Dragon age inquisition walkthrough frosty mountains. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough: Brown Mire - Non-plot Quests. The doe is going to the ball

Bucket of electric eels

"The Inquisitor's Travel Journal"

Entry one. Introductory

Launched! Not the first time - she demanded to update the drivers for the video card, but then, then!
True, he keeps writing that my game is one percent undeveloped, so there may be 0_o difficulties. But downloading doesn’t finish downloading, but it starts like that, and it crashed only once - in the third hour of the game, so it doesn’t count.
The character editor is perhaps the most difficult of the upcoming choices, oh yes. X))) I sat in it for an hour and a half, trying to put together something digestible. And I wouldn’t limit myself to changing the wig, eye color and skin texture, I had to twist everything! And since my hands grow from approximately the same place as the demon of envy, with each of my innovative mouse clicks I only spoiled and spoiled everything. So, to the pinocchio-Cousland, the gurvinyok-Lavellan X))) was added. The only one who stands out from this series is the proud peasant Hawk, because he had a default Ryazan robin X)))
Although ten types of shaved bald heads are not what I would like to see in women's hairstyles, there are scars, freckles, tattoos that can be adjusted in saturation and color, protruding rabbit teeth, and a bag of editable facial features. The square with the slider blew my mind, yes. X)))
The makeup struck me separately - I crawled around on it for half an hour, then cowardly decided that before my gurvinek looked like a scarecrow, it was time to stop and pretend that the dolis should be a natural product without makeup. It’s a pity, again, not to roll back to default - there was nothing like nature there. It turned out worse for me X)))
So for now here it is: Ellana “I need to close the gap, give me a lift!” Lavellan. The weapon behind your back is almost invisible here, but this is such a perky sickle on a scythe shaft that it’s even somehow awkward to call it the Staff of Apprentice X))).

One of her successful shots. In general, she has such facial expressions, such facial expressions that she surpassed not only Cousland, but also the Mother of Dragons herself in terms of expressiveness. X)))

Control. I reassigned the running buttons right away, now I’m thinking about the activation and search buttons. Echolocation, by the way, is a thing X))) Although I prefer the good old infrared vision, which illuminates active objects. And here I feel like a whale or, what is more relevant, a floppy-eared bat: you run around and make ping-ping-ping sounds continuously X)))
The tactical camera is still shocking, like a real aborigine: it’s a beautiful thing, but how it works and why it doesn’t work is completely unclear. I'll have to take a closer look at the manual, I shouldn't have clicked through it arrogantly X)))
The lack of healing and the limitation on potions is depressing: I, again, a demon of envy, even managed to fall down in the final battle in the prologue, spend all the potions, drop Solas, pick up Solas and drop Solas again. X_x What will happen next for the war at this rate - I can’t even imagine X___x I’ll definitely fight dragons in only one way: RUN X)))
The revival of the party members vividly reminded me of the cleaver: there are four of us, they put us down and one of us has to run and lift them up, praying that during the lifting time no one puts you down too, oh yes!

In the codex, almost all notes are accompanied by tarot cards. BEAUTIFUL CARDS. I drooled all over the screen.

Suddenly I found myself a new entertainment. It took about fifteen minutes to go up and down the stairs. Especially the descent - Inqui's whoosh, whoosh, Solas whoosh, Cass whoosh, whoosh on her head Varrick X))) Slowing down while running when you sharply pull in the other direction, by the way, is also funny.

The Inqui Path is shown as a line on the map. I have such lines that it’s better not to look at the map at all. Inqui, you're drunk, go home! X))) And all this is accompanied by echolocation! X)))

The inventory, again, is not clogged with all sorts of craft crap, and this is priceless (said the crafter of all X))).

I found a simple drawing in the bag, but I haven’t taken it to the place yet, I didn’t have time.

People are talking. And a lot and quite interesting. Atmospheric and culturally educational, I would say. In a tavern, a bard sings a topical song. Beautiful *_*

She poked all the supply commanders. Cool lady. She was also my first marker that influenced the race in the game. She told me where to get a broom, and if they call you pointy-eared, you should immediately run and complain to her, she will sort it out. And then she’s like: oh, it’s you X))) By the way, a patriot of Ferelden and Loghain in particular. She heroically told me that she had personally been in the battle, and that Loghain was right and we were bullshit. Well, yes, you, from behind the hill, could see better that the situation was hopeless, but we lit the lighthouse purely so as not to get in the way of the adults, but in fact, both Logain and his brave soldiers could perfectly see with their own eyes, when should you engage in battle and is it necessary X))). I don’t know if her opinion would have changed if she had been on this side of the battle, but she still praised her for her devotion to the deceased commander.

Of the party members, only Varric and Solas have managed to poke so far. In the camp they really undress and take off their weapons, backpacks, jackets and all that. Homemade. In the conditions of the frosty and snowy Vault, Varric’s bare chest and Solas’s bare feet look impressive, but these are the stern party members we have. I’ve gotten used to this since the days of my exhibitionists in the DAO X)))

Varric. Varrick bro and darling. The signature charm is in place, the hair on his chest and the hooks on his shirt are even more beautiful than before. Scar and abrasion on the nose. He and I chatted over a book about Hawke - yes, even the Dalish read books about the Defender of Kirkwall, what did you think X))) - he kindly shared the downloaded solutions from the pile. Merrill protects the elf clans in this war, Fenris chases the slave traders through the bushes, Carver and Aveline help maintain order in Kirkwall, Anders joined a group of magicians, but a group of magicians very quickly kicked him out - and he went somewhere completely hellish, Seba returned to Starkhaven (he’s gathering an army, guess what, but the army can’t be assembled without the help of Hawk X))). He suddenly took offense at me for asking about Orsino.

