins,” he cries. After the death of a person, the Guardian Angel carries his soul to God.

On a person’s birthday, Guardian Angels descend from the sky-high distances to the birthday boy, and when they wish the hero of the occasion all sorts of blessings - happiness, health, long life, etc., the “high” patrons are on their toes to fulfill “orders” throughout the year.

In addition, on his birthday, the birthday person himself is obliged to ask the heavenly inhabitants for the fulfillment of his cherished dreams. Cherubim are very offended if a person ignores them, and they may stop caring for their ward, and then the whole year will go down the drain.

During the year, a person can also contact the Guardian Angels. When leaving home, you should say: “My angel, come with me: you are ahead, and I am behind you.”. And then the protection of the Guardian Angel is ensured, and things will work out.

It is useful to turn to the Guardian Angels with a request to protect a loved one or your child. You can ask to help your child study, improve his health, live in harmony with you, and have good friends.

We usually turn to Guardian Angels on special occasions. As I wrote earlier, there are many Angels. And there are not only Guardian Angels, but also Angels of any cause. There are Angels of Education, Angel of Health, Angel of Love, Angel of Repair, Money, Angels of Abundance and Prosperity, and even Angel of Parking.Jasmukhin and Doreen Virtue often talk about different Angels helping people. And it's easy to check.

If you have a car and need to park in a difficult place, contact To the parking angel. It’s better to do this in advance, before leaving home, or at least 10-20 minutes before the desired parking: “Dear Parking Angels, thank you for quickly and easily parking in the place I needed near the supermarket/business center/children’s garden….." .

I always turn to Angel of health when I feel like I’m starting to get sick: “Dear Angels of Health, thank you for your good health, excellent health, high energy, for taking care of my immune system.” And I never get sick, in this case, I instantly feel better.

If you are taking an exam, or want to go study, if you want to help your child study, contact To the Angel of Education: “Angel of education, thank you for helping my child study, easily complete all assignments, remember and reproduce the necessary material, and pass exams with straight A marks.”

While shopping, you can contact Shopping angel with a request to help find the necessary thing at an affordable price, excellent quality, and the right design: “Dear Shopping Angels, thank you for your help in today’s shopping. For helping me find things that meet my needs in terms of price, quality, and quantity.”

There are Angels of all kinds. Angels support all areas of man: inspiration, work, creativity, education, relationships, society. After turning to the Angels, the situation may be resolved within a few minutes, for example, a parking space will become available. Other situations require more time to resolve, for example, to establish the right relationships.

Angels are always near us, but they can only help us upon our request. If we do not request, then the Angels may be nearby, but do not have the authority to interfere in our affairs. They can interfere in our lives without our permission only when we are in danger.

Eat Angels of protection and security, whom it is good to contact and thank for protecting family, loved ones and dear people. With our appeal, we give them access to help us.

How often can you turn to the Angels for help?

Angels gain strength from helping us and increase it from our gratitude, from this their powers grow.

If we turn to the Angels daily in all our affairs, then our affairs begin to move faster, more successfully and efficiently. And if we thank from the heart, then the Angels feel good about it, and it feels good about us. This is cooperation between the Universe and you, because man is an integral part of the Universe. And the Universe is interested in every part of it being happy. She takes care of us and does it with pleasure, but for this we need to turn to her.

When a question or problem that is insoluble to me arises in front of me, I say: “Let the Universe take care of this and find the best solution” or “Let my world take care of me today,” I can turn to my Higher Self: “Higher Self, please , guide all aspects of my life now.”

The Universe is a lens that magnifies everything you focus your attention on, and Angels are its faithful soldiers. If you need money, contact the Angel of Money, or the Universe: “Universe, I know that you love me. Give me the opportunity to feel loved. I need money to live. I deserve it."

Today, while going for a walk, I turned to Walking angel and thanked him for the wonderful walk, from which I received great pleasure. Contacted Find and thank Angela, for the fact that during walks I always find something interesting for myself. The walk was truly amazing, because I was accompanied by the sun and beautiful weather, which is extremely rare in St. Petersburg. What did I find during this walk? Firstly, I discovered the Ovsyannikovsky Garden, on Mytninskaya Square, where the civil execution ceremony of N.G. once took place. Chernyshevsky.

