Dragon Age: Inquisition - crafting armor and weapons. Orzammar. Side quests Quest dead castle

In this article, I would like to note the very existence and location of unique armor sets in the game.


Ancient elven armor (+5 defense per set)

Armor in ruins in the Bressilian Forest. The armor itself is in the sarcophagus.

Helmet in the Eastern Bressilian Forest. In order to get it, you need to exchange it with the hermit. If you kill the hermit before this, you can forget about the helmet.

Gloves in the destroyed temple, following the quest with the urn.

Boots boots can be found in Lotheringa, but due to a bug, unfortunately, they may not exist.

Juggernaut Set (+3 Strength and Constitution per set)

The entire set is located in the Bressilian forest gloves, helmet and boots in the graves (when the grave is activated, undead crawl out of it). The armor is in ruins behind a closed door, which is opened through a ritual.





Diligence Set (+5 willpower per set)

Armor in the temple of Andraste, according to the quest with the urn. Found on the corpse of the knight in the right passage.

Gloves in Orzammar, in the Guardians' library, in a closed chest.

Boots bought in Redcliffe from a blacksmith after saving his daughter.

Legion of the Dead Set (+3 damage and constitution per set)

In dead ditches on deep paths. The helmet is on the pedestal, in the same place as the key. The remaining parts lie in sarcophagi throughout the location.





Effort Set (-10% fatigue per set)

Armor according to the quest in the Deep Paths, it is removed from the Uterus.

Helmet in order to find this helmet, you need to go to Teig Educan with the dog. After talking to her and sending her on a quest, she will bring back the “winged helmet of the crusader.”

Gloves quest of free prospectors. Having collected all the stones, the location of their treasure will be marked on the map - in that chest there will be gloves.

Boots can be purchased in Dusty Town.

High Dragon Sets

After killing the High Dragon and receiving scales from its carcass, you can choose from Wade to make one of three types of kits:

Medium (-25% fatigue, +5 defense per set)




Heavy (-20% fatigue, +5 defense per set)




Massive (-15% fatigue, +5 defense per set)




In addition, there is also a two-piece set that does not provide any bonus when worn at the same time. This:

Knight Commander Helmet it can be found in three copies: during the quest “Evil” in the Denerim Elvenage (in the last room of the shelter); in the Vault on the second floor of Redcliffe Castle; can be purchased from Cesar after completing all the Ravens' missions.

Knight Commander Armor can be bought from the marauder in front of Orzammar.

Incomplete armor


Templar Armor drops from the enchanted templar in the Tower of the Circle of Mages.

Shadow of the Empire from a merchant in the Common Halls of Orzammar.

Armor of Divine Will can be purchased from Ruka in the Ortan taiga.

Villain's Attire in Wade's store (Denerim).

Avon the Great's Chainmail same with Wade.

Hasind Robe given for the quest “Hasinda Way Sign”. It could also be in the Dalish store.

Witch's Robe can be purchased from Curiosities of Thedas (Denerim).

Robe of the First Sorcerer After completing the quests, Ravens can be purchased from Cesar.

Lord Master's Robe Drops from the leader of the slave traders in Denerim Elvenage.

Mantle of Possession on Morrigan's quest.

Reaper Clothes in Curiosities of Thedas.


Templar Helmet drops from the enchanted templar in the Tower of the Circle of Mages.

Thick Qunari Helmet Dropped by a bandit leader in Lothering.

Red's Helmet given for saving Redcliffe from the undead, if no one from the militia died.

Farsightedness Dropped by a High Dragon.

Very tight helmet Sold by Varathorn.

Helmet for two-wire drops from Jarvia. Also found in Jammer's stash.

Damage Dropped by a Garlock General during the Siege of Denerim.

Flagbearer's Helm chest in Fort Drakkon on the first floor during the siege of Denerim.

Kamenaya's visor Sold by Gorim in Denerim.

Free Scout Helm dropped from Taoran in the final quest of the Blackstone Volunteers.

Griffin Helmet Gray Warden vault in Denerim.

Freedom Fighter Hood corpse on the 4th floor of the Circle of Mages Tower.

Hood with cameo drops during the quest “Five Pages Four Magicians.”

Sorcerer's Hood in a chest on the lower level of the ruins (Bressilian Forest).

Naga Beater Bemor stands in the Commons near the entrance to the Diamond District. He will complain that all his nagas have fled throughout the city, and now he will have to close the case. Offer him your help, and he will tell you that even one naga will be enough for him to improve matters.

As soon as you agree to capture him, nagas will appear in different nooks and crannies around the city. Catch one and take it to Bemor. He will pay you 12 silvers and the task will be completed. However, you can catch and bring him the rest of the nagas to get the same 12 silver, only he pays not per piece, but immediately per batch, so it’s more profitable to take them one by one, rather than in bulk.

Animals can be found in the following places:

  • At the checkpoint to the Deep Roads;
  • Near the Figora store;
  • On the bridge before the entrance to the Orzammar Trials;
  • In the alley behind the Janara store;
  • Near Brother Berkel.

After you take five of them to Bemor, he will say that you have caught all the nagas in Thedas and you can’t get anything else from him.

Note 1: a bug may occur when Bemor says that there are still uncaught nagas.
Note 2: If you give Leliana a tame naga in the Commons, you can catch it and hand it over to Bemor.

Mother's Hope

In the Community Halls near Janara's workshop you will find the gnome Filda, praying to her ancestors to help her find her son Ruk, who was lost on the Deep Paths. Offer her your help.

You can find Ruka in the Ortan taiga. He will start running away from you, follow him to his camp, where he lives, feeding on the flesh of the creatures of darkness. You can kill Rook, or you can convince or intimidate him so that you can talk and trade with him (he has several good things for sale, as well as a couple of gifts for party members). If you decide to spare him, he will tell you why he fled to the Deep Roads and ask you not to tell his mother about his fate.

If you agree to lie to Filda about being dead, Wynn will approve.

If Zevran is in the group, then after finishing the conversation with Rook, he will offer to kill him and you will have to do it. If you still want to avoid this, end the conversation through the trade window.

If Stan is in the party, he will not allow Filda to lie about the fate of her son and will tell her the truth.


As a reward for completing the task, you can receive experience, money or the Shield of the Hand (small shield, steel, defense: 1.50, protection from projectiles: 2.25, +10% to spirit resistance, +4 to attack).

If Rook is still alive and you lied to Filda about his death, you will receive experience and a shield. If you killed him but lied about it, you will only gain experience.

If you killed him and tell her the truth, she will curse you and, again, you will only gain experience. If you decide not to look for him and tell Filda that you looked but didn't find anything, she will give you money.

If you kill Rook, there is an opportunity to receive experience, gold and a shield as a reward. To do this, select the "I doubt you want to hear this" option and then lie to her about how he died heroically a long time ago.

Note: If you talked to Rook before you received the quest, you can still complete it if you return to Orzammar, talk to Filda, and then talk to Rook again. However, this must be done before entering the Anvil of the Void location - after the coronation, Field will disappear.

Unprecedented scientist

If you agree to talk to the mages, Wynn and Leliana will approve.

If you tell Janar about his daughter's request before she joins the Circle, he will ask you to talk her out of it. Alternatively, return and convince her to stay in Orzammar.

If you decide to convey her request to the magicians, then first you need to complete the story quest “Broken Circle”. Whether they will agree to accept Dagna to study in the Circle depends on whose side you took: the magicians or the templars. Knight-Captain Gregor will be against her studying in the Circle, and First Sorcerer Irving, on the contrary, will say that it will be an interesting experience.

Return to Dagna and tell her about the Circle's decision. If you say that they don’t want to accept her or that the Circle has been destroyed, she will go there herself, without permission. If you tell her that she is expected at the Circle, she will thank you and reward you with a large potion of lyrium or a dweomer rune.

Note: if Dagna goes to the Circle, Janar will be very unhappy with this and will stop trading with you. If you don’t want to lose your merchant, don’t talk to him about your daughter.

Outlandish means

In the southwest room of the royal palace, the herbalist Vidron is trying to cure his patient Lady Broadens, who was poisoned by an exotic poison. To help him, you need to bring an antidote made from rare and expensive ingredients:

  • Elven root – 4;
  • Stone of life – 2;
  • Concentrating reagent – ​​2;
  • Flask - 1.

To prepare an antidote, a character or party member must have the maximum level of herbalism skill. Create a potion and give it to the patient. You will receive experience as a reward.