Solas is a troll, a liar and a virgin, a troll, a hickey and D'artagnan X))). Which more pro-church Inqui would have quickly burned him at the stake, I suspect that his views on life are very...innovative. Although this is such a contradiction and didn’t track it: either he says that the Gap must be closed as soon as possible, or that the Veil interferes with the normal coexistence of spirits and people. He knows, guess what, he just doesn’t tell him yet. I took note of him. When asked about whether there is does he have friends, he cheerfully answered: of course he does! This is the spirit, this one and this one. In response to an awkward attempt to show off his Trudolian origin, he cut it off so that he somehow doesn’t want to show off any more. X))) Elfinazhnikov he, however, also doesn’t particularly acknowledge - D’Artagnan, as he is. Although I like the concept of self-improvement to further explore the depths of the Shadow.
You can start getting him hooked right from the start, flirting remarks appear immediately, however, in my opinion, he doesn’t really understand yet that this was flirting now

So far I’ve walked through too little to form any impression, only the Prologue, but so far I like everything, I’ll go again!

Entry two. Prudent.

I caught myself stubbornly ignoring subtitles, trying to perceive the text by ear. This is what TESO does to people X)))

The physics in the game are... physics. While I was jumping around the church dungeon, I knocked over all the chandeliers X))). The hem of Solas's shirt flutters very funny in the wind. Varrica, the mother of the earth, insistently called back and every now and then tried to suck the prodigal son into herself, and the prodigal son, doomedly over and over again, during a conversation in the camp, fell knee-deep into the ground and climbed back out.

After six hours of play, I finally made it to the Inner Lands of X))). And this will last for a long time, because, as you understand, until I look under every bush, complete all the quests up to sticking in all the standards and do not irreparably upset the ecological balance by excessive gathering, I will not leave there X)))
So far, the combat, contrary to fears, is quite normal according to my abilities, there are enough potions, it seems like we’re not going to bed. The only thing was that a herd of druffalos was hit by a massive slaughter, and they had to quickly flee. And once I arrogantly pushed into the gap at level 12 with fifth. The grandmother demon swanshot me, but my brave party members kicked both him and the scythe. True, then another pack of mobiles fell out of the gap and I cowardly and wisely decided to flee and regroup on the ground.

The expected quests - war, devastation, everything. Feed refugees, cut out dangerous schizoids, set up towers, close gaps, get warm clothes for winter, save a cow (damn cow, I’ll remember her for a long time X))) What you need to feel like the head of a small but very proud organization to restore order in the world.

I liked the command table. All these missions, multiple solutions, earning money**

Horse. The horse is GIANT. Apparently, she was sawn in such a way that the Qunari would not look on her like a pony, but the elf would sit on her like some kind of huge monster, especially after the planks with their horses, adjustable to the owner’s height. It’s scary to imagine what’s going on with the gnome in this case X)))
And the races turned out great: galloping on water, and along a mountain slope, and trotting straight ahead, oh yes!

Once again I poked Solas, now in no hurry - it turns out that I missed a third of the dialogues and an insidious villain, cursed by the soldiers left to their fate, and a wise commander who saved part of the army from death. Both will be true. Fight further, dear accomplices, this song will be eternal
By the way, he doesn’t like the Dalish people - they probably already ardently sent him away once, along with all his educational endeavors, and maybe more than one X))) - and downvotes any of the three phrases. X))) It softens only if you say: give us time and we will learn. And any other answer threatens with a verbal assault on the cabbage soup and an ornate trampling of the Dalish culture into Kaku X))). And he’s all right with floridness.
And yet, yes, he sees through everything in flirting, and picks it up so competently and accurately that the half-asleep me couldn’t see through it X)))
Who doesn’t cut through is Cullen Roll the balls towards him, and then watch as he carefully rolls them away with his foot and says: Why are you asking... Oh... Hmm... *embarrassment-embarrassment* We can’t talk about something else?
I'm cunning, I loaded a save with a living Amelka, yes

In general, they are all surprisingly cute. And even despite the fact that the core of our team is pro-church, these are exactly the believers that I like, without any extraneous fluff, such as bureaucracy, hypocrisy or idolatry. And if the world needs to be saved, and the Church/Templars/Seekers are screwing around - away with everyone, we are our own Inquisition!

Entry three. Passive.

Well, here we go again, again jumping through the chosen ones, like through a minefield, so as not to run into a spoiler of varying degrees of criticality X_x That’s a lot to do, I tell you, but what can you do when the passage should be thorough and comprehensive! So far I have only covered most of the Inner Lands (I went to the Stormlands - I didn’t like it, it was somehow empty, I came back), I look into the future with horror X)))

She gathered almost all her party members, except Kolya. I'm looking forward to the closing of the Breach. But closing the Breach requires level 11 inclusive, and I still remember well how Alexias almost danced a dzhanga on my bones - and this is at the upper level threshold, so the Breach will have to wait for now X)))