Water represents emotions. You may need to have a good cry to release old emotions. Release them with love. You will immediately feel better.

Water is the basis of all life. By taking advantage of the cleansing power of water, you will overcome all difficulties and receive support from external energies. Now is the time to give and receive in equal measure. Live in harmony with the ebbs and flows of life.

Strive for in-depth knowledge and be careful about pitfalls. Multiple levels can be used simultaneously. Stay confident. Watch for energy leaks. Spirit is calling you to touch the water in some way. Go for a swim or swim in a lake or ocean. A relaxing bath or shower will help clear your mind and rejuvenate you. Connect with the healing touch of Spirit.

Would you like to give in to common sense and get out of the dead end into which you have driven yourself? Release your ego and open to your Higher Self. Let go of old mental constructs and self-limitations and open yourself to limitless possibilities. Free yourself from the worry and fear that is holding back your growth. Give them into the hands of the Universe.

Life constantly calls us to let go of control and open up to the unknown. Give up control. Don't try too hard. Stop waiting, and the restrictions will lift themselves. Let go and let God work.

Can you let go of the fear that comes with the edge of the unknown? Are you ready to take risks? New directions often reveal themselves when you fear them most and when you need them most. The ability to give in is very important when you are engaged in any creative activity. By giving in now, you will have a wonderful journey full of adventure in the future.

Ask for help from other dimensions. We love when we are called to help.

When this card appears, it means it is time to let go of your limiting beliefs or judgments. Resolution leads to gaining inner strength. This is usually a sign that great growth awaits both those who give and those who take permission.

The present period of time in your life is not suitable for rushing forward or making efforts on yourself. This is a time of gentle change and gradual liberation.

Respect and value your sacred right to free will and freedom of choice. Now their time has come. This applies to both you and those around you. They also have this right. Call upon the Spirit and ask Him to ignite the light within you so that you can see things in a clear light.

Allowing means not blocking the flow. Trust the Universe to provide you with everything you need. Allow, allow the Highest Good to manifest itself in all areas of your life. Let everything that is unnecessary go away and allow God, everything that exists, to manifest in your life. Trust and you will always get the right result.

Inside the word allow is the word “decide”. Resolution can be the solution to a situation. First of all, give yourself permission to free yourself from all limiting beliefs. When you let go of all your false judgments, everything will become possible for you.

When you receive this card, it is a reminder that we are all one in Spirit and are never alone. Feel the endless energy of the Universe, which is always available to everyone. Touch your Higher Consciousness. Step back from the physical form and look at what lies beneath it. Call on the Higher Power: Angels of Light, Spirit, God. When you ask for help, a higher power helps you.

Renew the Spirit within you. Now is a good time to create order out of chaos. Understand your thoughts and feelings. Evaluate your thinking and don't let life's challenges throw you off track.

Let the Spirit guide you. What is your true essence? Trust in the sacred energy and allow it to renew you. Now is a favorable time for spiritual growth. Realize your potential as a spiritual being. If God is everything, then what in life is not spiritual?

In earthly life it is important to maintain a balance between the spiritual and the earthly. Be true to your beliefs, but remain flexible and don't judge others for their beliefs. This world is big enough to accommodate all of us.

You can allow yourself to be kind. Allow others to be who they really are. Value your own feelings. What you dream about, you can turn into reality.

This is a card of great achievements. Open yourself to the inspiration of the Spirit. Now is a good time to breathe life into your dreams. Look around and ask yourself if you are living the life you want. If not, try making positive, creative changes. Ask to be pointed in a new direction and be open to new ideas.

The beauty of nature gives inspiration. Take a walk in nature. Sit in your garden. Let your positive thoughts flow freely. Divine guidance is trying to take you in a new direction. Listen to your inner cues.

