How can you cross the river? Why do you dream about crossing? How to get out of the swamp

Task: transport people to the other side of the river, observing the following rules;

How to play Japanese River Crossing: 1. A policeman cannot leave a criminal alone with people.
2. A father cannot leave his sons alone with their mother, and the mother of their daughters with their father.
3. Children cannot float on a raft alone.
4. The raft does not return on its own and carries no more than 2 people at a time;
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Puzzle games - Japanese river crossing

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The presence of a crossing over water bodies is the basis for determining the complexity of a route for a hiker. In addition, on routes of this type there is the highest mortality rate, even among experienced tourists. What can we say about people who are inexperienced in these matters, who love to spend time in nature and travel on foot?.. For them, such an obstacle on the way can cause a ruined vacation, and if they do not know the rules for crossing the river, even more tragic consequences...

There are many known ways to cross rivers, but some methods described in the literature, such as crossing with a noose around your neck or running down the river, are completely unacceptable for use in practice.

The most common and simplest way to cross water obstacles was and remains to ford the river. The first step in such a crossing is to find a ford. A ford is a shallow place in the river that can be crossed or driven by car. The shallow depth of a lowland river is indicated by shallows, ripples on the surface of the water, widening of the river in its straight section, protruding stones, islands, and also paths that go down to the river. When a suitable place for ford has been found, you need to use a pole to examine the bottom for pools, deep holes, snags, and mud, since their presence can become a serious obstacle when crossing. You need to explore the bottom with a pole at least 2 m long. You need to move at an angle to the current, leaning on the pole. The pole should be moved in front of you upstream with each step - the pressure of the water will press it to the bottom. If the pole ends up downstream, it may be carried away.

Finding a ford in a mountain river is much more difficult, since the temperature of the water, the steepness of the banks, the strength of the current and the nature of the bottom in such rivers are quite dangerous. When finding a ford in a mountain river, you should choose the narrowest and shallowest place in the river bed, with the most flat banks, and, if possible, with the lowest possible flow and the absence of characteristic dangers (we will talk about them later in the article). You should cross a mountain river at a depth of no more than 1 m and a maximum flow speed of no more than 1 ms. If the current speed is higher than specified, even a depth of half a meter is dangerous for crossing. It is also not recommended to ford the river under unfavorable weather conditions - rain, snow, hail. This will complicate movement and contribute to a very rapid rise in the water level in the river (especially in the mountains). The lowest water level in mountain rivers is observed in the early morning, the highest in the evening. Sometimes the water level decreases so much in the morning that the bottom becomes visible.

A mountain river more than 50 meters wide can be crossed even with high current speed. However, you should avoid such a crossing. If you decide to cross to the other side in such an extreme way or the fall into the water was accidental, you need to know the characteristic dangers of a mountain river, which should be taken into account when assessing your actions in an emergency situation. Such hazards include:

  • blockage - a tree or stones blocking the bottom of the river;
  • clamp - especially clamp with an underwater mainsail;
  • steep drainage - the most dangerous example would be a waterfall;
  • a ridge of stones of the “threshold” type;
  • large pitfalls located in a ridge;
  • funnels;
  • high speed and turbulence of the current, which can carry a person downstream or prevent him from getting back to his feet after crossing the river;
  • low water temperature.

You can also cross a mountain river using a land crossing in the form of a fallen tree. You can find a naturally fallen tree, or you can fell a tree growing in close proximity to the shore. It is advisable to choose a place where the channel is quite narrow and the banks are slightly higher than the current - so that the water does not flood the log. The log can be replaced with poles, boards, and other available materials. Land crossing also includes crossing over rocks protruding from the water. With this method of crossing, you should be very careful: choose dry, non-slip and stable stones, and think through the trajectory of your movement in advance.

You should only ford the river while wearing shoes and clothing, but without a backpack or other bulky items. You can transport them to the opposite bank in the following way: find a ford, reconnoiter the bottom, tie a rope on the shore, cross with its free end to the opposite bank and secure it there. Then you should return, use a carabiner or a free knot to tie yourself to a rope for insurance purposes, and then cross back with your things. If a group of people is crossing, you need to move along the rope in a column or in pairs, one after another, at a side step. The strongest and most experienced member of the group should lead the column.

If the obstacle is a narrow river or stream, then it can be overcome by jumping over it, leaning on a strong pole. The backpack and other things must first be transferred to the opposite bank.

You should cross a frozen river after preliminary exploration of the strength of the ice using a pole. If a group of people is crossing, you need to have a 2-2.5 m long pole with you when crossing and keep a distance of at least 5 m from each other.

In the wild, a person may be faced with the need to wade across a river or stream. Let's consider the main points in solving this problem. What should you pay attention to? How to ensure safety?


Before starting to cross the river, you should inspect the approaches to it, reconnoiter the terrain of the crossing area, examine the water barrier in order to decide which way to wade or swim - and what available means to use, if necessary. Two good swimmers are exploring the river or looking for a ford. One of them crosses the river through the water, guarded by a rope, and explores the bottom with a stick.