Supported the magicians. The quest there is likeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathe quest looked impressive even then, but now, taking into account knowledge of the entire context - in general.
Felix is ​​a darling, I feel sorry for Felix Alexias, it would be better if he directed his irrepressible energy to search for Avernus or at least his notes. The Creator's Eggs are evil; the Guardians use it for their own good, often with positive results. Anything is better than running, waving your burnt panties, towards Corypheus. The spawn of darkness will cure him, oh yes, then he will catch up - and cure him again. I wish I could go see the Architect, really ><.
By the way, did anyone take Blackwall there with them? Maybe Felix can somehow... for the initiation ritual and all that... -_-
Damn, these skulls too. A house full of pacified skulls! With stones in the eye sockets. You see, they make astronomical things out of them. I'll go get some henna - Sera will be drawing little hair for educational purposes.
Of course, she took everyone in turn to sit in the lyrium basement at the beginning of the quest. Solas is the only one who realizes with a half-kick that it was a time jump, and even before you tell him about it - Inqui can only bat his eyes. The rest who say what. Serah tries to sing a stupid song, Cass prays, Viv pierces the demon in you, Varrick makes forced jokes - and all the tortured, tortured are like -_-.

At the end, Iago Majesty Alistair Theirin came in person, looked sternly at Fiona and complained that the magicians had messed things up and would now have to expel her. Fiona, her lip trembling, said Sonny! Your Majesty! – but she obeyed. Drama-drama.

Suddenly, everyone reacted to the plot decision 0_o. And so, how can I now establish friendly relations with everyone, I ask you? X))) Although, with Viv, it was a great ride. Vivien is completely judgmental. Oh yes, my dear Vivien, you are absolutely right, we need to assign templars to these magicians - secretly, don’t let them get nervous. What I think about this is that it is quite obvious that magicians should be part of the Church. Who else, if not them, will best explain to parishioners what they should be afraid of and what not! Vivienne is all about it.
Populism. Where would we be without him =)))

I collected the Saga about the Bright Ax (yes, that’s exactly what it is by sticking frontiers, and I also collect notes from the codex, sky shards, pieces of the mosaic, close gaps, open new areas and stick my nose into every corner in search of a chest. HELLO, I’M THE IMPIT AND I'M RESISTANT. LET'S SLAP THE IMP), ahem, so there you go. They gave the advisers a task to find her axe. Just for a day! I sent it to Leliana yesterday, all in anticipation X)))
This is what I mean - nerdiness, it turns out, also brings sudden fruits.

There is a secret surprise in the ruins of the Calenhad Tower. There is no way to get to the secret surprise; the ruins of the tower were blocked off there. My indignation! ><’’’

I like advisory tasks more and more ^^. True, Josephine goes to most of them (let's do everything with someone else's hands - it's so tempting, oh yes X))), Leliana always strives to quietly remove someone, so she gets reconnaissance and discreet accompaniment, and Cullen It's all about making money. A couple of times while it was his finest hour, he sent soldiers to close the gaps and his best champion on a quest to fight for the inheritance.

Party members have already begun to talk to each other. Varric and Solas are trolling Cassandra about the fact that these people have piled up again, and it’s up to us to clean it up. The Bull and Solas carefully look at each other. Sera infuriates Solas with her complete indifference to elven history. Bull and Dorian find out who owes what to whom over centuries of war. Sera and the Bull sang: You shot through my horns - Are you against it? – No, just if it’s not an accident, let’s do it intentionally; By the way, what kind of women are you like? Same as you? - Hmm, well, yes. – Oh-oh-oh... (I understand - this is a hint, I catch everything on the fly! X))); - Let me climb on your shoulders and shoot from there. – Standing or sitting? - Standing, of course, you have such faces. - Lets do it. - Yes, it will be crap, but it will be fun. X)))

Cass is such a sweetheart! After the quest with the magicians, it all came over me. I was like: what are you doing... And she: oh, it looked like I was blaming you? No, I'm not blaming you. You had to make a decision, and you made it. If you want to know, I would have done the same thing myself, here. You should have seen her face! My mimi-meter just broke X)))

And now for five minutes of dating simulator. You can flirt with everyone. Now finally with everyone X))) But not everyone reciprocates. Cass is stern, Vivien neighs, Dorian loves the attention, such a dog =))) I already began to doubt whether I had the same bug that mistakes him for a man - but no, Dorian just likes attention X))) Flirting with a Bull means laughing , he lives in the style: “This is how I like it: boldly and directly. Come with me, I like you... (c)" - and if you try to rub something into him about love and unity of souls, you will get a revelation about a strap-on and everything - oh well, what are you, I can stand up for myself, no worry.
Blackwall receives the title of the most gallant gentleman. He gave me compliments for the rest of the party in advance. X))) Moreover, you can flirt with him, just like you’re meeting him, and it feels like you’re daring him with your eyebrows and daring him, and he just hangs slightly - and then calls out: “Wait, don’t you happen to need a Gray Guardian? Part-time?” Looks funny X)))

Entry four. Skyhold.

Bright Axe, yes. I thought it would really be an axe, but no, the developers regretted it: they added a disclaimer about the fact that “axe” was mistakenly translated as “a weapon with a long shaft” and solemnly handed me a purple staff. This is not bad for my level, I go with it.