The universal energies are now providing assistance to you. It's time to allow the spark of Spirit to rid you of old habits and remove unnecessary barriers. Ask for help from other dimensions. Allow the Spirit to guide and protect you.

Sometimes this card indicates that you need to inspire someone. But remember that you should not deprive a person of freedom of choice.

Thank you Archangel friends,
Now is not an easy time,
Unfortunately, it’s impossible without your help.
Because the World of Stagnation disappears.
Now - the movement of Body and Soul.
This Body was not given to us by chance,
They “fly up” into the New, attempts are good,
But it's not easy, it's extraordinary!
But the Beautiful Soul asks,
And invites the Body to take with him,
And the Body says - “You are good!!!
And I’m probably not worthy of you yet”...
Or maybe It is wrong?
After all, everything depends only on Consciousness!
From the help that is given to us now,
And from everything that drives Creation.
Love the Body as a gift from Heaven,
The soul was in many... Everything is one.
Because you have risen for the better:
Soul and Body are inseparable!


Hello my loves!

Today I am completing a series of messages from the Archangels that were dictated for you in the last days of the passing year.

I would like to summarize what they said and explain to you the essence of the Heavenly angelic “gradation”.

I know that many of you feel our presence, but do not realize that each of us is doing our part of the job and often not at all what you expect, guided by knowledge about us received from a variety of sources, including including church ones.

So, for example, you ask Archangel Raphael to heal your ailments, not realizing that he cannot help you without spiritual cleansing, for which other Archangels are responsible.

Only by working together and harmonizing your souls and bodies can you achieve truly good results.

Saturday, March 22, 2014 16:07 ()

This is a quote from the message

Gift of an Angel

No matter what happens to you, asking the angels for help is an excellent way to illuminate your life with love and light. Anyone can call on the angels - religion and “special merits” do not count here. The help of angels is the Divine right and privilege of each of us. The Creator gave them to us, and our gratitude to him is manifested precisely when we joyfully accept this gift. You can call the angels like this:
Think: “Please, angels, help me!”
Mentally tell the angels about your difficulties.
Ask God to send you angels.
Imagine that angels surround you or your loved ones and are present when resolving some difficult situation.
Imagine how white or multi-colored lights are circling around you or someone else.
Say out loud your request to God or the angels.
Write a letter to the angels.
Put your request in the form of a song or recitative.
Use a deck of angelic fortune telling cards.
Light a candle.
It doesn't matter how you call the angels, the main thing is that you call them. Remember: the Creator and angels cannot interfere in your life without your consent. The only exception is the dangers to which we are exposed before our due date.
Angels are messengers of God, they carry out His will. Contact them or ask God for help - it's the same thing. See angels as God's postmen: they carry messages of love from the Creator to His creations.
Angels bring a dazzling light into our souls. They help to discern the Divine truth through the haze of frightening illusions; they remind you that in the end everything will work out well, even though it sometimes seems to people that things couldn’t be worse for them.
For instant healing, the mere presence of angels and their deep absolute love is often enough.

Tuesday, July 24, 2013 01:49 ()