Lost records

The gnome Orta is looking for some records of House Ortan to prove that she comes from this house. Teig Ortan was lost during the last Blight, and there are virtually no records of him left. However, Orta's mother's family believed that they were descended from the youngest daughter of the house, Kelana Ortan, who was studying in Orzammar at the time the thaig was lost.

You can receive the task either personally from Orta, who you will find in the halls of the Guardians, or by taking papers from a chest in the Ortan thaiga, not far from the place where you meet Ruk. Return these papers to Orta so that she can show them to the Council with a demand that her family be restored to title and inheritance.

To complete the task, talk to her again in the Council chambers. You can ask for more money to get 5 gold, you can ask her to vote for one of the candidates, or you can ask for nothing in return after gaining experience.

In any case, if you leave Orzammar and then return there again, Orta will give you 10 gold.

This walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins does not contain information about backstories, since there are a lot of them, but they are not very difficult, and therefore you can easily complete them without our help. Our article begins after the protagonist and Duncan arrive in Ostagar.


You arrive in Ostagar with Duncan and greet the king. After which Duncan leaves you so that you can get used to the camp, we receive an updated codex and the quest “Initiation into the Gray Wardens”. So, at the other end of the bridge you can find out something from the first soldier you come across. Go west and talk to the hound. The fact is that the dog needs to be cured, for which it is necessary to bring a flower that grows in the Wild Lands. This is the quest “Mabari Wolfhound”.

The dog is your first ally. I recommend talking to your dog from time to time. Ask him if he sees anything interesting in the area and he will not return with empty pockets. Sometimes you come across very interesting specimens. In battle, he will be useful only at the beginning; over time, replace him with more promising squad members.

Now it's time to meet Alistair.

Oh, Alistair. One of the youngest Gray Wardens. A former templar, with all that it entails... The guy is not as simple as he might seem at first glance. It's especially interesting to watch their confrontation with Morrigan. In battle he behaves with dignity. He is good with a sword and uses a shield.

Then go south and talk to Duncan. We are entrusted with 2 tasks: collect 3 vials with the blood of the creatures of darkness and find a cache with important ancient treaties. On top of that, two new squad members join us - Davet and Jori. Well, let's go to the Korcari Wilds.

Wildlands of Korcari

For starters, a pack of wolves. And here are the creatures of darkness - these are Garlocks, and on the hill there are Genlocks (archers), so rationally regroup the squad. After the murders, do not forget to search their corpses (let me remind you that to complete the task you need vials with their blood). Let's go south, don't forget to pick a wildflower along the way (the same one that is needed to treat the dog, if you took on such a quest). We continue moving and move north, to the ruins of the tower. Approaching the hiding place, we have a conversation with Morrigan and her... sorry... mother. Upon completion of the task, we return to the camp, talk with Duncan and participate in the initiation ritual into the Gray Guardians. Don't forget about the dog (take the flower, come back after some time). Then go to the general meeting.

Ishala Tower

A well-thought-out strategy for the upcoming battle is the key to victory. At the meeting, King Kaylan will ask you and Alistair to light a signal fire and thus let them know that the horde of darkspawn has moved into battle. After this, Tairn Loghain's squad will attack the horde from the flank. We head to the eastern part of Ostagar, towards the Tower of Ishal. We watch a video about the beginning of the battle. We continue our way to the tower, but on the way we are informed that the creatures of darkness have already made their way into the tower and killed all our people there. We go inside the tower and clear floor by floor. And at the very top, between the signal fire and us, there is an Ogre, with whom we will have to fight.

After the battle we light a signal fire. We watch a video in which both the king and Duncan die heroically, and Tair Loghain betrays the order and orders his squad to retreat. And then we got into trouble...

We woke up in Morrigan's hut. As it turned out, Flemeth, Morrigan's mother, saved us. Next, a nice conversation and off we go. Morrigan is coming with us, but Alistair, as a former templar, doesn’t like it.

Morrigan. “Forest witch? Lies and deception. Are you not used to thinking with your mind?” Morrigan doesn't talk much about herself. She does not deny that she is a witch from the Wild Lands, but all other facts of her biography are shrouded in secrecy.


After watching the video with Tair Loghain, we meet that same dog (who was treated under Ostagar) and a small detachment of creatures of darkness. On the way to the city, on the bridge we will meet local “tax collectors”, robbers who, as you understand, fleece the already unfortunate refugees like crazy. Morrigan offers to teach them a lesson. But if you are lazy, you can pay them 10 silver coins. Personally, I dealt with them, and at the same time I learned that a reward had been announced for our heads. Next to the robbers lies the corpse of a templar, something that is useful to one of the inhabitants of Lothering.

Life in Lothering follows the rules of those in power. The city is overcrowded with refugees, but some are trying to make money from it. I'm talking about the scene of a dispute between a priestess and a merchant who had raised the price of his goods.

Near the entrance to the church, you can disrupt a notice with the task “Robbers are everywhere.” Purpose of the task: destroy 3 gangs of robbers that live in the northern outskirts of Lothering. Once completed, go to Preacher Devons for your reward. Afterwards, 2 more tasks will appear on the notice board, they are very simple: “When the bears attack” and “The Last Gift”. Head into the church and talk to Sir Donall. From the conversation it will become clear that Earl Eamon, for whose help Alistair so hopes, is mortally ill and the Redcliffe knights are looking for the Urn of the Sacred Ashes of Andraste. Also give him the medallion and the note that you picked up from the soldier's corpse (well, remember, at the entrance to Lothering).

We go to the local pub. One of Loghain’s henchmen, Dain, is waiting for us there and be prepared for a small conflict. Leliana will join us. Attention! If you kill Dain, you will forever lose the opportunity to take Leliana into your squad.

Leliana - a novice of the church, capable of knocking the spirit out of trained mercenaries, is worthy of attention in itself, and if she also claims that the Creator himself sent her to battle the creatures of darkness, this is... to put it mildly, unusual.

Hey, there's some guy in a cage!

This guy's name is Stan, and the church put him in a cage for... a crime. We receive the quest “Prisoner of the Qunari”. How to do it? It is necessary to talk with the Reverend Mother (negotiations with Leliana will be more successful). You will find the Reverend Mother in the church, in the room on the right. But I didn’t worry too much and, in Leliana’s shoes, I stupidly picked the lock of the cage.

Stan. A courageous giant caged - undoubtedly, the people of Lothering had not seen anything more terrible until the Blight struck them.

This ends our stay in Lothering, and the passage of Dragon Age: Origins is just beginning. At the exit from the city we help the dwarven traders from the occupation of the garlocks. From now on, they will always be near your camp, so they will provide you with the necessary equipment and the application of runes. Where to go next? Earl Eamon won't help us, so going to Redcliffe is pointless for now. All that remains is to enlist the support of gnomes, elves and magicians.

City of Dwarves

At the pass in the Frosty Mountains, a gang of thugs led by a magician is already waiting for us. Upon entering Orzammar, we see a scene where Thur Loghain's envoy Imrek tries to enter the city of the dwarves, but the entrance to the kingdom is closed to everyone. But the agreements of the Gray Guardians turned out to be a more compelling reason and they still let us in.

Political affairs

The dwarves are ready to answer the call of the Gray Guardians without any problems and recognize the power of the treaty, but bad luck, there is complete confusion with power in the dwarf kingdom.

If you are in need of funds, you can take on several side quests in the Common Halls of Orzammar. For example, Filda will ask you to find her son in the Deep Roads. Brother Berkel asks you to help him open a church in Orzammar. And Dagna wants to learn magic. Why does a goat need an accordion and a gnome need magic? Well, okay, let's talk to the First Mage when we are in the Circle Tower. Well, you can take a couple of tasks from the guardians in the Diamond Hall.

We go to the Council Chamber. All the venerable minds of Orzammar are deciding much more important issues for the dwarves, one of which is who will take a place on the throne. The throne cannot be shared by two contenders: Belen and Harrowmont. Your task is to support one of the contenders, so that the newly elected king orders the army to be released to battle the Pestilence. I supported the latter, since Harrowmont seemed more noble to me. True, Harrowmont’s first task is more difficult; it is necessary to win the trials, and at the same time find out the reason for Bayzil and Gviddon’s refusal to represent Harrowmont.

Tests of Valor

We go to the location behind the Community Halls. You can order duels from the test gunsmith. For each victory you will receive a little money, and if you complete all the fights, you will receive a blood ring as a reward (blood mage requirement).