It establishes the depth and nature of the bottom (hard, viscous, rocky), determines whether there are holes or obstacles (wire, snags, etc.). The second holds the end of the rope and provides assistance to the person moving. You can explore the crossing without insurance. The place of crossing the river, the ford and the exit on the opposite bank, if necessary, are indicated by clearly visible signs. It is best to cross where the river widens and forms branches and channels.

When looking for a ford across a river and determining the possibility of fording, use the following signs: the end of the road at one bank of the river and its continuation on the other indicate the beginning and end of the ford: small ripples on the surface of a slowly flowing river and stones protruding from the water are signs of a shallow place: on rapids In rivers, fording usually occurs at changes that indicate a transition from shallow to deep places; in places where there is a lot of sedge, reeds, mud, and bushes, there is always a marshy bottom that is not very suitable for wading. If there are no external signs of ford, it is recommended to look for it in areas with gentle slopes to the water.


The use of fords is the main method of crossing shallow rivers and streams. When wading, wear shoes on bare feet so as not to injure them on the fireplace and keep your socks or foot wraps dry. When wading, look forward, at the exit point, and not at the water, move slowly, feeling the river bottom with your feet. When wading secretly and silently, move slowly through the reeds and dense bushes, pushing the reeds and bushes apart with your hands; Do not take your feet out of the water, but move them in the water.

Crossing mountain rivers and streams

Cross mountain rivers and streams in the first half of the day or in the morning, since in the second half of the day they become fuller. When crossing a stream (if it is not possible to jump over it), cross over the stones protruding into the water, choosing the narrowest and most hidden places. Ford rivers with fast currents, diagonally along the current, in pairs or groups of 3-5 people, holding hands tightly. Cross turbulent rivers along a rope thrown across the river diagonally along the flow and secured on the other bank.

Movement in water

The method of movement depends on the task, the situation, the depth of the water line and the vegetation located in the water or near the water. Move at full height or crouching in small steps; When the water is chest-deep or higher, make swimming movements of the same or opposite names with your hands under water (with your left hand, then with your right hand). Sometimes you can move underwater using a tube made of plastic reeds or any metal.

Crossing by swimming without improvised means

Crossing the river by swimming in clothes without using improvised means is carried out in the complete absence of objects that could facilitate the crossing. Before crossing, take off your boots, untie the tape of your trousers, turn out your trouser pockets, and unbutton the buttons on the sleeves and collar. Place the boots in your belt and roll up the tops so that water does not penetrate into them. Tighten the duffel bag as tightly as possible by screwing on the neck. Put the weapon on your back. Swimming and crossing without auxiliary aids are performed in the style on the side without arm extension or breaststroke.

Crossing by swimming with available means

To cross the river by swimming with available means, you can use duffel and ordinary bags, a raincoat, shirts, etc., which are stuffed with hay, straw, brushwood, reeds, empty plastic bottles and other floating materials. Logs, boards, inner tubes, bundles of brushwood, straw and other available materials can also be successfully used for crossing.

To cross poor swimmers, you can use a rope thrown across the river and secured to stakes driven into the ground or to a tree. Poor swimmers can be transported using a rope pulled by one person or a group.

To transport heavy cargo, ammunition, and transport the wounded, homemade rafts are prepared from scrap materials or from raincoats tied with ropes. The most common shape of rafts is triangular, which requires less fastening. To achieve greater carrying capacity, logs or raincoat tents filled with hay, brushwood or other floating material are tied under the corners of the raft.

On the way, climbers often encounter mountain rivers that present serious obstacles. The banks of mountain rivers are steep, the bottom is rocky, with boulders moving under the water, the water is very cold with a flow speed of 5-8 m per 1 s. Characteristic of mountain rivers is a sharp daily fluctuation in the amount of water. Its highest level occurs in the afternoon, the lowest at night and early in the morning. In addition, the level and speed of the flow of a mountain river depend on the weather and time of year. In clear weather, when there is abundant melting of snow and ice, the floods are very intense; after a clear night, the water subsides in the morning. Rainfall and foehns (warm winds) can quickly increase the power of the flow. As it gets colder, the water level drops. With the onset of autumn and winter, the melting of glaciers and snow decreases, and the amount of water in rivers decreases. In winter, you can cross mountain rivers without much risk. During the summer months, crossings are difficult and dangerous.


In practice, three types of crossings are used: over water, fording and swimming using swimming devices. Depending on the depth, flow speed, width of the river and steepness of the banks, one or another type and method of crossing is chosen.

Crossing over water is the most reliable. This type of crossing includes crossing over stones located at a close distance from each other, with insurance from the shore or using a railing (Fig. 115, 116).

You can also cross the river on a log (Fig. 117). This method must be carried out using railings and lanyards, since the log can be narrow, wobbly and slippery.