Passed the final for the Vault. Holy shit, that was strong! And in terms of epicness, and in terms of staging, and in terms of emotional impact. These villagers were still dying all the time, the Bull constantly reported: “Another corpse” and had to be replayed, and I even thought for a moment that it was impossible to save both the elf and the alchemist, because one of them was sure to burn from the explosion - but no, managed! (Or this is my crazy imagination). They also gave Roderick a chance to shine, and the music in the final battle was so, so... eh. This snow, spirits of despair DESPAIR! which you bravely push back into the gap, blizzard, sniffling, trembling, poking fires with the sad - “it’s completely cooled down.” Knee-deep in snow, uphill and all that.
When Reverend Giselle sang a song, I almost burst into tears
What kind of chosenness there is, truly, it’s a series of random events. But since this has happened, then you need to gather your half-asses into a fist and fight, because it’s stupid to think that someone should do this for you. As Blackie says, “The inaction of good people causes as much harm as the actions of bad people.”

Skyhold is cool, I ran around it for another two hours, shutting everyone up to the point of hiccups X))) At the command headquarters, so many new missions appeared at once, my eyes just ran wild! **

Solas. Yes, ahem, Solas. Intellectually, I understand that “this will not end well” (c) and soon, soon some interesting surprise will emerge, like “I’m three hundred years old, I crawled out of the darkness” (c) - but that’s me. And my elf has already hung her ears - you can hang noodles in kilograms, right to the floor - fortunately, she has big ears. In general, if you play as a Dalish magician, then there’s a real prince there. After falling out of the Shadow, he nursed him, risking his own life, taught him how to use the mark, takes him on a date on an excursion to the Shadow, tells a bunch of interesting tales about elven greatness, helps here, gives advice there, a castle, a whole castle, such a dog, he gave it to him!
Okay, no joke - he has a very cool novel. Wake up, Neo, wake up. I’m really into it, it seems like I’m going to force events with a rollback to the control save, well, I can’t just go ahead and do minor quests for influence until X)))

There were still enough approval points for Blackwall to start the novel, but he simply and without any pretense said: “You know about my feelings for you, my lady, but now is a difficult time, war, I am a simple soldier, and you are the Herald of Andraste, and in general , I’m already going to kill myself about the Archdemon for your sake - that’s why we can’t be together, and don’t ask.”
He bobbed, Solas bobbed, Bull promised to show something interesting - the soldier showed, what the hell, as Sera said: “Don’t pay attention to the ass in the sky, honey, jerk off to your heart’s content.”
One Cullen hotly promised that there would be no more Korefans on the table in the middle of dinner, he would control everything, sort it out and save it *Arkady Parovozov should be here * - thank you, friend! *wipes away tears of tenderness* Although he also cunningly didn’t say: no, I don’t have relatives in Kirkwall, they are in Ferelden. No, in Kirkwall there was no one who was dearer than a friend. This is Amell, this is all her, yes, she is invisibly with us X)))
It's time to start decorating the castle with Dalish carvings...

Kohl is awesome! Especially this short and everyday one: “He died.” Bunny in a chic hat. It’s good that there’s no romance, well, it would be pure pedophilia ><"""

Sera is surprisingly nice in Skyhold. The monologue about Korefan and the Throne of the Creator is something with something! X))) I’m a little split that I have a little faith in Andraste and want, so to speak, to back up the theory with practice. We need to take her with us more often, to fill her up with friends. Well, she has amazingly perky battle cries X)))

Entry five. Collective.

Damn, it's time to unsubscribe from the dragonage coo. X))) And they hide everything under spoilers, such bastards. But this is a spoiler! You need to look under it! I'm tired of beating myself on the wrist every time I go to my favorites X)))

She condemned Alexias. By the way, I had a lot of options: execute her, put her in prison, give her to Fiona, subdue her and keep her for myself. By the way, I don’t know who broke down spiritually and is absolutely harmless, but in the execution option you tell him, “We’ll have to kill you. Again” - and he jumps higher than the ceiling: “So my spell worked after all? It worked?! Let me out of here,” it’s even good that you cut off his head. Somehow calmer. Otherwise, they’ll rush to modernize in a minute. Anticipating accusations of bloodthirstiness - no, she did not execute X))). And she didn’t even pacify it, although she should have. I left it for myself: devil:. A new mission has opened at the command headquarters. Vivien, by the way, approved - this is about the issue of loyalists

I don’t really know what to do with Sera; it’s no easier to romance her with a magician than it is to romance Fenris with friendship. Toka-toka filled with friendship - she condemned me again X)))

Dagna! She's so cool, I just can't believe it! I'm very glad that everything worked out for her =)))

In the command headquarters quest with five beautiful Venatori agents, I happily forgot all the ins and outs, now at the final stage I can’t choose X))). In principle, where do mortalisati and bards come from in Ferelden, but what if?! X)))

I wanted to collect the heavenly fragments and found a dragon in the Inner Lands. I ran so hard that my heels were stuck in my back X)))

I tried to force the events a little - there were enough influence points for just a little: I spat, rolled back my save and went to clear out the Quagmire X))) Next time I’ll go again - both to the Quagmire and force X)))

The further into the forest, the more openly Solas fires - the degree of suspicion has jumped almost to Fen’Harel X))). Moreover, it’s not clear whether he’s really worried, or whether he’s hinting, like, you’re a smart girl, come on, get lost now and turn it back if you’re afraid X)))

I’m seriously ready to carry Vix in my arms or build a home altar in his honor. I run around in a gang named after him - Solas, Bull and Cole - I bubble with happiness non-stop X))) The very first dialogue between the bull and Kolenka was a little outrageous: - Bull, that woman in the village wanted to undress you. - Many people want it. – In her thoughts she imagined you as big. - That's flattering. Bull in general, he doesn’t like demons, but he treats Cole in such a fatherly way**. Even despite the fact that he asked him not to say something strange, and Cole immediately played back a couple of his painful memories X))) Calls him Kid and offers all sorts of tactical things for two X))). Solas and Cole talk about their own, highly spiritual things and drive the Bull to white heat. X))) Solas and the Bull took a closer look at each other and grappled with Kun for life and death. Already five dialogues are shouting at each other, as if told, in my memory even Sir Solas has not pissed off X))) I’m still waiting for it to come to a duel

Entry six. Ball.

