Empress tarot meaning for feelings. The main meaning of the card. ✚ On relationships

Description of the Tarot card “EMPRESS”

The Empress is always depicted in a meadow, field, or open area. This emphasizes her unlimited power and ability to influence the world. The hostess tries to take care of the world, giving it her warmth and love. She embodies the principle of balance, expression and perception of love, which underlies all creation. The Empress is both protection and fertility. As a mother - she is the gate through which we come into this world, as a lawgiver - she ensures the ability of people to work together. In other words, the Mistress is the force that creates the atmosphere through which everyone can develop their own potential.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card “EMPRESS” in layouts

Direct card position

This card signifies vitality, fertility, growth and the birth of new things. If you get this card, rely on fate, take a calm pose and let events take their course - you have everything you need. The appearance of this Arcanum means that the matter is already approaching a denouement and soon you will find out what fate has led you to. It is possible that this card is a sign that some friendly woman is involved in the matter, who for one reason or another has taken you under her protection. In special cases, it symbolizes imminent marriage or conception.

Reversed card position

In the reversed position, the Mistress speaks of problems and lack of growth. Negative emotions harm everything; qualities such as greed, possessiveness, jealousy, and selfishness clearly interfere with life. The Empress also indicates doubts, indecision, and lack of strength to solve pressing problems. Sometimes it can talk about an offended woman who can bring chaos and problems into life. Also, the meaning of this card is material problems and discord in the family.

The meaning and interpretation of the “EMPRESS” card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

The Empress indicates a period of creative growth among artists, writers, and musicians. For engineers, technicians or designers, these are new, non-trivial ideas; for representatives of other professions - change, innovation, growth and revitalization of activity. The mistress here can also mean that changes have already occurred, and now we have to get used to them, relearn from the old to the new. This could be changes in working conditions, a new teacher, employee or boss, or a change in type or field of activity. In some cases, Arcanum indicates a new profession or position. All these changes, in the overwhelming majority of cases, are for the better.

Reversed card position

The Empress in a reversed position speaks of problems that arise from a lack of insight or foresight. Arrogance and arrogance will not bring anything good.

Meaning and interpretation of the “EMPRESS” card in health readings

Direct card position

In questions about health, the Hostess speaks of good health; in case of illness, she predicts recovery; in case of pregnancy, she predicts a good course without complications and a successful resolution.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Arcanum Empress reports that chronic diseases can remind of themselves. There is a possibility of infertility or problems in the intimate sphere.

The meaning and interpretation of the “EMPRESS” card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

Here the Mistress Tarot card symbolizes fertility and the likelihood of marriage. You have reached a stage of significant personal accomplishment, and your world and relationships with others are filled with joy and satisfaction. In the area of ​​personal relationships, the card also indicates changes and the emergence of something new, be it an addition to the family or any other changes in the relationship of partners. Either way, they spice up the routine and are inherently beneficial. In addition, the Empress can mean the onset of a new phase of maternal love, or the field in which your new relationship is ripening.

Reversed card position

In this situation, the Empress does not bode well. This could be a breakup, divorce, serious quarrel, discord. May indicate that there are no true feelings in the relationship. Sometimes it predicts a long period of loneliness, stagnation, depression.

The meaning and interpretation of the “EMPRESS” card in personality assessment layouts

Direct card position

Arkan is identified with a caring middle-aged woman, capable of helping anyone who turns to her. She strives for harmony, her love is all-encompassing. This is the Mother for all humanity, and her desire is to direct the strength and feelings of people to live in peace and harmony. Sometimes the Empress indicates the figure of a mother, daughter, lover or some other woman who has an important role in the life of the fortuneteller.

Reversed card position

The Mistress Tarot card in this position describes a powerful and jealous woman who strives to establish in the family an order of things and relationships that will suit her, first of all. If such a woman does not have a family, then she will begin to exert her pressure on others - be it friends or work colleagues. The danger is that through her actions she can bring chaos and destruction into the lives of those people who, in her opinion, are encroaching on her position.

Meaning and interpretation of the EMPRESS card as a card of the year

A very fruitful year awaits you, the next period will be marked by promising changes and amazing chances for growth. The card foretells a busy time, rich in satisfying events. This is a great time for new beginnings, the main goal of which is to give your abilities the opportunity to open up and manifest themselves. Be open to all new offers and impulses that can make your life richer and richer. What you have been working on or thinking about for a long time will finally be able to take concrete forms this year and be successfully completed.