It is not easy to persuade Bayzil and Gviddon to participate in the tests. I never managed to do this. Whatever it is, let's go sign up to participate in the tests. And here we are in the arena. Our first opponent is Severin. Easily! Our next opponent... um... opponents are twins from the warrior caste Lucian and Miaja. It's like two Severins, don't worry too much! The next enemy is more serious - this is the Silent Sister Hanashan. Next is a pairs test, you can take someone from the squad. I took Alistair. Be careful, our enemies Wojek and Velance are well protected by armor. And the last test... Piotin will come out to fight. God, that was a mess! The enemy is incredibly strong and tenacious. This is a very difficult battle, I ran from corner to corner, drank everything I had for courage, and still won, even if not the first time. After the battle, we receive congratulations and go to Dulin at the tavern “At the Taverns”.

Halfway to the throne!

We helped Harrowmont by participating in the trials. However, this is not enough. The next thing to do is deal with the local villain Jarvia. We're heading to Dusty Town. We are not welcomed with open arms in Dusty Town. Well, okay, after what I went through fighting Piotin, all these thugs are flowers. You can talk to Rogek. What I mean is that you can make some money by smuggling lyrium, but you need to deposit 50 gold coins. I just killed Rogek and extracted 20 gold, that was enough for me. After talking with Nadezhda, we learn that members of the Jarvia Charter carry special keys with them, in the form of a knuckle. Next, talk about this with Alimar in his shop, and then go to the abandoned shack at the end of the city. Take the key from the dead thugs. Then open the “suspicious” door and you are there. Hmm... the Charter hideout resembles a labyrinth and there is a lot of swag here. Along the way you can open the cages with prisoners. And here she is, Jarvia! Oh, the fight with Jarvia and her minions will not be easy, but she is susceptible to magic, go for it! That's all, we search the locations and corpses. And the key that we found from Jarvia leads us to a secret exit through Janara's shop.


Lord Harrowmont asks us to go to the Deep Roads in search of a certain Perfect Branca. The word of the Perfect Ones at the Council is worth its weight in gold! We go to the Deep Paths, and on the way we talk with Ogren.

Oghren. “I can’t say I’d be a good match for a dance at a coronation ball, but in the Deep Roads, I’m exactly what you need.” Oghren of House Kondrad was a promising member of the warrior caste. His house did not occupy a particularly high position, but many of its members, including Ogren himself, won outstanding victories in the Trials and thereby increased their position. Ogren loves to drink well, so give him appropriate gifts.

To begin with, I went to the teig of the Educan house to hunt a little for the creatures of darkness. Having wandered through the labyrinths, I did not find anything interesting except bags with remains. Next I went to Caridina Crossroads. So, you can go different ways, there is a passage on the left and on the right. You will go into the passage on the left, you will come across Screamers, in the passage on the right - a detachment of Genlocks is waiting for you. At the end of the path, another portion of the enemies, but with a tame bronto. And here he is, Taig Ortan. We go along the corridor and turn into the passage on the right, along the way we knead spiders and genlocks. We meet the gnome - Ruka, the same one whom Filda asked to find. And here are our new enemies - forgotten spirits, and with them a stone golem. In the same place there is a chest containing notes from Ortan (for the quest “Lost Notes”). Next, another squad of enemies and two golems await us (each “controls” the bridge). We go straight into the passage, we have to fight with the queen of spiders, who constantly summons her own kind, and when she is in immediate danger, she leaves. After clearing the location, we read Branka's diary. Now it becomes clear that Branka went to the Dead Ditch. So what are we waiting for?

Dead Moats

To begin with, we will be shown a video with a dragon and an impressive number of creatures of darkness. Next we help Cardol and his legionnaires. A squad of archers and an Ogre were waiting for us on the other side of the bridge. We move to the left, deal with a bunch of garlocks and brontos, open the door and there are enemies again. In the large hall on the left, a horde of enemies awaits you, led by Genlock, the owner of the anvil. In the opposite direction, cross the bridge and into exactly the same hall, but with skeleton eaters. Next is a meeting with Hespite. “Branka betrayed us... she did... she turned into...” In the room with the relics of the legion of the dead, we take the key from the altar and open the door (in the center, in front of the broken bridge). Be ready. I have never seen a more terrible creature. It is this creature that turns gnomes into genlocks. The uterus is relatively harmless due to its immobility. First, let's cut off its tentacles. That's better. Oh-hey, the tentacles of the industry are back, and even genlocks with screamers have appeared. But I know you can handle it. Next is another scripted response from Hespite.

Anvil of the Void

We are given the right to change squad members. Oghren cannot be removed. I took Morrigan and Leliana with me. And here is Branka. We're locked! Congratulations! Branka is so obsessed with this anvil that she asks us to go through numerous corridors and find this very place with the anvil. One good turn deserves another. We follow the marker for a long time and stubbornly, clearing the area of ​​the creatures of darkness along the way. In a room with 4 golems, you need to kill... that's right, the golems (they will be revived one at a time). We go further, we pass into the corridor, where the golems will attack in pairs. We reach a place with a Spirit Apparatus (this is a mechanism in the form of four stone heads that summons spirits). We kill the spirits and activate the highlighted anvil. And so on until ready. It's simple! We go into the passage on the left, watch the cutscene. Now you have to choose who to help: Branca or Caridin. The motivation here is this: Branka wants to use the power of the anvil (an army of golems would be useful to us in the war against the Blight), and Caridin is tormented by remorse, because he created such a dangerous tool. Any of them can forge a crown, since they are both Perfect. I helped Branca and was of the opinion that in war all means are good. In any case, you will have to fight a crowd of golems and one of the leaders. After a difficult battle we speak with Branka. That's it, we have the crown. And, by the way, here you can make a list of gnomes who turned into golems (take them to the guardians). If you did the same as me, then do not forget to steal the armor from the dead Karidin. And then the coronation of the chosen king and... that's it... it's time for us to move on.

Elf Forest

Upon entering the elven lands, we are met by a Dalish patrol. What, and how?.. Afterwards they still lead us to the main thing. After a conversation with Elder Zatrian, it becomes clear that most of the elves have fallen from the curse of the Mad Fang and are about to turn into werewolves. And as you already understand, they are clearly not able to fight the Pestilence. To lift the curse and speed their recovery, it is necessary to kill the source of this infection.

In the Dalish camp you can take side quests, fortunately they are not that difficult and there are not many of them. Elora, the chief herdsman, sits near the galla (such a horned animal) and will ask you to examine the animal (we use the survival skill). The young hunter Kammen just can’t arrange his personal life (persuade his chosen one, Geina, to give up the test and accept an even if not yet experienced hunter). Atras wants to find out what happened to his wife Daniela. And the local artisan Varathorn will make you a breastplate if you get some ironbark.

Ents, elves... Gandalf?

We are heading to the Brecilian Forest. It seems to me that there are a lot of wolves here (both ordinary and werewolves). Going deeper into the forest, we will meet the Runner. The conversation with him was not that long, and soon after the fight he ran away. We continue to explore the forest. Near the fallen tree (where you can get iron bark for the craftsman), I met a new enemy - Sylvan (analogous to the Ents from The Lord of the Rings), but don’t worry too much, any piece of wood burns well. In the south side of western Brecilian, talk to the Great Oak, from which someone has brazenly stolen its beauty... sorry, an acorn.

Next I went to the eastern part of the forest. Here I met a hermit who stole an acorn from an oak tree. He has a counter-proposal, namely killing the oak tree. But no, I promised to help the oak, so I exchanged the acorn from the hermit for some book from the inventory, and returned the loss to the oak. And the oak tree, as a sign of gratitude, gave us a staff that will help us overcome the magical barrier and move on. In the fork to the left of the entrance to East Brecilian you will find the werewolf Daniela (Atras's wife, if you took such a quest in the camp). She will give you a message for your husband and a scarf. Daniela cannot be saved in any case. Even if you refuse to kill her, she will take the “bestial” and attack you. Also, if you go north, you can take on the quest “The Magician’s Treasure”. The goal of the task is to find 3 tombstones, kill the carrion and collect a set of Juggernaut armor (a very useful thing, I put it on Alistair, and he is an enviable knight).