NEVER EVER AGAIN. X_x First of all, I foresee with horror how I will go through this quest properly X_x. This time there was a quick run, and I didn’t do all these three hundred quests for coins/rumors/compromising evidence and all that kind of nonsense (for which I paid). Secondly, we are very dense elf-mages, which is why I have almost no favors from the court at all. X_x And I tried to fall in love with what was left, choosing the wrong dialogue option X))) And for wandering around closed rooms it fell. And you can't be late. Oh, that precious moment when the bell rings and you're like, oh, okay... and you keep fumbling around, and then it rings again and you're like, I think I'm a little late... And you look at your approval glasses - oh-oh : hands to feet and RUN.
In short, a terrible quest that completely immerses you in the atmosphere of a difficult behind-the-scenes battle in Game X)))
But on the other hand, I was the only one out of the whole group that really suited the inquisitorial uniform =3 They all stubbornly ignored the hats and masks, unwittingly putting themselves in a piquant position: we are not with you, WE ARE HIGHER THAN YOU. Only Solas proudly wore this funny hat, but without a mask - the mask mysteriously showed through on his nose. Selina's dress is simply awesome! *a thousand Sirdets* And Briala really has “beautiful elven eyes” =))) And Gaspar is nothing like that... In the end, I’m terribly sad that I failed the quest - Gaspar was executed, and Briala, no matter how much I reconciled them with Selina, was expelled . Next time I'll be more careful ><’’’
By the way, whoever takes Solas to the ball - he can break your mold. I was torn by X))). This was quite unexpected, but, whatever, it’s one more coin to add to the bank of doubts.
Entry seven. Adamant.

*runs in circles*
Guardians. Shadow. Spiders. Devine. Guardians. Hawk.
*falls unconscious*
In general, as with the Shelter, it’s a 100% hit on the nerves. And the Grays with their duty and motto (there were terribly beautiful moments), and the Shadow (I found a statue of Cthulha, oooh! ^^), and drama-drama. I still can’t be happier that I reloaded Amel’s save. If she were from Kusland - no fools, she would cry and go to replay -_-. Such difficult decisions are not about me, I didn’t send Alistair to the Gray Wardens so that later with my own hands...
The nightmare was happily burning at everyone. I had Blackie, Varric and Solas. Black and Varrick have standard fears: your SS screwed up, but your red lyrium... Then it was Solas’s turn. Hmm, the demon was puzzled. It was necessary to get out of this situation gracefully and not particularly spoiler... And gracefully trolled Solas in Elvish. Naive! Romance an elf - don't go without a dictionary!
This, of course, is not a declaration of love to translate; I couldn’t find some of the words at all and I’m not at all sure of the final result, but it turned out something like this: “Speak, deceiver. Are you happy with nothingness? Are you proud of those who replaced those who left? “Non-existence is inevitable.” Here. It would seem, why are there wolves on the second fresco near the sword of the Inquisition? Probably, by the time of the rain, Orlesian artists do not know what mabari look like.
I no longer doubt anything. I’m just waiting for the future with a bad feeling and saving up points for the elven temple X))) I have to see everything with my own eyes before I joyfully run into some critical spoiler thread.
By the way, Solas's main fear is death alone. Which quite correlates with dialogues like: “You don’t understand, it’s important here...” - I understand. - Oh, hmm, sorry, I’ve just been alone for too long and am unaccustomed to the fact that someone can support me.”
Varrick's main fear: “to become like his parents” X))). Cassandra: “helplessness”, Sira: “non-existence”, Cole: “despair”, Dorian: “temptation”, Blackwall: mysterious “personally”. (And in general, I see some kind of garbage with translations of tombstones here ><
Spiders hit the sweet spot for my arachnophobia. X))) And they had cool, varied names, yes. (By the way, Blackie is not afraid of spiders; he didn’t have them, but he didn’t admit who). And the final monster, moreover, also awakened my trypophobia, and I already began to cowardly wonder: wouldn’t the three of my party members be able to cope with the boss while I stood facing the wall and chanted calming mantras? X))) – but, fortunately, I didn’t have to fight with him. Phew...

I really want to go to the elven temple. I've been licking my lips at him since the art book. But forty turnip points... *moans pitifully*

Entry eight. Temple of Mythal.