Work and finances. In this area, the Empress card predicts a period of release of very powerful energies - your efforts will bring results, and your business will grow and prosper. In addition, change, innovation, growth and revitalization await you.

Personal relationships. And here the card foretells you changes and the birth of something new. In matters of the heart, everything will turn out great or will be great in the very near future - in this sense, the Empress promises rapid development, because she is the card of love, and she is in charge of long-term, serious relationships, and not short-term affairs or recklessness.

State of health. An increase in vitality and the opportunity to recharge with new energies await you. Ahead is a long life and excellent health.

Top card tip. Follow the path of improvement, become a comprehensively developed person and rejoice in the birth of everything new.

Meaning and interpretation of the “EMPRESS” card as a card of the day

Welcome the day: it promises to be very exciting. Perhaps nature will beckon you to nourish your soul and spirit. But even in ordinary life, a wind of new ideas and creative impulses awaits you. What you have been carrying within yourself, perhaps for a very long time, today will be able to find a way out, and what you have given up on will suddenly come to life and begin to develop rapidly. Whatever you undertake today, everything will be crowned with success, because you will be guided by the instinct of choosing the right direction.

Advice from the EMPRESS card in fortune telling

Rely on Fate, calm down and let events take their course. You already have everything you might need. You can influence the lives of other people, however, only if you manage to convince them that you are right. Fate will tell you how you can manage real circumstances if you are ready to listen to it and cooperate with others.

The third major lasso is “The Empress”, or as she is also called Heavenly Love or the Mistress. The card depicts a beautiful woman with a staff in her hand, with a crown of 12 stars on her head, in a light and airy dress. Forests and fields stretch around, and a river flows nearby with cold and clear water. Harmony and love, life and warmth reign everywhere.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    Love, harmony, strength, nature, life and prosperity. This is a wonderful card in the Tarot deck, which means the birth of a new life and beginning, strong and mutual love, development.

    The Empress represents love and prosperity on the card. If the card appears in the layout, this is a very good sign and omen. She speaks of a very busy time, in which there will be many favorable moments.

    The card also symbolizes new life, new light, beauty and goodness in all endeavors. It gives a good start in all areas, both in love and in work, and in personal life.
    The Empress is the great Feminine principle and eternal femininity. She exudes calm and complete harmony. She is the very beginning of Life and a harbinger of joyful events. Look, so much warmth and kindness emanates from her that with the naked eye you can see how she herself is all glowing.

    The Empress is also sometimes called the card of Understanding. What does it mean? The card indicates that level of a person when he must already understand and be aware of all his actions, he must also be aware of the results of these actions, their consequences. That is, the concepts of wisdom and stupidity are correlated here, because a person is already obliged to be aware of his desires, on which he builds his destiny.

    This lasso corresponds to the planet Venus, which means wisdom itself, love, strength, birth and harmony. The Empress in the image holds in her hand the Egyptian 'key of life' - which signifies dominion over the entire world. The empress herself signifies fertility and fertility. She commands the entire process of creation and life.

    Meaning of the card in the upright position

    This is a great card in a reading! It brings complete harmony, new growth and potential in any area: in work, in career, in family and in relationships. In addition, the card can indicate the future Birth of a child, or the Birth of a new life, a new stage of life. And also denote a happy marriage or marriage.

    The Mistress is a very lucky card. She speaks of fertility, success, prosperity, stability. In addition, it is a symbol of love, growth, favorable environment, care and motherhood.

    The Empress is the significator of a woman in any scenario - it could be a mother or a girl who has a strong influence on the situation and help. She is involved in this situation and has taken control of the issue. She creates and helps. Most often, this is a beloved woman who helps not only for personal reasons. In general, this is a very positive and favorable card for any scenario and question.

    On a physical (dense) level, the card means growth and development. The emotional level is about new creative abilities and development. At the mental level – new ideas, invention, originality. At the level of the spirit – self-knowledge, self-discovery to the fullest and in harmony.

    State of consciousness and lesson for self-development

    If we look at the personal situation, what will the Empress tell us here? This is a sign of a wonderful woman and girl who keeps within herself many pleasant moments and warm concerns. This is a loving mother, a caring wife, a wise assistant, a skilled housewife, in general, all the most positive traits are contained in her.