Lair of the Beast

After passing the magical barrier, we meet the Runner again, and then we go to the ruins. In the ruins we go straight, and at the end of the corridor we turn left. We kill the dragon and enter the passage to the lower level. In the first zone you will meet the ghost of a boy and there you can also find a description of a certain ritual. In the second zone there is a place for the ritual. Here's what you need to do: fill the jug with water -> move away from the source -> look at the altar -> put the jug there -> pray -> examine the jug -> take a sip of water -> take the jug -> go to the source -> pour water into it. After which the door will open, and after dealing with the dead, you can pick up the juggernaut armor. In the next zone you can study the specialization of a battle mage; to do this, place a gem on the altar (lying on the floor). The fourth zone is simply littered with traps. Watch where you're going! Leliana was with me, and she turned them off. Then a few more skirmishes with enemies and that’s it, we’re there.

Is the mistress of the forest White Fang?

And here is our third meeting with the Runner, but this time he was more inclined to negotiate. After talking with the Mistress of the Forest, it will become clear that Zatrian himself is to blame for the curse, and it was he who gave birth to White Fang. Let's ask him, he will be very close. We take him to the Mistress of the Forest and have a nice conversation. However, a nice conversation did not work out; Zatrian, because of his hatred, flatly refused to lift the curse. We had to use force... The battle will not be easy, but we are not used to it. The first thing Zatrian did was paralyze the werewolves and summon the allied sylvans. But we won and Zatrian, at the cost of his life, dispelled the curse. All the werewolves took on their true human form, and the wounded in the camp began to recover. We speak with the new Dalish elder. The job is done, the elves will come to battle the Pestilence.

Along the way, Tairn Loghain's assassins, led by Zevran, were already waiting for us. However, he was never able to defeat us, and he had no choice but to join us. Zevran was the Raven with whom Loghain entered into a contract to kill the surviving Gray Wardens. However, after an unsuccessful attempt, he found himself in the hands of his would-be victims.

Circle Tower

We go to the pier of Lake Calenhad. In the Circle Tower we speak with Gregor. As it turns out, the Circle Tower is simply teeming with possessed people and demons of all stripes. You see, the smartest magicians wanted freedom, and they decided to resort to blood magic, and the most gifted ones, like Uldred, decided to release the inhabitants of the Shadow. Who got the fate to correct the situation? Guess! But first, buy everything you need from the quartermaster, because once we get inside, there will be no turning back until the very end. Please note that completing Dragon Age: Origins in this location will require some ingenuity on your part.

We meet the magician - Wynn, who protected one of the few surviving students with the help of a magical barrier. She brought us up to date and agreed to help clear the Tower.

Winn. “I will not lie motionless in bed, pulling the covers up to my chin and waiting for the hour of death to strike.” Wynn has a particularly well-developed ability with healing magic. She is one of the most respected in the Circle Tower.

So, let's start clearing our way, floor by floor. On the second floor in Irving’s room, take the book “Black Grimoire”. A great gift for Morrigan. On the fourth floor we meet the demon of desire and the templar bewitched by him, and in the central hall we will be met by the demon of Idleness, who enslaves our minds.


Having woken up in a place called Weishaunt, we receive a new quest “Lost in Dreams”. Duncan is standing in front, by the way, why the hell, he died? Where are the rest of the team? Interesting situation. Don't believe it, these are dreams. “Duncan” is actually one of the demons, but the members of the squad are wandering somewhere in the Shadow, we need to find them!

Activate the shadow pedestal. Destination – “Primordial Shadow”. We talk with Niall, learn more about this place and how he tried to use the Litany, but did not have time, and also how we ended up here. Nearby we gain the ability to turn into a mouse and go into machine holes, as well as be unnoticed by enemies. This is just one of four images that will be used. As soon as you get all the images, go around the circle again, study everything you can, because in certain locations you can increase one of the basic parameters. Next is “The Burning Tower”. Here you will receive the appearance of a flaming man, which will make you completely immune to fire. In the “Scattered Mages” location, you will gain the ability to transform into a golem, which has deadly physical attacks and the ability to knock down locked doors. At the “Darkspawn Invasion” location, you will take on the form of a spirit, so it will be easier to pass into inaccessible areas. After dealing with all the main demons, we go to help out our friends (elements around the edges). And when you are ready, head to the central element to fight the one who dragged us here, the demon of Idleness. The demon will either be in the guise of an Ogre, or whatever the hell, and so on until the bitter end. Combat tactics to suit your taste. The main thing is to use mass healing from Winn. That's all.

We extract the Litany of Andralla from the body of the deceased Niall. We go around this floor and near the stairs to the upper tier of the Tower, we speak to Cullen, who is imprisoned in a magical field. And then according to the script... After a short verbal battle, the battle with Uldred will begin. In places where mages begin to turn into demons, use Litany. After defeating the main creep, we speak with Irving. And everyone is fine... Don't forget to talk to him about Dagna (the gnome from Orzammar) if you took this quest. But our journey is not over; new achievements await us.


We find ourselves in a small village. On the bridge we meet a guard who will take us to Bann Tegan, brother of Earl Eamon. The fact is that every night all sorts of dead things come out of the castle. We fought back once, twice... but this time we won’t fight back. This is the mood of the locals. Well, shall we help?

Right there in the temple you can take the quest “Lost Child” (oddly enough, the child is sitting in the closet in the house).

I wish I could survive this night

Talk to the village chief, Murdoch. So, it will soon get dark, there are practically no soldiers in the village (except for us and the knights of Ser Perth), so it will be mainly the peasants who will have to fight. The weapons and armor are in terrible condition, and the only blacksmith in the village refuses to help. By this time, the gift of persuasion was already well developed, so I simply promised to help him, to find his daughter Valena. Forcing Oen by force will only lead to a disadvantage. A certain gnome merchant Dvin refuses to help the village. To raise the morale of the militia, you simply need to call upon such a warrior. A suspicious elf, a certain Berwick, stayed in a local tavern, and after questioning, he admitted that he was a spy for Tairn Loghain. He can also be persuaded to perform that night. Near the mill we speak with Ser Pert. Ser Perth, in general, does not need anything other than divine blessing and some amulets. No problem.

It got dark... So, the carrion will come pouring out of the ominous fog. Once you kill everyone, go straight. We meet a knight who reports that the monsters are already in the village. Let's hurry! The final battle will take place near the fire. How to exterminate all the undead, victorious Hurray! After such a long ovation, we go to the castle.


We immediately speak with the blood mage Jovan imprisoned in the cell. It was he who poisoned the earl and taught his son magic, but he did not summon demons and other carrion. I didn’t draw hasty conclusions, so Jovan remained in the cage. So, let's get used to the castle a little. In the north-eastern part, on the first floor, Valena, the blacksmith’s daughter, hid. In the courtyard, activate the lever to open the gate and let in Ser Perth and his knights. After you have scattered all the undead, talk to Pert and go to the castle.

We see a strange picture: Bann Tegan is dancing like a jester, and Connor is possessed by a demon. A battle will begin, in which all the possessed in this room, led by Bann Tegan, will take part. But everyone got what they deserved. It became known that Connor wanted to save his father and began to study magic. Earl Eamon is still in our world, but Connor's mind is possessed by a demon.

Jovan suggests using blood magic, but this ritual will require someone's life. Volunteers were found, but I decided to go a different route and turned to the Circle Tower for help. Irving kindly agreed to help us and sent his magicians to Redcliffe, and then according to the script.


So, we are in the Shadow. We go into the portal, talk/fight with Connor, or rather with the demon. And so on several times. On the fourth such run there will be a serious battle with the demon. That's all.

I advise you to wander around the castle a little more; gifts for your charges will not be superfluous. I had Leliana well leveled up, so picking locks on doors and chests turned out to be fun. On the ground floor, in the earl's office, in the table lies the amulet of Alistair's mother, a wonderful gift.

In search of a relic

Earl Eamon is terminally ill. One legendary relic can help him - the urn of Andraste’s sacred ashes. Of course, this may just be a legend, but still it is the only hope. We are in Denerim to talk with a certain Genitivi, he may have useful information on this matter.


And here we are in the shopping district of Denerim. So, let's start with side quests, fortunately there are a great many of them here. Sergeant Kilown will ask you to deal with the rowdy mercenaries in the “Pearl”, and then, with the same success, calm down the “noisy” visitors to the tavern. At the market, a certain Master Ignacio introduces the Antivan Ravens. Talk to him and after a while the messenger boy will give you a letter. Head to the Bitten Nobleman tavern and find Ignacio in one of the rooms. Would you like to work as a hired killer? Our first victim is Pedan, a man who sets traps for everyone who is in one way or another connected with the Gray Wardens. I think it’s a matter of honor to kill this bastard! Pedan is located in the “Pearl” brothel, and you will find the secret password in the poster that hangs at the entrance to the elfinage. In Zhemchuzhina, you can persuade the local robber to teach us the Duelist specialization (useful if you or someone from the squad is a robber, Leliana, for example). To do this, you need to beat Isabella in a card game (Leliana should help). So, after the “accident” with Pedan, we will inform Ignacio about it. Next to him, in the chest, you can take a couple more orders - “Hunting Mercenaries” and “Audience with the Ambassador”. You can take three tasks from the innkeeper in the “Bitten Nobleman” tavern, and several tasks traditionally hang on the preacher’s board at the temple.