I despised the dream and passed it in one go.
Moreover, she rushed as is, without even replenishing the supply of bees - and into a location with a minimum level of 16 on the 14th. It was a play on the name of the barrier, because the archers/horns of my party members took out in two kicks, and if you were very lucky, even in one Samson actually gave the poor Bull such a rodeo that he would remember him for a long time. He also managed to knock down the magicians with a ricochet. A lazy elven guy with a huge hammer delivered it separately.
But it passed!
Rituals. Rituals! I still didn’t understand the principle of why they broke down in the middle - it seems that you can’t not only step on the same tile twice, but even stupidly turn your face back while running. I can imagine how slowly and orderly the priests did this with all sorts of prayers and chants... A PERVERTION FOR THE ETERNALLY LIVING.
In general, it’s very beautiful there, both in the forest, on the threshold of the temple, and in the temple itself. Mosaics and statues in real life completely captivated me! Even in a semi-flaky form. Perhaps there is too much gold - but, on the other hand, this is a temple, after all, it is supposed to look rich.
Elves. The ancient elves will break your ideas about elven history X))) But I felt sorry for them - they have terribly uncomfortable armored underpants. It was even clear from our guide that how much they are uncomfortable X)))
She took Solas, Sera and Bull with her, but only Solas was in ashes, the rest were kind of for show. Solas and Morrigan fought madly all the way - you should have seen their faces. In big letters all over her face: “Let us, daughters of Flemeth, contradict some other swamp bastard!” and he said: “Despised woman, what do you even know about elves!” Near Fen "Kharel it turned out really epic. I had to tell them: NAU KISS - they seemed to quiet down. Exactly until the next statue
She sucked the source into herself - because it doesn’t matter. I am an elven keeper, my heritage, don’t touch with unwashed hands, I’m better off on my own
It was worth doing this only to then chat with Solas: it turned out to be a very ambiguous dialogue, he seemed to be talking to me, but in fact he was arguing with himself and quietly promoting his own problems and fears**. At first he screamed like a crazy person, then he completely shaved off. The Dalish Keeper is such a psychotherapist, yes
In the end, all people are like people, and I am a highly spiritual elven maiden (tm)
In fact, Solas completely met all my expectations *stroked the piercer* now it somehow sounded ambiguous X))) , bunny anyway. I had to find the most beautiful place, so that I could then tenderly report that my sweetheart had a slave brand on her face. And he said: oh, you were upset, I didn’t mean to... No, damn it, I was happy X))) I continue to wear my slave brand proudly , my tree, I became close to it
Well, hmm, but he really loves it. But Lavellan didn’t seem to think so; I laughed a lot at her dramatic facial expressions. Someday he will get so bad that he gets hit in the head with a club and is dragged into a cave by force, what X)))

Judging by the magical narrative wall, the next quest is the last. So I’m thinking, shouldn’t I perform the feat of overcoming level 14? Maybe at least part of it will be possible to play back, otherwise you don’t even know what’s worse - just jumping over spoilers or hearing these vague hints from all sides: but there oooh... but you don’t know yet - happy ... but in the finale - y-y-y... I already want to break into YouTube and cut off everything in one motion, if only not for this suffocating and omnipresent meaningfulness

Entry nine. The final.

Well, here we go. X)))
The scene with Flemeth, Morrigan and the baby was justooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I didn’t even expect that Morrigan was such a caring mother. But what kind of face does she have if she drinks from the spring and finds out the truth - I’d like to see that X)))
Flemeth, well... I guessed it, yes X))) Actually, a long time ago, I just had to compare the images in the temple with the name of the goddess - and voila! - Mital. There is something about it, yes, when a defeated goddess of vengeance comes to a tormented, revenge-seeking woman and they unite for the glory of future achievements. By the way, Solas, in one of his awesome cool stories, talks about Flemeth, or rather, about her hut, which no one still dares to enter X)))
Or so, Solas. Well, such a discovery, such a surprise, who would have thought, yes! X))) A stubborn rhyme: “The sun is at sunset, which means the moon is at sunrise. What a shame it is to be smart - you know everything in advance.” - these are some such feelings X)))
To be honest, after listening to a lot of meaningful sighs, I thought that it would somehow appear in the plot and kept waiting: when, when. But fig X))) He and Korifeich never lost sight of each other, they knew each other in an exemplary manner. An epilogue to an epilogue doesn't count. A cliffhanger is the last thing I wanted X)))