Ford crossing. There are several ways to ford: alone, in a group with support and without support. The choice of crossing method depends on the same features of the mountain river. It is advisable to cross calm, not very deep rivers (up to the waist) one at a time with support on a pole (upstream of the river) (Fig. 118) or using a railing.

When crossing a railing attached to a rope, use a carabiner or a short loop coming from a safety belt. A grasping knot cannot be used. The person crossing must be below the railing downstream of the river (Fig. 119).

When preparing for a ford crossing, maximum precautions must be taken. At least two types of insurance should be used, and in particularly difficult situations an interception post should be organized, downstream, with reliable insurance for the interceptors.

Depending on the conditions - the width of the river, its depth and the strength of the flow, fording can be carried out by crossing, leaning on an ice ax, in twos, threes and fours (Fig. 120).

During a group crossing, those crossing with their hands firmly hold their comrade by the fabric of the windbreaker. The storm trousers at the bottom must be unbuttoned, otherwise the water, filling the trousers, will give the fallen person several times more weight, and therefore increase the load for the belayer. In all cases, you should cross in mountain shoes.

If the banks of a river are high and steep, or there is a canyon, the rope must be secured to hooks driven into the rocks or tied to a tree trunk to organize a suspended rope crossing. In this case, the main difficulty of the crossing is to deliver the first one to the opposite bank in order to organize insurance for the subsequent ones. This is usually done by the most experienced, physically prepared climber. To cross it, they make masonry of logs from stone to stone or throw stones. The person crossing for belay jumps from stone to stone or along the masonry to the other bank. If crossing the river is extremely difficult and dangerous, then 2-3 people lightly climb upstream in search of the best place to cross to the opposite bank, after which they descend along it to the level of the group, throw the rope to their comrades for a suspended crossing. It is not practical to do this for the whole group as it will take a lot of time.

To cross the group and cargo, a double rope is pulled along which the climber slides in a “gazebo” (suspended by a carbine to the rope). A rope is attached to the carabiner of the “arbor” and the person crossing is pulled (Fig. 121). Using a block instead of a carbine makes crossing easier (Fig. 122). The person crossing facilitates his movement by moving his hands along the rope. When the rope is in an inclined position, the slide goes down “self-propelled”, without external forces.

If the river is wide and deep, there is no rapid current or dangerous threshold obstacles, the crossing can be carried out on a raft on the water. For this purpose, inflatable or foam mattresses, tied brushwood or a raft made of poles and logs, etc. are used. During such a crossing, the speed of the water flow, the possibility of a berth, and the provision of insurance for the raft and people should be taken into account. Insurance can be arranged from one or both banks so that the raft does not go downstream. The raft can be moved like a ferry, pulling it from shore to shore. This method of crossing takes a lot of time, but it is reliable.


1. Before organizing a crossing, it is necessary to conduct a thorough reconnaissance of the banks, assess the situation taking into account the strength and speed of the flow, the depth and topography of the riverbed, the possibility of using supports, and take into account the availability of materials and equipment for the crossing.

2. Determine the method of crossing, taking into account the capabilities of the group.

3. Determine the place and time of the crossing.

4. Establish a place for observation and management of the crossing, from which the entire crossing can be viewed and from where instructions can be given.

5. Downstream, in the most convenient place, create an interception point, selecting two or three of the most experienced, physically prepared and determined athletes who can rush to intercept at any moment.

6. In a particularly difficult situation, use only double insurance.

7. The group leader should check the correct actions with the rope, harness and carabiners.

8. Before you start crossing, you should check the reliability of the attachment points, the condition of the ropes and carabiners.

9. Instruct the group on the sequence of actions and the accuracy of the techniques.

10. Let the most experienced climber go first to the crossing, who demonstrates the correct crossing techniques.

11. When wading, move obliquely upstream, with mandatory belay from two points (“mustache”), belayers must be located upstream and downstream of the river. If a climber falls into the water, the belayer upstream secures and releases the safety rope, and the belayer downstream pulls the person who has fallen into the water to the shore.

12. When crossing with support on a pole, the pole should be supported further upstream.

13. When crossing with an organization for belaying the railings, you should move along the side of the railing downstream.

14. When crossing, do not use loops with a catching knot.

15. Do not allow two or more climbers to cross at the same time.

16. For large distances between banks, use only double ropes for railings.

17. On a suspended crossing, slide along a rope on a carabiner or on a block, sitting in a “gazebo,” only with your feet first, so as not to hit your head on the opposite bank.

18. At the suspended crossing, backpacks, ice axes and other equipment are transported separately; climbers cross lightly.

19. Maintain discipline and order during the crossing. Each climber must stay in a safe place before being called to the crossing.

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy and satisfaction with the course of one’s life.

The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life.

If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future.

Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death.

A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure.

If you dream that a river overflows its banks and floods the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future.

A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also portends danger, illness or a lengthy trial.

It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started.

Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon have a road ahead. The longer the river, the longer your road will be.

If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail.

Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits.

If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then a happy occasion awaits you. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money.

Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles.

If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny.

If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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