Since Michael is so powerful, it is not surprising that we can easily sense his presence. I believe he wants us to feel this because we are comforted by the knowledge that we are protected and watched over by a powerful and loving archangel. Therefore, of course, the miracle-working archangel Michael is able to inform us of his presence.
Our skin is a sensitive instrument that immediately notices deviations in temperature, changes in air pressure and electrical signals. Just as you can feel a conflict situation in the room, you can feel Michael's great love and power aimed at helping you.
People say that they most often noted his presence when they called for his protection. And as Cas Green reports, the ego produces a wonderful sense of security and comfort.
In 2003, I came to Brisbane (Australia) specifically to attend Doreen's Angel Intuition courses. She advised us to periodically ask Archangel Michael the question: “What do you want me to know right now?” When I first said it, I immediately heard the archangel warning me about the danger awaiting me in the evening on the way back
to the hotel. Mikhail told me to be careful and attentive and to turn to him for protection.
The rest of the day was so busy that I forgot about the message. Approaching the hotel, I heard some noise: a drunk man was staggering along the sidewalk in my direction, pestering passers-by. He shouted at them aggressively.
I was scared, and my heart began to pound with the realization that the man was heading in my direction, and I was alone. Suddenly I remembered Michael's warning and called his name: "Please, Archangel Michael, be with me and protect me from all harm."
I felt his touch on my hand and then a surge of warmth and strength. I also felt like I was becoming three meters taller and a meter wider. The drunk man was inexorably approaching me and showing aggression. When he caught up with me, he recoiled in fear and bewilderment and quietly and cautiously trotted away.
Since then, I have been telling everyone that you can safely rely on the protection of Archangel Michael; however, you must also remember to listen to his advice!
So part of Michael's protection is the sense of security we experience in his presence.
I don't think he does anything more to make us feel his strength and warmth. Rather, I believe that his presence is so powerful and loving that all our nerve endings absorb the incredible radiation of this divine being.
In many paintings, Michael is depicted with a sword, which acts as a protective barrier. Michael protects us from all forms of negativity, keeps us safe and helps us feel safe.
Kate Warlow felt the angel's help, his shield, when she called on Michael.

One evening I was walking home, and when I turned onto my street, I felt something behind me. Turning around, I saw a man following me. I was scared when I felt that he was almost close to me. So I immediately said to myself: “Archangel Michael, I need your help, now! Please walk by my side and protect me on my way home."
As soon as I said this, I immediately felt that Archangel Michael was nearby, and his wings wrapped around me like a shield. I immediately felt calmer. I walked very quickly down the street, not daring to turn around until I came to the house. Only then did I look back: there was no man behind me.
I thanked Archangel Michael for his help. Maybe it was a completely innocent situation, and maybe I wasn't in any danger that night. But by calling on Michael, I received the support and protection I needed to feel safe.
Mikhail hugs us with huge wings, as Kate felt it. Although he can remain with us always if we ask him to, we usually do not feel his presence as strongly until we call upon him in times of crisis. This is another area in which the archangel excels: he can immediately calm nerves and comfort hearts.
His radiant love switches us from the sympathetic nervous system (we are tense and acute, the flight or fight response) to the parasympathetic nervous system (we are relaxed and think more clearly). Michael helped Karen Forrest stay calm and avoid a collision when a car was heading straight towards her.
I am an officer in the Canadian Forces. I have no embarrassment about addressing the archangel
Michael (the guardian saint of soldiers) for protection and courage. And, of course, that’s what I did when I was transferred to a new base.
My husband and I were driving to the Ottawa airport to fly to Halifax, Nova Scotia, my new destination. I asked Archangel Michael to protect us during the two-hour trip. Halfway on the way to the airport, I was driving the car at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour and suddenly noticed that the car moving in front of us suddenly turned onto the side of the road. I couldn't understand why he turned so sharply at that speed until I saw a car coming straight at me! We were both moving at sixty kilometers per hour!
I immediately turned to Archangel Michael to help us all remain unharmed. As I started to pull over to the side of the road, I heard his soothing voice say, “Don’t worry, Karen. I hold the steering wheel of your car and will drive for you. Everything will be fine".
Despite the car rushing at full speed straight towards me, I immediately felt an infinite peace enveloping me and felt the presence of Archangel Michael, who began to drive my car, miraculously passing the oncoming car and the trailer it was overtaking.
Miracle! Everyone remained unharmed. The driver, who quickly pulled over to the side of the road, regained control of his car. I avoided a potentially fatal collision. The car was not hit from behind. The van did not lose control, and the driver, who took a risky overtaking, did not collide with anyone and did not provoke an accident!
My husband Wayne, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was stunned that I managed to remain calm. At that time, he hardly understood that I completely and completely trusted the ability of Archangel Michael to control my car!
Thank you, Michael, for keeping us all unharmed in a very scary and dangerous situation!
Karen describes how Michael steered her car down a safe path, an experience shared by many others. They say that after calling on Heaven for help to avoid an accident, they heard a voice say, “Take your hands off the wheel,” and then watched in amazement and gratitude as an invisible pair of hands steered their car away from danger.
Although Cheryl Green was not told to let go of the steering wheel, she undoubtedly received assistance from Mikhail in steering the car on the icy bridge.
I live in central Iowa, where we know the weather can change at any moment. In addition, we have an exceptionally treacherous combination of fog and black ice. Black ice is hard to see, and once you hit it, it's too late to slow down.
I drive to work every morning and always turn to Archangel Michael for protection. That day was cloudy and gloomy, and every few kilometers I drove into clumps of fog. As I approached the bridge, I heard a very distinct voice that said, “Be careful on the bridge.” I slowed down, but didn't see anything unusual.
As I continued driving, I noticed that the road surface was getting wet, so I slowed down again. As I approached another bridge, the same words flashed through my head: “Be careful on the bridge.” The second bridge was raised. In the thick fog, I could not see where the road began and where it ended. Even the usual features of the landscape were hidden by fog.
Once on the bridge, I saw black ice on its surface. Then, as I looked up, the fog had cleared enough for me to notice a car blocking my path and another next to the railing. There was trash everywhere, and two people were standing in front of cars shouting, “Stop! Stop!”
There was nowhere to go, but I knew that I couldn’t stop on the ice. I said out loud: “Angels, help!” - and then someone took control from me and, like a professional racer, directed my car around other cars, people and debris. A feeling of peace enveloped my heart. I realized that I was protected, and the steering wheel of my car was in very capable hands.
My car didn't skid, and my tires didn't hit a piece of glass. The angels directed her to bypass all obstacles, as if they were carrying fragile porcelain. And then, just as smoothly, my car drove out of the fog, drove off the bridge and returned to the road - without a single scratch.
Thank you, Archangel Michael. What would I do without you?
The following story also describes a scenario I hear about often. Sometimes Michael does not or cannot prevent a car accident, but he can keep us from getting hurt, as happened to a woman named Liliana.
I was driving to my office when a speeding car crashed into me from the side. My car skidded and started spinning, but for some reason I wasn’t scared and just exclaimed: “Please help me!” - and then I felt as if someone was hugging or holding me.
Then I crashed into a lamppost.
When my car stopped, I saw that my entire right side was dented to the middle, as if my car had been wrapped around me. I was conscious and was able to get out. When I saw my car from the outside, I was surprised that I escaped with only minor scratches on my fingers.
And the most beautiful and amazing thing happened the next day: in the shower, I noticed prints on my shoulders that looked exactly like fingerprints. I am sure this happened because God sent Archangel Michael to protect me. Mikhail hugged me so tightly that he left marks on my body!