Well, in general, I’m indignant. My heart swore that everything would become clear - but nothing cleared up! Kharellan, as he is X))) Who woke him up? Why is the sphere needed (is it not to free the rest of the elf gods, it works like a key between worlds)? Why the hell did he give the sphere to a dubious character emitting radiation like a nuclear bomb? Perhaps Corypheus unintentionally dug up Solas in his search for elven artifacts (this, as it turned out, was the favorite pastime of all Tevinter masters: tearing apart the greatness of the elves, tearing apart the elves in search of greatness in any incomprehensible situation - bring something elven) and squeezed the sphere himself, but doesn't matter. Why did he suck Flemeth into himself? Or was Flemeth sucked into him? Where did you go, why, with whom to fight? About everything, like where the red lyrium came from, dragons, corruption, what really happened between the elf gods and whether there is a Creator - I don’t even bring it up, it’s somehow awkward... X)))
And, what’s most offensive, he never confessed! Or it could have been, at the farewell party I guessed it myself anyway X))). But no, all by myself, all by myself - an eagle! They will sniffle, suffer, expose themselves in a disgusting light and tear all connecting threads for the sake of the imaginary good of loved ones. And what? Probably, just like with the sphere, you’ll have to go and scrape it off the floor (otherwise, what a major conflict, and without the GG).
On the other hand, a change of card can be considered a recognition - a beautiful one, by the way, and which is so straight-up, colorless, and also has a stubborn wolf on it X))) - but if there was a change of card, then there was a recognition - and his , it seems, there wasn’t. I poked at different lines, only managed to break off the relationship, Solas left such a beaten puppy that it even became somehow awkward, although it would seem! X)))
Well, as I understand it, this is the same novel about which the developers shyly said: what are you talking about, not in every novel the ultimate goal is sex, and we would like to reflect this too... And yes, I liked everything except that there could have been more trust, but this has been said here more than once X))), and in general, it just so happened that it’s Dorian’s ass or Bull’s body that can get hurt, and the sexiest part of Solas, here it is, proudly the petrel flies, glitters in front of everyone, how it warms itself - admire it, I don’t want to. And his novel is very beautiful. In short, the absence of a naked Solas doesn’t upset me at all, but I can do without three bags of wolf cubs like Urthemiel and so, thank the eggs, Santa Barbara.
In general, now, having a history, so to speak, of the background of what is happening, it’s somehow difficult for me to call him the Dire Wolf, because he is a real Terrible Cat, who walks on his own - he came, he left, he came, he left... He was naughty, throughout the game he diligently licked his paw, pretending that he had nothing to do with it and was helping solely out of the kindness of his soul and from the bottom of his heart, Flemeth made the eyes of the cat from Shrek - and began to misbehave again. Hmm, perhaps it's time for me to stop... X)))
I even somehow feel sorry for Korifeich. Well, he doesn't look like a villain. He is a man - an epic fail, or “a visual aid to the dangers of communicating with Hawk”; he even managed to fail his own triumph. And how at the end he peed himself and called for help from Dumat, DB and at least someone, completely forgetting that he was pretending to be a god here...
It’s generally harmful to communicate with Hawk, so he ruined Corypheus, Corypheus ruined Solas - and so on in the chain. And considering that Hawk went to Weishaupt and MISSED, and with him the semblance of order in the main SS stronghold - soon, of course, it will bomb again. And I’m worried - he also talked to Inqui... X)))
By the way, I forgot about the whole side, which sadly affected Morrigan’s epilogue speech. That is, they say, so far everything is good here, BUT IT’S COMING. The guards had a fight with Weisshaupt, Lelka is being stalked by the opposition, the magicians are free, but will soon break out, Selina refused to support her, and Briala is playing pranks, and so on.
In general, I hope that there will be DLS - and it will be good if there is, because if not, I will decide the fate of the elf gods myself, and if I have a fantasy, wow! And let's start with one very terrible Dalish punishment for one very irrepressible god... *went off to break nettles*
In the meantime, I still need to go through the game properly, suddenly answers to questions were piled up there, and I happily ran past them. In general, to be honest, I happily ran past everything X_x Well, you can’t just take and not collect all the mosaics/shards/notes of the codex X)))
That's why we don't say goodbye, everything is just beginning... X)))