    The card denotes a creative and joyful phase in a person's life. This is a person with great potential and strength. This potential has already matured and is ready to go beyond the limits of internal harmony. A person is ready and can calmly realize himself to the fullest.

    This is the development of the wisdom of soul and body, human emotionality, sensuality, the ability to love and be loved. For women, in particular, this is the feminine instinct of care, warmth, comfort and harmony both in the family and in one’s soul.

    You are in a state of harmony and peace of mind. You grow and develop in all directions, and success accompanies you everywhere. A woman who has entered this phase of female self-development should be loved and cherished to the point of madness, because now she is discovering in herself all the qualities of a real and loving woman.

    If you are interested in the issue of health, then everything is fine here. Your body grows, colors and smells fragrant. The card clearly shows pregnancy. You are now charged with new energy, and your strength is in full swing.

    In its reversed meaning, we have less positive characteristics of the Empress card. In particular, this is an arrogant, narcissistic and cruel woman, incapable of deeply loving and showing her love.

    The woman here has a desire to rule and achieve her goals, regardless of the fact that someone may get hurt. Has strong selfishness. The card can also mean a despot in the family. If there is no one to take care of, all female positive qualities can turn into negative ones. She develops a fear of loneliness, loss, not wanting to be loved, self-doubt, loss of strength, doubt and hesitation.

    When fortune telling a situation, it means a person’s painful perception of any changes.

    In career, work and finances

    In a career scenario, the Empress foretells good career changes. Change of position, profit growth. If you are given a project, this means that you will be able to complete it not only at the proper level, but also with maximum benefit for yourself.

    The card tells you about the development of your talents, growth in the financial sector, self-development, new and pleasant innovations, changes in the workplace, in a positive direction for you. In addition, your work will be appreciated, and you will receive everything in full and even more. All your potential and investments will now pay off and bring you considerable profit. You begin to experience a strong creative surge.

    For a woman, the Empress card is a sign of a serious, enterprising woman who knows what she wants and how she will achieve it. In a scenario for a contract or business alliance, the card gives positive approval, but think about your relationship with your partner now.

    The card gives a favorable financial condition and its growth. Smart distribution of money and its successful increase. Growing prosperity, a cozy, well-equipped home.

    If the card is reversed, then it means a cunning person who is aimed at meanness in order to achieve his goal. I am ready to go to great lengths for my personal result, which will then negatively affect his financial side.

    The card means unfavorable circumstances in the future that will negatively affect your career, including a reduction in position or salary. Also, everything may depend on the personal incompetence or lack of professionalism of the questioner.

    In love and relationships

    The Empress is the most favorable lasso in matters of love. The answer here is yes, yes and yes again. The most beautiful relationship, full of harmony, tranquility, comfort and strong warmth. In some situations, the card foreshadows an imminent marriage.

    The card gives the most true love and harmony in relationships. If now everything is not so welcoming, then very soon you will find your true happiness and harmony. If you are asking about pregnancy, the answer is obvious, yes. If you are worried about fertility, there is also no need to worry, because everything is fine in this direction.

    If the alignment goes to a man, then this indicates the presence in his life of a very influential woman who contributes to the relationship. This could be his wife or his own mother. But it is possible that sometimes a man himself brings so much warmth, care and love into a relationship, and it is this card that truly characterizes him and shows his true character.

    In an inverted state, the lasso denotes a deterioration in the relationship between the couple. Sometimes this can happen due to financial difficulties, which leads to quarrels and breakdowns in communication. If you are looking at the future of a relationship, you need to look at which card fell next to the Empress in an inverted state, and base your interpretation on this.

    Characteristics of the lasso in the upright position

    1. A real loving woman.
    2. New life, new stage and blossoming.
    3. Pregnancy/Marriage.
    4. Abundance and fertility.
    5. New position, promotion, financial increase.
    6. A new stage in the couple’s relationship, a second wind and a new level.
    7. Creative inspiration.
    8. Harmony, new perspectives, prosperity and success in all areas of life.
    9. Feminine strength and harmony, female sexuality.
    10. Beauty and personal growth.
    11. Emotional and physical comfort.
    12. Motherhood, long life.
    13. Excess creative energy.
    14. Home harmony.

    Interpretation in an inverted position

    When inverted, the card indicates such characteristics of a person as: cunning, desire to rule (despot at home or at work), intriguer, careerist, stingy with feelings and emotions, even to the point of tyranny.

    In addition, the card can mean household chores, poor mutual understanding with the family, and financial difficulties. Sometimes it indicates a divorce or miscarriage.