Doreen Virtue - Miracles of the Archangel Michael.

Sunday, September 16, 2012 11:09 ()

Your Angel of Ascension

Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson
Translation: Valeria Lysakova

With the deepest love, I extend my energy to you, I, Archangel Michael, continue with an important message that will guide and assist you in your Ascension, allowing you to make certain preparations for this.

Each of you has a community of guides who accompany you throughout your life on Earth, constantly connected to your energy and consciousness.

Within this community there are a number of Angelic beings supporting and guiding you.

It is a wonderful process to become aware of the quality that each Angel who accompanies you represents, because it allows you to focus your spiritual progress in a certain way.

Often this community of guides will accompany you through many lifetimes here on Earth, although some may come to the fore at certain times while others may retreat.

For the most part, your community of mentors remains the same, although it may feel like your mentors change as you develop.

They always remain with you, it’s just that sometimes their participation in your reality and spiritual growth decreases.

During these times of unprecedented transition and growth, it is essential that you remain close to your community of guides, gathering their energies within and without.

This will mean that you will be constantly connected to your mentors, having access to their support, advice and recognition.

If you surround yourself with the energy of the guides in a tight circle, connect yourself, resonate with it and understand it, you will feel a sense of security growing within you, and the transition period of the Ascension process will occur much more easily.

As you connect deeper with your community of guides, you will begin to understand that one of the Angelic Entities has been chosen by your soul to oversee all of the transition processes in your Ascension.