Members of your squad may have business in Denerim. Leliana is having a conversation with her old “friend” who is trying to get her out. And Alistair has a meeting with his sister.

In search of the relic (continued)

In Genitivi's house we don't find the one we need. Instead, we talk to his assistant Waylon. But he didn’t say something, so we decided to push him against the wall. Having rummaged through the chest of one of the rooms, we became interested in the records of Genitivi's research. We go to the village of Refuge in the Frosty Mountains.

It's a strange place, I tell you. It was not possible to really talk in the temple; the sectarians, led by Eirik, took up arms. Search the bodies of the dead, and on the right side, behind the brick door, talk to Genitivi.

And here we are in the temple. Genitivi decided to stay in the large hall, and we need to continue searching for the urn. Here everything is extremely clear: we clear locations from possessed sectarians and simply possessed ones, select keys, open doors. Next will begin the caves and... cave dragons. As soon as you reach the designated place, a conversation will begin with the leader of the sectarians, Kolgrim. The guys, apparently, are completely distraught... Andraste has been reborn, her ashes need to be desecrated, and so on. But I didn’t agree and a fight broke out... basically, we beat everyone up. And Kolgrim’s horn, boots and a good hatchet were removed from his body. By the way, if you use Kolgrim’s horn on the top of the mountain, you will meet with the high dragon.


To get to the urn, you need to pass a test consisting of several parts. We learn about this from the Guardian, who has been guarding the urn for many centuries.

First you need to solve eight riddles. But just in case, I’ll tell you the answers: Elisha - melody, Brona - dreams, Lady Vasily - revenge, Thane Shartan - home, student Havard - home, General Maferat - jealousy, student Kathair - hunger, Archon Hessarian - compassion.

Next we talk with the ghost of the past (everyone probably has their own, but I spoke with Jovan), and then there will be a fight with... our clones. The third stage of the test is a puzzle. You need to stand on the tiles in such a way as to recreate the bridge.

Well, the last condition is to take off your clothes and go through the fire. After the Guardian's comment, we approach the ashes of Andraste herself.

As expected, the ashes healed Earl Eamon, which means that matters have taken a serious turn. And now, when the treaties are confirmed and the armies of gnomes, elves, and magicians are ready to help in the war against the Blight, and Earl Eamon has recovered, the time has come for the Assembly of Lands. We arrive again in Denerim and settle down at the estate of Earl Eamon. But before we had time to properly relax in the luxurious apartments, Queen Anora’s maid asks us for help. The fact is that Lord Howe holds the queen captive in his estate.

Queen in captivity

On the way to Lord Howe, we met the Antivan Ravens led by Taliesen. Taliesen tells Zevran that everything is fine, that he understands why he did what he did and offers to return to his duties as an assassin. If you are not on good terms with Zevran, then he will accept the Ravens' offer, but we calmly killed everyone.

So, you can’t get through the front door, there’s a crowd of people there. Erlina suggests entering from the back door, but there are 2 guards standing there. Wait until the maid distracts them or interrupts them and go inside.

To make your passage through the estate safer, dress up as guards. Bypassing the unnecessary attention of the officers, we get to the place where Anora is imprisoned, but the door is blocked by a magical barrier. This means we have to kill the one who created this barrier. There is a treasury in the location (coins and some inventory items), so have a good burglar with you (you can return here later with the keys). In the room, in one of the chests there are documents that once belonged to the Gray Guardians.

And in one of the cells you will find Riordan, another surviving Gray Guardian. But we have no time to hesitate, let's go down into the dungeon.

Be careful, because in almost every room a dozen soldiers and fighting dogs are waiting for us. In the torture room, free Oswin, thereby unlocking the quest “Nobleman Under Torture”, then do not forget to talk to his father Bann Sieghard in “Bitten Nobleman”. This act will add to your voice at the Assembly of Lands. In the place, free Rexel for the quest “Missing”, after taking the key from the dead guard.

And here comes Earl Howe, who, despite everything, insisted that he was right. And next to him was a battle mage, who created a magical barrier. Kill the scoundrels! After all the brawls, I discovered Vaughan, who provoked the elven uprising, and in the next cell sat the templar Irminrink, drugged with lyrium (give the ring to his sister Bannu Alfstanna, who is still sitting in the same tavern). That's probably all, let's free the princess.

Here's a small problem. We are met by Katherine and her guards. We have 3 options: kill everyone (fighting experienced and well-armed soldiers is incredibly difficult), try to explain, or give up. In the last two cases you will find yourself in Fort Drakkon.

Fort Drakkon

We are in custody. We have 2 ways to get out: wait for the help of friends or get out ourselves. There are plenty of options in both methods. I chose the first option and waited for help from Leliana and Morrigan, who introduced themselves as church servants. Morrigan in church attire, can you imagine? I thought the guards would look at Morrigan and say: are you in the church? But Leliana’s eloquence saved us here too. Just don’t communicate with St. Augustine, otherwise it will turn out that the church didn’t send anyone and you will be exposed. In the ballista room, Sergeant Tanna is blocking the way. You can try to convince her to leave her post or use ballistas. If you aim the very first right ballista (from the entrance) and fire, you can inflict serious damage on Tanna, and then kill the rest. You may have a reasonable question: why did I take the girls and not powerful warriors like Ogren and Stan? Leliana had pumped up cunning, had abilities like stealth and the ability to make traps. Well, Morrigan had the “Blizzard” ability, using which the soldier was gone. And here are our prisoners. After killing 2 guards, we get the keys to the cell, it’s simple! There are four of us again, so it will be easier to deal with the remaining guards.

Seat on the throne

Upon your return, you will have a conversation with Eamon. Who will take the throne? There are several options: Alistair, Anora, Alistair + Anora, GG + Anora (if you are playing as a human nobleman, you can try your luck). I managed to convince Alistair and Anora that marriage is the most beneficial for both parties.

There are a couple of days left before the Landsmeet and some problems in the elfage need to be resolved.


And these problems were as follows: a crowd of elves argued with healers from Tevinter. The fact is that a quarantine has been declared for the elf age, and these “doctors” collect both healthy and sick elves in the shelter and... nothing more is known about them. After discussing this matter with Shianni, we decide to look inside the hospital. At the gates, kill the only guard and go inside. Before we could enter, we were attacked, which we later regretted. Take the note from the table, and then go outside and go into battle again. Talk to Shianni again. We go to another building on the shutters. Inside we ask the elf who was washing the floor. He told us where and how the elves were being taken out and we moved on. We go out through the other door and “talk” to the Tevinters. At the warehouse you will learn that all this “treatment” comes down to banal slave trading, and the main one here is Caladrius. An excellent opportunity to get dirt on Loghain; the council will be interested to know that the regent is not against selling his people into slavery.

Caladrius was inclined towards a peaceful outcome. He offers us a letter with Loghain's seal. However, what prevents us from taking the letter from the dead slave traders and putting an end to their activities forever? After Caladrius' health has depleted, he offers us an even more generous offer, namely to raise my health level at the expense of slaves. It was tempting, of course, but I politely refused...

Ser Otto is a blind templar who senses evil. We receive the quest “Evil”, to complete which you need to look for unusual things in the elfage. For example, inform Otto about a crazy girl, about a pool of blood and about a mad and dead dog. Next you have to clear the shelter from evil spirits.

Land Assembly

After you have done all your business, talk to Earl Eamon, and then we head to the palace for the Assembly of Lands. And again we communicate with an old friend Katrien, but this time she is without her militia.

So, in order for the council to take our side, it is necessary: ​​complete the quests with the prisoners in the Howe estate (Oswin and Irminrink). Do not tell Anora that you are going to kill her father Loghain, otherwise she may do something against you. Don't rush to talk about Alistair and the murdered King Kaelan. Start the conversation by saying that your main goal is the war against the Pestilence. And then you can point out Loghain's crimes, for example, about the slave trade in the elfinage. It would be enough.