    A person has very high self-esteem, he is ignorant, afraid of change, does not believe in what he is told or what he does. He experiences a loss of strength, including creative energy. Has strong doubts and hesitations on any issue. Unscrupulous in his goals and desires.

    The card can symbolize a crisis, loss of joy in life, various kinds of stagnation in business. Discord in all areas of life, when luck completely turns away from you.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. Fear of loneliness.
    2. Domestic despot.
    3. Greed, selfishness.
    4. Unproductive business and undertaking.
    5. Divorce, abortion.
    6. Depression, despair, suffering.
    7. Denial of everything.
    8. Sex without love.
    9. Seeking personal gain.
    10. Stagnation, financial collapse, demotion.
    11. Fading of feelings, lack of growth and development.
    12. Indecision, selfishness.

    Position in the layout in place

    In particular, the card indicates a new life and its favorable development, regardless of the location of its alignment.

    Professions and areas of activity

    Teachers. Hotel business. Talented people (artists, poets, musicians, dancers). Designer. Business Lady.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 3, then the Empress will be the Quintessence. TAROT advice is as follows: there is a “rich harvest” ahead, so follow the path of development, rejoicing at the emergence of everything new.

    The origin of the Tarot card deck is still not known for certain. Today we can only assume that the deck contains encrypted wisdom of ancient thinkers from the east. Traces of ancient Egyptian and ancient Indian symbolism can be traced in the Tarot.

    In the fifteenth century, a deck of cards became famous in Italy. This country is considered the birthplace of Tarot. Most historians who study the issue of the origin and meaning of Tarot cards are inclined to believe that the Italians received the deck incompletely; at that time there were no major arcana in it.

    In Italy, six centuries ago, a deck of Tarot cards first acquired the meaning and composition of cards that we know today.

    Description of the map

    The card shows a woman seated on a throne in a majestic pose. Most often, the throne is located in an open space, in the middle of a field, forest, or meadow. The card is also commonly called the Mistress, the Lady. Astrologers compare this chart with the planet Venus.

    This comparison is not accidental. The Empress personifies the feminine principle in all its manifestations. In readings, it often means a woman or girl who plays an important role in the life of the fortuneteller. A woman is always connected with love. She is either the one who loves or the beloved woman.

    This card is the patroness. Her appearance in the chart promises you the beginning of a new happy streak in life. It's time to start what you've been dreaming about for so long and couldn't decide. Under the patronage of the Empress, you will definitely succeed.

    The Empress patronizes the revival of the old and the emergence of a new. For example, for a young woman preparing to become a mother, the card promises an easy birth and a healthy baby. In layouts about family relationships and well-being, the Mistress card symbolizes abundance, comfort and happiness.

    The Empress card means success in all new endeavors and projects. It guarantees you peace of mind, stability, psychological comfort and tranquility.

    Meaning in a situation

    In any situation, the major lasso of the Empress almost always points to favorable outcome. If we are talking about a conflict or controversial situation, then a wise woman will act as a peacemaker who will end the unpleasant situation safely.

    The Empress may not always mean the appearance of a woman in real life; sometimes the card simply symbolizes a favorable outcome of a matter, telling you that from now on you can act in situations where the truth is on your side.

    The card symbolizes order, purity of thoughts and firmness of judgment. This card combines maternal severity and tenderness. In those situations where you act as a negative character, your luck may change, but if you are right, then feel free to insist on your own.

    The card favors the beginning of new tender feelings in young people, the creation of strong families, and the birth of a child.

    Meaning in relationships

    In the scenario, much depends on which major arcana the Empress is adjacent to. If there are no cards symbolizing negativity, then the Empress predicts happy marriage, replenishment of the family, a healthy atmosphere in the home, financial wealth and love.

    If a young unmarried man is guessing, then the Empress card predicts that he will soon meet a beautiful girl who will become his wife and faithful life partner.

    The card represents the girl during fortune telling only if she meets all the requirements of the Empress.

    This girl should be economical and purposeful, but her priority is always family, she dreams of great love and, having met one, will cherish it until the end of her days, and she regards motherhood as the highest happiness. The Empress card that appears in a reading can foreshadow a young girl's imminent marriage and motherhood.

    If the Empress card appears upside down, it warns the man that his woman wants to manipulate him too much.