This Angel has the greatest trust of your soul and has assisted you most in Ascension previously, in past lives and on the inner planes.

The knowledge and understanding of you that he has is equivalent to the understanding of your soul.

You can say that this Angel is your best soul friend.

I want you to become aware of your Ascension Angel because by collaborating with him, you will accelerate your Ascension and always achieve what you want.

Your Ascension Angel knows the Creator's divine plan for the Earth, the divine plan for your country, the divine plan for your soul group, the divine plan for your soul, the divine plan for your interactions with family and friends, the divine plan for your individual reality on Earth and understands why you strive.

Your Ascension Angel is able to bring it all together so that everything happens in divine perfect order, according to everyone's choice, and in the confidence that you are receiving everything you need in reality and for spiritual growth.

If you imagine a plant and someone who takes care of it, providing everything it needs, then you are the plant, and your Angel is the one who takes care of you.

By keeping your energy in a high vibrational state, your Angel helps you stay balanced during these transitional times.

A state of balance brings you clarity, readiness and awareness towards everything that happens to you at each stage of your spiritual awakening.

By feeling balanced and comfortable in your own energies, you become ready to accept new energies and awaken the wisdom of Light within your being.

Your Angel will support you as these new energies take hold and the expression of your essence increases.

It is very important for each person to realize that this support is always available, because it will help eliminate the fear and confusion that may arise in the future during the Transition process.

Your Ascension Angel already knows what needs to happen to you, what energies need to be anchored, activated and experienced, what wisdom you need to develop.

You are already practicing the Transition, perhaps to a small extent, on the inner planes, in a state of deep sleep, so that you and your Angel are already at some level always aware of the changes happening to you, even if there is no understanding of this on the physical plane.

There are still many changes and transformations to come, from now until the main strengthening in December 2012, all this will continue and increase.

On the inner planes, you are already going through this strengthening of December 2012, you know this at the soul level and at the energy level much more than you can ever realize it on Earth.

And this is true, on the physical level this makes the symptoms of the Transition very insignificant, since all the preparation takes place on the energy planes.

I hope this helps you realize how important your Ascension Angel is to you right now.

Remember also that the Angel of Ascension for you can be the Angel whom you have already felt and known for a long time, it does not have to be someone new to you.

Your Ascension Angel is able to open your energies, providing you with special codes and energy patterns, activating ancient connections, attracting special mentors to help you at a certain stage.

He is the primary guide in achieving your well-being and fulfilling your divine destiny.

All you need to do is ask for help, guidance and the divine intervention of the Angel of Ascension in your life - at the most appropriate moment for this.

Connect with your Ascension Angel, study his energy, learn his name, his qualities, his vibrational sound.

Learn to feel your Angel of Ascension.

Enjoy this connection and friendship as if you were enjoying the company of a newfound companion helping you in your spiritual transformation here on Earth.

Of course, you can call on me for help and support at any time!

Now I want to give you a call that will help you connect with your Angel of Ascension.


I open my energies to the process of accepting and acknowledging my Angel of Ascension

I ask my soul to come forward and connect with me for acceptance and connection with my Ascension Angel

Feeling the energy of my soul flowing from my heart chakra, I ask my soul to create a sacred space around me and in me in which I will exist

I ask and allow my soul to clear my mind of any doubts, fears and unbelief in my capabilities, encouraging me to open up and become receptive to the energies of my Ascension Angel

I now call upon my Angel of Ascension to appear before me and send the energy of his essence into my being, I open my heart in complete acceptance and love

I allow our energies to be connected and exchanged

(Give it time to happen and feel it for as long as you want)

Please energetically tell me your name, show me the color or vibration that you emit and the qualities that you carry that I need to develop in myself

This is a great event when we unite as one

I am now aware of all the work and everything we have achieved on the inner planes and ask that all this information become available to the awareness of my entire being at the right time

I love you with unconditional love and ask you to help me in my process of Ascension on Earth in any way necessary for this and become for me a conductor of the divine will of the Creator

Thank you