At the meeting we were unanimously supported, but the only thing left was a duel with Loghain. You can participate directly yourself, or you can send someone from your squad, Alistair, for example. After the duel, Riordan intervened in the matter, who made an unusual proposal, namely, he invited Loghain to atone for his guilt by joining the Gray Wardens. It seems reasonable, and you know how such dedication ends in most cases. If he is worthy, he will pass, if not, then death awaits him anyway. Loghain will be initiated and take Alistair's place after he goes berserk and leaves the party. But we have known Alistair longer and are on friendly terms with him, so I gave him the opportunity to avenge Duncan and the others. After seeing her father's head cut off, Anora terminated our agreement to marry Alistair. Alistair ordered her to be locked in the tower, and began to slowly master the role of ruler.

Last Stand

The story of Dragon Age is coming to its logical conclusion. The traitors of Ferelden are punished, the treaties of the Gray Wardens are confirmed by the allies, all that remains is to defeat the Pestilence and the Archdemon.

Earl Eamon went to Redcliffe to raise an army, and we followed him. And so we retreat to the designated chambers, where we will learn the most important secret of the Gray Guardians. Riordan explains to Alistair and me why the Archdemon can only be defeated by the Gray Warden. It turns out that after the death of the Archdemon, his soul moves to the nearest spawn of darkness. In this way, immortality is achieved. Do you remember what the Gray Guardians are made of, what we drank at the initiation? Yes, filth flows through our blood, so the soul of Achidemon will inhabit us. But the Gray Guardian has his own soul, so at the moment of the final blow to the Archdemon, the Gray Guardian dies. On another it is impossible. Riordan, as the eldest of us, decides that he will kill the Archdemon himself, but if he falls? Our GG will have to complete this matter. However, Morrigan has an indecent proposal, which gives her the opportunity to escape. Which is what I took advantage of... It's time to perform.

So, the battle will begin in a gloomy atmosphere at the city gates. Everybody dance! Sorry, all members of your squad participate in the battle, but only the GG can control it. You have to fight with garlocks and genlocks, but they are easy to take out. After that, talk to Riordan. You have to deal with two enemy commanders, in the shopping district and the elfinage. From now on, you can call on one of the allied armies, just keep in mind that for the final battle, and the Archdemon, it is better to keep one of the armies intact. You yourself understand what a dragon is. Defeating him in close combat is almost impossible, so save the elven archers or magicians for last. Although you can try your luck with gnomes or golems. It is also important that there is a robber next to you, Leliana is my best, she shoots a bow with good dexterity, which will help defeat the dragon. Last parting words to the squad members and... forward!

The fight in the shopping district should not cause difficulties, I called on the magicians, which allowed me to take down the ogres from a distance, they did not even have time to reach us. Such a trick won’t work in Elfinage, the nooks and crannies in this area are too small. I decided to do without any support at all, since the enemy did not advance until the gates and barricades were broken. Well, while the gates were intact, a real riot of elements was happening behind them, fortunately Morrigan and I are enviable magicians.

Next you have to play for the remaining members of the squad and defend the city gates. I appointed Ogren as the commander there. Well, the battle is not easy at all. I directed Oghren at the “yellow” enemies. While Stan and the dog dealt with simpler, but outnumbered, opponents. And Wynn traditionally used magic to heal the squad.

We switch to our main squad. The next location is Fort Drakkon. Before this, we watch a video in which Riordan breaks down without having time to complete the job. We'll have to deal with the Archdemon. At the entrance to Fort Drakkon, many enemies will be waiting for us. The place is good for shelling, for example, it would be logical to call on elven archers. But the archers will be useful for the last battle, but in the meantime you can call on Redcliffe’s soldiers, gnomes or golems.

We will be alone inside the fort. We clear the area, and at the entrance to the second floor, buy from Sandal. This is our last chance. Make the most efficient use of your finances. Sell ​​everything you need and buy various lubricants (or extracts and make what you need yourself). Make your way to the roof.

And here is the final battle. The Archdemon in all its glory. The dragon spits spirit energy, waves its tail, and when it is in immediate danger, it changes its position. What should I do? First, summon an allied unit. I chose elves, since archers seemed to me the only right solution. Leliana (with a bow), Morrigan and my GG took on the Archdemon directly. Alistair would not be effective in close combat, so he aimed the ballistas and fired at the dragon. As soon as genlocks and garlocks appeared, I switched him to them + one of the magicians. This is a great opportunity to replenish your supply of healing poultices. As soon as the ballistas break, we try to repair them in Leliana’s shoes. This, in my opinion, is the most effective tactic. Of course, you could call gnomes or golems, because these guys eat darkspawn for breakfast in their Orzammar. That's all!

The dragon is defeated, and we watch the final video. The ending will be different for everyone. It depends on who becomes the ruler of Ferelden, whether you agreed with Morrigan and how you acted in a particular area (for example, when I helped Harrowmont in Orzammar, the kingdom of the dwarves became increasingly distant from the outside world, etc.). That's it, Dragon Age: Origins is complete. Congratulations!

A child doesn't need a good father. He needs a good teacher. And a good friend to a person. And for a woman - a loved one. And in general, let’s talk better about track stitches.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, “Distant Rainbow”

It's not just the Blight that threatens the peace of Ferelden. Hundreds of scum of all stripes raised their heads, expecting the end of the world. We can either join them or punish the scoundrels. And so that you are sure not to miss a single opportunity, we have compiled a list of additional tasks that have not yet been discussed on our pages.

Ostagar and the Wild Lands - the beginning of the story Lothering - the living dead city The Circle of Mages - magical secrets Redcliffe - a universal call The Vault - a classic Easter egg Brecilian Forest - traces of corruption Orzammar - thieves and their prey Denerim - a series of quests Guilds - find everything Sheila - rough beauty

Let's start with the backstories of our heroes. In each case, we will be able to complete several additional tasks, but they are simple - training ones. You can even skip them and go straight to Ostagar. However, painstaking exploration of the initial territories will bring you not only money, experience and some equipment. At the very beginning, when the hero is very young and inexperienced, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the world that you won’t be able to find out later. So we advise you to look into all corners, at least at first.

Each background story will bring you something useful and make your path easier. A noble man will receive a dog, a Dalish man will receive a good bow... in a word, to each his own. But there is one hero who will have a much easier time at the start than the rest. This is the noble dwarf - he leaves with Duncan, jingling more than twenty gold pieces in his pocket! Well, let's go after them.

Ostagar and the Wild Lands

Sick dog

Dwarven politics

Talk to the huntsman in the camp and he will tell you about a sick mabari who swallowed tainted blood. To cure him, you need a special flower that grows in the wild lands of Korcari. According to the plot, you will still have to visit there, so feel free to agree. Look in the ruins a couple of meters from the place where you will meet a wounded soldier. The cured dog will join you after the Battle of Ostagar, if you have not yet acquired a pet.

Hungry Prisoner

In the camp, an unfortunate soldier is hanging in a cage. Not only are they not letting him out, but they are also not feeding him. The poor guy will ask you to get him some food. Before giving consent and food, ask the prisoner why he was imprisoned. At the end of the story, you can demand the key to the magicians' chest from the prisoner. You can get food from the guard by convincing or bribing him. And the chest can be opened only after returning from the wild lands, when the pacified one leaves him.


You can trick the messenger Peak into getting a good sword. But first the boy must be caught - find him from the warriors of the ash, and then run after him.

Missionary Chest

Near the border of the wild lands you will find the body of the missionary Jogby. You can remove a letter from it with hints on where to find the treasure. Look for the chest in the south of the map.

Traces of chasing

In the west of the wild lands there is an abandoned parking lot and a chest containing a journal. Read it and follow the mark that appears. A chain of such traces will lead you to the treasure.

Last will

The dog plays the role of a psychoanalyst

The professor is sleeping - the students are happy

In the center of the wasteland you will come across the corpse of Rigby. The will describes where his belongings are hidden: in an abandoned camp west of the body. Having dug up the casket, you can either open it or take it to the widow Jetta. She is waiting for you at Redcliffe Church.

Demon from the Ashes

On the corpse of a soldier, not far from the Garlock emissary, lies a bag of ash and a piece of paper with a local legend. The legend is true, and by pouring the ashes onto the pile of stones northwest of the bridge, you will summon Gazarath, the “orange” demon of wrath. Good trophies await the winners.


Create three poultices/traps/bottles of poison

The tasks are of the same type, taken from Miriam, Allison and Barlin, respectively. There is nothing complicated, you just need the appropriate skills and components, which are bought from Barlin and collected on the map.