    If the layout is made for a woman, then reversed Empress tells you about your selfishness and desire to control everything. This behavior can lead to discord in the relationship with the man you love.

    If the Empress falls together with the major lasso Devil, then for a woman this combination means a strong rival. For a man, a combination of these cards can mean a meeting with a strong woman who can subjugate his will to herself.

    In combination with such major arcana as the Moon or Tower, it may indicate that someone else is trying to penetrate your personal relationships. It is possible that we are talking about your mother or mother-in-law.

    The Empress card symbolizes not just love between a man and a woman, but love proven over the years, adversity and difficult situations. If the card appears in a reading for a young girl, then it promises her to meet just such a love.

    Scheduled for work

    If the card appears in a scenario where you choose a profession, then you should consider work related to creativity, journalism, pedagogy, and marketing. The Empress card promises a bright and easy stage in your working life. Be ready for new ideas, projects, innovations.

    This card signifies rapprochement and coordinated teamwork. Teamwork will bring you good results. It is possible that the card indicates the emergence of a new employee or companion on whom you can rely and trust.

    For representatives of creative professions, the Empress means the appearance of a muse, inspiration, increased imagination and energy. When dealing with a difficult situation at work, the card can predict changes for the better. For example, changing the manager, improving working conditions, increasing wages or receiving bonuses.

    Financial well-being and stability. But at the same time, the card warns you against excessive and thoughtless spending.

    When it comes to health

    The major lasso, the Empress, symbolizes good health and longevity. If fortune telling is performed on a person suffering from any disease, then in the near future he will experience improvement or complete healing. For people with chronic fatigue and workaholics, the card strongly advises long rest and relaxation.

    For the empress, psychological comfort and stability are no less important than other aspects of life. The card may appear as a warning for people addicted to bad habits. Your addiction may soon provoke serious illness.

    Upside down the card may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic disease. In some cases, it may indicate the presence of a tumor or cyst in the human body.

    Inverted position

    Any card from the Tarot deck in a reversed position means the complete opposite of itself in the correct position. If we know that the Empress always portends good luck, stability, prosperity and protects family values, then in an inverted state the card will say about family discord, mental discomfort, failures in personal life and the complete collapse of new ideas and projects.

    The Empress card in a reversed position can characterize you as a self-centered, domineering person. If the layout is about relationships, then the card warns that it is time to reconsider your behavior, otherwise you will face unpleasant consequences.

    In a reading for work or financial matters, the card in an inverted position reminds you that initiative can also be punished. Don't try to take everything into your own hands and control everything. You won't succeed, and yet you're missing out on something significant.

    The card may represent a woman with a bad character, prone to despotism, who occupies an important place in your life. In some layouts, the card can speak of loneliness and the need to take care.

    In combination with other major arcana

    In combination with other major arcana, the Empress card can mean the following:

    • With the major lasso, the High Priestess, a learning process awaits you or a situation from which you will take away invaluable life experience.
    • With the major lasso Chariot - someone from your environment will need your care and you will not be able to refuse.
    • With the major lasso Wheel of Fortune - significant changes will soon occur in your life.
    • With the major lasso Tower - strong emotional tension, nervous stress, loss of self-control, hysteria, emotional unrest.
    • With the major lasso, the Devil is dependence on a strong woman.
    • With the major lasso Moon - you have a strong enemy.
    • With the terrible lasso of the Sun, your new project will soon begin to bring amazing results. In the scenario, for a pregnant woman it means a quick birth and the birth of a healthy child.
    • With the senior arcana of Judgment, you are overwhelmed with creative enthusiasm, the energy accumulated inside is seething and requires release, it’s time for new creative achievements, new projects, a new novel and to start a new life.
    • With the major lasso Star - now you are lucky as never before. Don't miss your chance.

    The Empress Tarot card in the Egyptian version of the deck is known as “Isis” or “Ishtar”. From the perspective of astrology, the lasso corresponds to the planet Venus, which is located in the Zodiac sign Taurus - a symbol of fertility. And mythologically, the Empress is often equated with Demeter or Gaia (therefore, the map often contains images of flowers, fruits and ears of corn - symbols of the image of the Great Mother).

    – the answer is “yes”.

    A favorable card for building relationships, creativity, beauty, motherhood. It also speaks of stability and prosperity, foreshadows material well-being and even luxury.

    The Empress is a symbol of new life, a creative beginning, kindness in actions and desires, harmony in family life, abundance in everything.