Dead Templar

At the entrance to the location after the battle with the bandits, you will find the corpse of a templar. The things from it must be taken to Ser Donall in the church.

On a note: in the same church, you should reveal to Sir Brian that you are a gray guard and ask for help. He will give you the key to the poultice cabinet.

Preacher board

If you complete all four tasks from the local preacher board, you will receive a nice sword as a reward.

Circle of Mages


On the first floor of the tower, in the library, you can perform several summoning exercises. To do this, find two halves of the book: in the library and next to the stairs to the next floor. Complete all three rituals and the task will be completed. But that is not all. Repeat the steps of all three rituals in a row and activate the fourth summoning flame - it is located in the room where the second half of the book was. A creature will appear and quickly disappear. You can steal it by getting the note. But that's not all! On the preacher's board, you can later take on a quest that talks about disappearing travelers. It turns out that the demon we summoned decided to profit. We kill him, take the trophies, inform the preacher and go to pour out the pangs of conscience with ale.

The main character makes it clear with all her appearance how much she wants to be a gray guardian and save the world

Apparently, this is the only way Ogren sees us all...

Guardian of the Limit

What dwelling of magicians is complete without secrets? We definitely have it in our tower. To solve the puzzle, you need to find several student notes: a couple in the students’ rooms, another in the library, two lie next to Owain and the blood mages, and finally, one will be in the main hall. Now activate three statues in the large hall - a statue with a bowl, with a raised sword, a lowered sword - and a statue with a spear (it is in another room, in the center of the floor). Go down to the first floor, go to the place where you met Wynn, and try to go to the basement. Kill the guard and pick up a great sword that will help you, for example, defeat Flemeth.

Chest Jenny

In the office of the main sorcerer you will find not only Flemeth's grimoire, but also a small chest. It can be delivered to a house in the Denerim Market District near Curiosities of Thedas. If, of course, you picked up the note about Red Jenny after meeting Zevran. As a reward, you will receive money, but not a drop of information about this mysterious box.

Enchanted Templar

On the fourth floor you will meet a templar possessed by the demon of desire. If you attack them, you will get some good trophies, but if you let them go... you will most likely not see them again, but there is a small chance of meeting them on the map above the mountain of corpses: the demons will satisfy their insatiable hunger. They can’t avoid reprisals here!


Gathering troops

Bann Tegan gives us a plot task (which has several additional ones): prepare the village for a siege. To do this you need to talk to Pert and Murdoch. The first one will ask you to bring him amulets. We will receive them from mother in the local church. In addition, in the shop you can find a bunch of barrels of oil. Perth needs to be told about them too.

Murdoch will ask you to bring more warriors and get weapons for them. The gnome Dwinn can join the ranks of “volunteers” if you persuade him well. The local tavern will bring us several recruits at once. First of all, there is a suspicious elf at the table. Your robbers will help you discover his spy essence. The innkeeper himself, Lloyd, will go after the elf, and he will have to be threatened. But it’s better to first ask the waitress Bella and the men in the tavern about their lives. You can promise to help the waitress, and for the defenders you can bargain for free ale from Lloyd. You can beg a weapon from a blacksmith, promising him to save your daughter.

Pestilence came to one noble noble family

Spectacular lighting makes Stan even more convincing

Blacksmith's Daughter

You will find it in the castle, in a small storage room on the first floor.

Hidden boy

Caitlin is standing in the church, asking to find her missing brother. He hid at home, in the closet. After questioning the boy, we learn about the family sword, which can be either appropriated or returned.


If you play as a magician, you are able to independently enter the shadows to free the son of Eamon. The demon will offer a deal. You can get an extra spell point, a blood mage specialization, a “forbidden pleasure” with a demon... Please note that the choice will affect the ending of the story.


In the village itself, as well as in the temple, there are no additional tasks (except perhaps the delivery of scrolls to the church of Denerim), but there is a very funny “Easter egg”, which can already be considered a classic of role-playing games. After finishing the story quest, return to the village and go to the local cemetery. You will probably like the epitaphs. Here are just a few of them:

Cheryl isn't here. She was cremated.

“I can do an ax too” - Jim, the sword swallower.

Multiplayer with love.

Great-great-great-grandfather Gygax.

To play as Sheila, you need to download the separate Stone Guardian module. Let's get to know this dangerous girl better.

Gifts for Sheila
Present Where to look
Magnificent amethyst The dusty city of Orzammar, Alimara market
Magnificent diamond Common Halls of Orzammar, Trader Garin
Magnificent emerald Orzammar Community Halls, Figor's Shop
Magnificent sapphire Common Halls of Orzammar, Trader Legnar
Magnificent malachite Circle Tower, Quartermaster
Magnificent Garnet Denerim Trade District, Wonders of Thedas Shop
Magnificent ruby Elfinage, Alarita shop
Magnificent Jade Cellar of a house in Honnlite
Magnificent topaz Frost Mountains, Trader Farin

Sheila is a former dwarf who became a golem. She manages to combine femininity (for example, she wants to sew red shoes) and feigned rudeness (“Let's go crush a couple of heads”). In general, jokes on the topic of the golem’s “hermaphroditism” are perhaps the most interesting in the entire game. By the way, she hates all birds without exception, which she constantly reminds of (“I don’t believe in the Creator. After all, an intelligent being would never create birds! What was he thinking?!”).

In combat, Sheila is a true all-rounder. She can be a hitter, a shooter, a controller, and even a support. In the last incarnation (the branch of stances) it is most effective. It is almost impossible to destroy a group consisting of a standing golem, a healer, a mage and a warrior with a two-handed weapon. There is only one inconvenience: moving our talisman takes some time.

As you can see from the table, there are no special gifts for her, but you can easily make her happy by dressing her in crystals for the first time.

Personal quest is associated with memory restoration. Sheila is curious about who she was before she became a golem. The quest can be obtained after talking with Perfect Caridin, according to the plot. To complete it, go to the Kadash teig that appears on the map of deep paths. Go through the teig all the way to the heroine’s statue.

Brecilian Forest

Bitten wife

At the Dalish camp, talk to Atras. His wife was bitten by werewolves and everyone says she's dead, but he doesn't believe it. Danaila will be waiting for you near the northern entrance to the eastern forest. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save her.

Iron bark

The gunsmith Varathorn will ask you to bring him rare ironwood bark, from which local craftsmen create magnificent equipment. The bark can be stripped from a fallen tree near the northern passage to the eastern forest. As a reward from the master, you can receive a bow, armor (or both, if you insist) or an amulet, if you refuse everything.

Elf in love

Last family photo. Very soon, most of them will not be alive - traitors are worse than evil...

Apparently, not only female characters are copied from popular people... And Eddie Murphy not only voiced the donkey from Shrek

Sick gall

In the camp, the caretaker of the Gauls, Elora, had a problem: one of her charges was sick. You can use survival to find out what the reason is, or you can convince the caretaker that the animal is incurably ill.

Bitten Elf

In the center of the western part of the forest, not far from the ogres, lies the wounded Deigan. He can be taken to the camp, healed, robbed, abandoned or killed. A wealth of choice - isn't that what we want from a good role-playing game?

On a note: if you first rob the elf and then send him to the camp, then he can return his things and restore relations.

Death dream

To the south of the Great Oak lies an abandoned but very cozy camp, in which you are tempted to relax... Having woken up, one or more members of your squad will begin a battle with the shadow that created the illusion. Defeat the demon and re-inspect the “cozy” rest stop.

This is interesting: After completing the story mission in the forests, go to the camp and talk to Leliana. She will play you a song from the main menu of the game.


Lost Son

The story is over. The hero stands on the road and thoughtfully looks at the sunset... But it’s too early for him to retire!

In the Common Halls we will come across Filda. Her son went to the deep paths and did not return. We will find the hand in the Ortan tag, it is connected with the plot - don’t miss it.


Berkel wants to open a church in Orzammar. You can help him with this by convincing the chronicler (in the hall of guardians) to give permission. The reward you will receive is meager, but this church will have a decisive influence on the fate of the world. And not the most favorable...

Dwarven magician

Dagna really wants to get into the circle of magicians. You can stop her by telling her father Jannar about his daughter’s plans, or you can help by talking to the first sorcerer, if, of course, he is alive. As a reward we will receive a good rune or lyrium. In addition, Dagna will become an outstanding scientist.

Search for Nagas

All his pets fled from the beater Bemor. You need to look for Nagas in the Community Halls, there are five of them in total. For each animal we get 25 silver coins. And if you talk to Leliana after this, she will admit that she really wants such an animal. You can get it in Dusty Town from an idle gnome for a modest fee. Now this “hedgehog” will live with you in the camp.