    The appearance of this card may foretell the imminent birth of a child for you or a loved one, marriage, marriage. The Empress also indicates a person’s enormous creative potential, an abundance of inspiration and energy.

    ✚ "One card" layout

    General value

    Symbolizes energy, vitality. Depending on the fortuneteller, the card may indicate the emergence of something new or symbolize motherhood. The Empress also says that it is time to turn to creativity, creativity and abandon stereotypes.


    Talks about strong relationships and a strong family, or the possibility of creating a strong family in the future. The Empress tells the man that family happiness and mutual love await him. If the fortuneteller wants to find out how his beloved treats him, then the card speaks of the self-interest of the other half and the creation of an alliance only for the purpose of obtaining benefits. We are not talking about any feelings here.


    A favorable period for improving your health. It is useful to visit a sanatorium and other medical and preventive institutions. For women during the period of bearing a baby, the lasso portends a successful birth.


    The card indicates that it is time to be active in business. A good period for finding business partners and concluding deals. The time is also suitable for looking for a new job that will bring a good, stable income.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ For the future

    A positive card that opens access to pleasant experiences. If you want to know how the business you have planned will go, then the answer will clearly please you. The Empress card means that you will fully realize your capabilities and win in your desired business. It’s just important not to miss the opportunities presented. At the beginning of a new stage, karat portends positive emotions and only joy. Health will give you excellent well-being; you will have a huge amount of energy that can be directed in the right direction.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On relationships

    The one symbolized by the Empress card is very serious and constant in relationships. Perhaps this person even manages relationships or family, but this is not a tyrant, but a person who knows how to value family and home comfort.

    When fortune telling about relationships in general, the appearance of the Empress means that the relationship is built on mutual respect; most likely, we are talking about a family or the possibility of creating one in the near future. Such relationships are distinguished by the ability to appreciate calmness around a loved one and the desire to help and support.

    A full description of the map is available at

    ✚ For today

    A symbol of love that bears fruit (marriage); promises love confessions; (often) describes a married lady with authority. Regarding health: your general condition will improve, and childbirth will be easy. The card indicates space for business, successful business negotiations, a new job with a high salary, and the emergence of new knowledge. Recommends boldly taking a step towards something new, promises everything planned to come true. Characterizes a restless (sometimes superficial) person with an entrepreneurial streak, constantly looking for something new.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ For tomorrow

    The embodiment of vitality, inner growth. The Empress is always an increase in the existing, the development of events according to the best scenario.

    In layouts for tomorrow’s events, this card suggests that a long-cherished idea will find fruition, something that has already been started will sprout. This card in the layout advises you to start working, because everything that is done under its auspices is doomed to success. But the Empress is not a Jester with blind luck. She loves work and the investment of moral and material resources. In terms of love, the Empress is also supportive. If it appears in the reading, it speaks of the continuation of the relationship on a strong basis or of a possible pregnancy.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ What does he think about me

    Your relationship will be beautiful, bright and kind. It is in such relationships that you can feel harmony and true happiness, which is so scarce in the modern world. Your partner will make concessions and try to please you. Tactful relationships will lead to the creation of a strong family with children. A full cup and endless mutual understanding await you next to your partner. He will have a minor drawback - attachment to his mother, but this only characterizes him as a positive person.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On request

    Everyday life began to interfere with your plans and desires. Minor conflicts and quarrels are possible, and this can interfere with concentrating on the implementation of your plans. Most likely, these problems will drag on over your head, so you will have to push aside your desires. If you still prefer to turn a blind eye to problems, then in the future they may interfere with enjoying the successful implementation of your plans. Try not to accumulate problems and solve everything in a timely manner. But if your desire is related to creativity, then now is your chance to achieve everything that is possible.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On the situation

    The time is coming for rapid developments after a period of stagnation. High probability of developing new relationships. A white streak comes in life. Everything works out on its own. There may be some household chores, but things will be pleasant.

    You will have a comfortable pastime and excellent business prospects. Fate itself helps you! Just don't fall into the world of dreams. Take responsibility. Accept reality without fantasy.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ For the betrothed

    The card denotes deep trust between partners, burning feelings and passion that fills the relationship. They literally understand each other perfectly - a complete idyll! If you are confident in your partner, then you can hint or say directly about marriage. Most likely, he (or she) is also tormented by this question. By joint decision you will agree on this!

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    Golden-winged Angel, sent to rule the nations, to preserve prosperity and harmony.

    You maintain balance and harmony, so you will receive what brings joy and satisfaction.

    But if you feel that doubts are creeping in about how righteous your aspirations are, then calling the card is not the time for fears, the time is favorable, everything will work out.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On the King

    Your triumph has arrived. If you are preparing to become a mother, then this is the perfect time. Now you are a source of strength and inspiration for your man. It's up to you to build the relationship. Will they be partners or will you be the leader. Any decision will be made positively by the chosen one. If the question was about a relationship just beginning, then creativity and vitality will make you bright and unforgettable.

    A full description of the map is available at

    Main meaning of the card

    Straight position

    The Empress Arcanum indicates the emergence, birth of something new - an idea, a feeling, or whatever. It means inevitable growth, development of a situation, a person, a relationship. When divining on a woman, it symbolizes her maternal feelings and moods - caring, attentiveness, and in a certain context - pregnancy.

    If the Empress falls on a person in the scenario, then this indicates his great creative and constructive potential, that he is able to generate interesting and fruitful ideas again and again. When divining a situation, the Empress indicates that in this situation there is hidden the possibility of significant development and successful results, moreover, of a completely material nature (especially with the Magician).

    In general, the card can be interpreted as a deep understanding of the inevitability of life cycles - birth, inevitably tending to dying, and then again - to a new birth.

    Pay attention to the combinations of the Empress with some Arcana. With Strength it means an increase in energy potential, with the Wheel of Fortune - the cyclical nature of life events, with Judgment - a period of inspiration and creative upsurge.

    Inverted position

    The inverted Empress can mean small, everyday, not particularly pleasant chores, family discord, and financial difficulties. In addition, this Arcana in an inverted position may indicate infertility or a difficult pregnancy with the danger of termination (for example, with the Three of Cups). And such an Empress can also be interpreted as insecurity in the face of brute force or circumstances.

    Love and relationships

    Straight position

    If the layout considers the feelings of one person for another, then the Empress in the upright position is interpreted as deep trust in the partner, sensuality and sexual attraction.

    When fortune telling for the future, this Arcanum symbolizes the revival of existing or renewal of old relationships, and also, perhaps, an addition to the family. In the situation, the presence of the Empress speaks of positive changes, the transition of relations to a new qualitative stage.

    In combination with the Two of Cups, the Empress means meeting the person of your dreams, with the Six of Cups - awareness of your happiness, with the Ten of Cups - the desire to pamper your loved one and take care of him.

    Inverted position

    The inverted position of the Empress means problems of partners in the intimate sphere, a decrease in earnings and a deterioration in relations between spouses on this basis.

    When fortune telling about the situation and the future, depending on the cards nearby, the Empress inverted can mean divorce (Empress + Tower), a decision about abortion (Empress + Queen of Swords), lack of mutual understanding with a loved one (Empress + Hanged Man), retribution for old sins (Empress + Five of Cups), etc.


    Straight position

    When fortune telling about professional activities, the Empress foretells creative work or a promising position. For someone who is entrusted with the implementation of a very responsible project, this card serves as a sign of very conscientious and fruitful implementation of the tasks at hand. The Empress may indicate the possibility of free development of her talents, a salary increase, pleasant innovations and changes in the workplace that are related to the material sphere (for example, this could be a renovation in a personal account, a change in the work schedule to a more convenient and comfortable one, etc.). d.)

    In combination with the Ace of Wands, the Empress indicates the rapid development of a project (business, undertaking), with the Three of Wands - for the help of influential people, with the Ace of Coins - for the implementation of promising projects and receiving super-benefits from them.

    Inverted position

    In this position, the Empress may mean undesirable circumstances that can negatively affect the performance of one’s official duties, or insufficient professionalism and personal incompetence. In a future scenario, the inverted Empress will be interpreted as a deterioration in working conditions or a demotion. If you are guessing about the situation, then such a card may indicate a painful perception of change or an acute reluctance to change.

    With the Three of Swords, the Empress inverted speaks of significant miscalculations and the danger of being fired (and not at all of one’s own free will), with the Four of Swords - of forced stagnation in business.

    Try to perceive everything that happens in your life positively. Don't let the routine of everyday life overwhelm you. Take advantage of every opportunity to change your surroundings and experience fresh impressions. They will give you valuable experience, make you look at the usual course of things in a new way, and experience an undying interest in life.

    And remember: family is the main value in your life.