After receiving the first task from any of the contenders for the throne and leaving the Diamond Halls, you will see local bandits threatening the merchant Figor. If you follow them to the shop, you can help the merchant. If you settle the matter peacefully, he will thank you and stay to trade, but if you kill the robbers, then... he will scold you and run away.

Fights without rules

In the west of the Test Halls, in a small room there is a gunsmith who will offer to take part in the battles. The reward for each battle is trivial, but the ring that you receive after four victories is good for blood mages.

Unwanted child

In the Dusty City you can find an unfortunate dwarf who was kicked out of her family because she gave birth to a son from an untouchable. You can force her to get rid of her son, as her relatives want, or you can convince the latter that they are wrong and restore the family.

Dragon in the throne room

This is how you need to place two characters in the throne room to summon a dragon

If you run out of preparations and need to say something, it turns out like this

Dwarven architecture sometimes brings surprises. After studying the inscriptions on the throne, we will receive a note in the codex. Now you need to correctly position the squad members: one in the “dressing room” on a square in the center of the hall, and the other two in the throne room itself, in its southwestern part, on buttons that look like the end of an arrow. As the last character, we click on the throne again and get acquainted with the local prisoner.

The thieves

While running past the king's treasury, you will come across a group of thieves who were trying to dig a tunnel. Deal with them and receive a well-deserved reward from the guard who came running in response to the noise.


In one of the chambers for the nobility, you will meet the herbalist Vidron, standing by the bed of a dying lady. He will tell you that she was poisoned and ask her to make an antidote. After which he will give you a recipe, which will be the main reward.

Stolen book

The assistant chronicler in the Keeper's Halls wants us to find a valuable book that was recently stolen. The Dodger lives in Dusty City. Negotiations with the thief will reach a dead end... But a note picked up from the corpse will lead us to the bandits who are just carrying the tome to the buyer in the Test Halls. After the battle, the book can either be sold to the same buyer or returned to the custodians.

The Missing Bloodline

The gnome Orta believes that she comes from the noble house of Ortan, but bad luck: the records of her family tree disappeared in the teig of the same name. At least she didn’t find them in the Guardian Halls, which means nowhere else. The records really lie in the center of the teig, not far from the Ruka cave.

List of golems

In the room with the Void Anvil, there is a table that lists everyone who has become a golem. The names can be copied and taken to the chronicler.

Wanderers' treasure

Find four piles of stones in Caridin's Crossing:

At the western exit to the map.

Southwest of the bridge.

Near the intersection of three roads.

East of the Deep Hunter's Cave.

Our pet naga named Shmoples. They seemed to get along with the dog

After this, a mark with the tramp’s hiding place will appear on the map.

Legion's Honor

As soon as we collect all the pieces of the Dead Legion armor, we will be given the quest “Dead Castle”. Now we can get the emblem of the caste of the dead from the sarcophagus (in the legion room in the dead ditches) and take it to the chronicler. But before you leave the temple, dress someone in full armor and activate the Legion's Relic.

Overlander's Sword

In the deep paths you can get hold of one of the best one-handed swords - By the honor of the overlander. First, find a tomb in the Ortan taiga (southeast corner). Now we are looking for pieces:

The pommel lies in the Ortan teig in a vase in the Ruka cave.

The hilt can be removed from the corpse of the Genlock Emissary at the Caridina Crossroads (Genlock is waiting for you in the tunnel that runs from west to south).

The blade is removed from the corpse of an ancient creature of darkness in the Dead Moats (on the bridge in the center of the map).

Once you find everything, return to the tomb.


In the charter's hideout we will acquire Jammer's diary, which talks about the treasure. We need to find three chests: Jammer himself, Kanka and Pique. From them we take out a silver ring for a dress, an iron letter opener and a garnet decoration. You can't take anything else! All that remains is to find the cache near the tamed brontos and open it.

Life of the Guardian

To receive the task, touch the wall of memories in the Halls of the Guardians. Now find three rune stones:

Near the chief of miners in the Common Halls.

In the southeastern caves of Caridina Crossroads.

In the western of the central rooms in the Dead Moats.

We return to the wall of memories for the reward.

Torn Demon

Dwarves are thorough guys: if they destroy a demon, then they spread the pieces throughout all the lands: what if they grow together? You can collect these pieces on deep paths.

Limbs in the north-west of the Educanov taiga.

The body and head are at the Caridin Crossroads, in the southeast and northeast, respectively.

We take this to the altar in the Ortan taiga and revive the demon. We are faced with another choice - let him go for money or finish him off. This time it's final. What will you choose?


Help the law

Sergeant Kilown stands next to Blacksmith Wade's house. He will complain to his superiors and ask for help in dealing with crime. You can act either by force of persuasion or simply by force. If you want a high reward, listen to what the customer prefers.

Dark Deeds

We are trying to explain the idiot-
to the gnome that it is impossible to “fall into the sky.” Winn and I are still trying to get through, and Sheila offers... basically the same thing, but in a much faster way

Eamon has a great sense of beauty. In all his mansions you can find
real works of art

On the other side of the house, the forge is worth the sneaky Couldry. Only robbers will be able to meet him. He has two lines of tasks: for thieves and for burglars. Stealth will come in handy in both lines.

It is important: Do not forget to leave too visible companions in the camp for the duration of the mission.

Before the land meeting, we will be able to complete three thefts and two break-ins. Another theft and two break-ins followed. If your stealth is not at a master level, then money, persuasion and fists will help you in some tasks.


In one of the alleys (you will visit there when you exterminate bandits ordered by the church) you will find the corpse of Ser Frieden, who died trying to destroy the sect of blood mages. You can finish this noble deed - go to the abandoned house (a new location on the Denerim map) and slaughter the villains.


Evil has settled in the shelter in the Elfinage, as the templar Otto will tell you about. Collect some clues, including asking the elven girl sitting on the doorstep. After clearing the shelter, do not forget to return her amulet to the elf.

Prisoners of Howe

In the cellars of Earl Howe's estate you can find several prisoners at once.

In the torture chamber, the son of Bann Sieghard is hanging on a rack, and as a reward he will stand up for you at the meeting.

In prison, the templar Irminrik went crazy. Take his ring to Ban Alfstanna.

Veteran Rexel also could not stand his captivity. You need to tell the preacher Rosamund about him.

Guild Quests

The tasks of most guilds (preacher boards, blackstone volunteers, assassins and “interested”) are mostly completed without problems: fortunately, the targets are marked on the map, or at least their approximate location is described. But there are a few exceptions.

If in the final task volunteers you choose the father's side, then in order to get to the son, you must not go to Lothering, which will be destroyed by this moment, but simply pass by the town. Taoran will come across you in a “random” encounter.

Love notes requested by one of interested(tasks are given by the innkeeper in “The Bitten Nobleman” of Denerim), scattered literally all over the world. Finding them is not easy. Here are all the places:

In the Dalish camp, behind the merchant.

Near the entrance to the ruins in the Brecilian Forest is a secret door on the left.

In the royal palace of Orzammar, in an inconspicuous room in the east of the palace.

In the Orzammar Charter Hideout, in the room to the right of the hall where Jarvia fell.

In another hideout, this time in a village, next to the entrance to a house with a bloody altar.

In the "Spoiled Princess" tavern near the magicians' tower.

In the tower itself, on the second floor, in the eastern room.

In the Redcliffe windmill (where the secret passage to the castle is).

In the basement of Redcliffe Castle, just before the exit to the courtyard.

At Wade's forge in Denerim.

In the brothel "Pearl" (location in Denerim) in the southeastern room.

In Eamon's estate in Denerim in the northwestern room.

In addition to these very persons, they will force you to run and mages from the community.

Bloody marks

We need to mark four doors in Denerim with blood: two in the Trade Quarter and one each in Gryazny and Dark Lanes.

Places of power

We need to activate four places of power.

Grave in western Brecilian.

Altar in the Ortan taiga.

Tree in the Elvenage of Denerim.

Stairs to the second floor of the magician's tower.

Scrolls of Banastor

You need to find five scrolls at the following addresses.

The southeastern destroyed room on the second floor of the mage tower.

The northwest room on the third floor of the Mage Tower.

The southeastern library in the abandoned temple with Andraste's ashes.

Western barracks (entrance from the center) in an abandoned temple with the ashes of Andraste.

The southeastern room in the werewolf lair.

The remaining tasks should not cause difficulties.