Entry tenth. Slides.

And-and-and, slides!
I've even gotten used to my girl. And she didn’t mind. If he doesn't grin. X)))

And Lavellan after cosmetic facial cleansing X))) I still haven’t decided which I like better - to go with a tattoo or without.

And sometimes, with good lighting, it’s just like an actress - yes, yes, the editor also had insidiously good lighting X)))

A naga mount named Royal Peace-Pis. We need to find a photo from a better, um, angle. And then just one mouth makes you shiver

Who would have thought that Sera would have such a cute corner. The magpie is real, of course, but this cuteness with her greyhound doesn’t stand out at all X))) especially in contrast when you move to this airy-cushioned corner after the dark and harsh castle tavern.

Fashionable Solas. I'm afraid he left me for much more prosaic reasons... Well, damn, what rags were available, I crafted them from them.

Rock art is scattered throughout Thedas in abundance. Very, very, by the way. But sometimes it leaves me perplexed. For example: what kind of gathering of ash ghouls is this?

Or what do these gavriks symbolize? Moreover, it was painted on the wall of the Mital Temple. Is this how the ancient Elwen see the current Dalish people, or what? X)))

And I fell into the floor with underloaded textures. No comments. But I feel uneasy about what lives in my basement This... X)))

So, actually, let’s put all the information that I have so far into one picture. Then, most likely, more will be added - but for now, as it is. Of course, spoilers.
Fen "Harel did not betray or lock up the elven gods in any City, but he almost certainly set them on fire to confront him. This fits well with his role as a trickster and with the nickname "rebel god". He probably even did this with the good motives - it seemed to him that something was rotten in the Danish kingdom (considering how much he was protecting EB in vain, this is putting it mildly X))) and this matter needed to be corrected. In any case, all his efforts only led to the fact that the gods fought each other to the death, cut off the legs of the colossus of elven domination from the inside and consider that they opened the doors to people. Some of the gods died, some fell asleep (and sometimes this is the same thing), in general - this is nothing good It didn’t end. People quickly cleaned up everything that was left of Elvenan and created the Great Tevinter Empire on this basis.
It has not yet been determined whether the Old Gods worshiped in Tevinter and the Elven gods are one and the same. In principle, both fell asleep, but the number did not add up. This also includes the only one among the elves who knew how to command and turn into dragons (it’s not for nothing that she is depicted with the head and wings of a dragon) or is this a feature of all EBs?
Then there was Corypheus and his comrades, who brought another song into the world, the Call of Defilement.
Mythal, as we now know, quickly cooperated with Flemeth. Apparently, this trick of hers with horcruxes and resurrection through a part of the soul helped her then too. Actually, she also quite openly dumped her main goal on us: “Retribution that will make the heavens tremble.” For this reason, in particular, Flemeth raises his daughters and tries to bring dragons back to this world. So far she's doing a good job of it.
All the heroes whom she helped in one way or another work for her great plan. She saved Marik for his promise to go to Yavana and awaken the great dragon, GF and Alistair - with an eye on Urthemiel's soul (which she eventually receives if the ritual was carried out), Hawk and his family - because they are the only ones who could release Corypheus, and Corypheus has already started the party for evrybady dance in the third part... by the way, why is she helping the Inquisitor? Obviously, she does not need the torn Veil and the rotten master in the Black City as a fact of his victory, but she needs Corypheus himself, because why?
And now we have to look at who she is going to take revenge on. Since, according to the new version of Elven lore, the gods fought among themselves, then, in theory, she should cherish revenge against one of them. But bad luck, they are all fast asleep.
Now Fen "Harel, who very conveniently and very mysteriously woke up just in time for the patikhard. And I am increasingly convinced that he was awakened by Corypheus, who, out of an old habit, began to dig for powerful elven artifacts (and the great Tevinter culture, as conversations progress Solas and Dorian and dragging them around all sorts of hot places, licked with the elven one a little less than completely... ) and accidentally dug up the Dread Wolf. Here, in principle, the voluntarily given sphere somehow fits in - if you’re awake, you’ll figure out what this is a miracle in front of you, at the time of falling asleep there were no such people running around Thedas, and the miracle itself is not far from those times, it could figure out who it had dug up, and tell a big lie, and even hit it on the head goodbye, making a pass sphere of conditionally voluntary. Considering that Corypheus stubbornly does not recognize Solas as an acquaintance, he did not look quite like that at that moment and, quite possibly, he also picked up a suitable body along the way. But this is all completely speculation.
So, Fen "Harel woke up, looked around, swore like crazy - he fell asleep in the world of free magic and immortal elven, and woke up in some kind of viper, where the pale shadows of former elves either beg in elf-houses or wander through the forests, which , actually, one thing. The revolution, in short, was more than a failure. This is where the terrible guilt complex comes from - it’s understandable, it’s not every day with these little hands you rip everything that was dear to you to the ground - and a new name that doesn’t only "Pride", but also "Pride", the fruits of which we, in fact, saw in the quest of the same name. Whatever he was going to do there, all this lost its meaning when he blew the sphere, and then got involved with the Inquisitor and got involved in the quest for kicking it back out. During the mess with Corypheus, at least, Solas was mainly engaged in self-criticism and fixing another ass that arose at his mercy. But he was definitely going to take the sphere for himself - he indirectly mentions it even during the first conversations in the Vault , they say, our primary task is to find the artifact that made the Breach (what a cunning bug!).
And, in fact, the sphere. Dorian compared it to the ancient dream things, “vessels of dreams.” Dagna called it "the key". Corypheus made holes for her in the Veil, and Inqui closed these holes. The Inquisitor and Corypheus, I believe, used it roughly as a microscope for hammering nails, so its real potential is much broader. This is probably the same device thanks to which Fen "Harel was the only god who could roam freely either in the Shadow or under the Earth without a penalty to his characteristics - a kind of compact universal eluvian.
But the sphere is broken (or not - see the slides just above), which means it is unusable. But thanks to self-criticism, Solas finally came to something - the key conversation takes place after the quest with the source in the Mythal temple - and in my case, he came to the conclusion that if some bullshit didn’t work out the first time, then you shouldn’t despair, but try to fix everything in the second X))). In a historical context, it looks no less ominous than Mital’s, by the way X)))
And here, thanks to Cole, we can figure out his main motive - Solas will try to find and, optionally, awaken those elven gods that still remain. It would be easier with a sphere, but even so, for sure, if you try and use the eluvians, it is quite possible.
It’s not for nothing that Flemeth stands near the eluvian at the end. But who ate who - you can’t figure it out. Flemeth could have eaten Solas, considering him one of the steps to the pinnacle of her revenge - he is the one declared by us as the main culprit in the fall of Elven. But she might not have eaten it - she would still need it in picking out the rest of the gods from the utenera. Solas could have eaten Flemeth to gain her knowledge, power, and Eluvians. Or he might not have eaten it.
Or maybe they even have a symbiosis: two, three, four, five in one - why don’t you?

And to hell with him, with Cullen, look at the young Padawan X))) Face inspires.

Instead of “Voice” I read “Solas” on the screen saver and realized that it was time for the beaver to exhale... X)))
But why, this is actually a challenge to my genius, you can’t just go ahead and not come up with a continuation of “Witch Hunt” that’s a little more fun and interesting! Gestalt is not closed, in short.
There are a couple of difficulties. It is almost impossible to beat God on his field. In about fifty percent of cases, Lavellan pretty much acts like a cuckoo, and the choir of the name Mythal in his head rather contributes to, rather than hinders, this disgrace. Well, I don’t see HE here, what can be offered to the ancient god so that he can take a little break from picking out his comrades from behind the Veil and not derail the entire world balance? Well, that is, there are a couple of options (let the hussars keep quiet), but for now they look more like a herd of pink marshmallow galls, and not working versions.
And I’m overwhelmed by the contradictory desire to write something heartbreaking with a minimum of severed limbs and a maximum of broken destinies, such intensity that the characters would actually cry out: “It would be better if you tore off some limb for us!” to a track with the appropriate mood, like “Supremacy”... but on the other hand, I don’t want it, I want something positive X)))
And there are a couple of modest, but fully formed headcanons, but they are so banal that they are not even worth voicing. Although, by the way, I would look at Flemeth’s comments about this whole stupid situation between Solas and Lavellan (and she can clearly see it from the inside). It must be an interesting sight X)))
In short, the puzzle has not yet been assembled; the most important thing is missing - an idea worth writing it all down. You have to distract yourself and wait - well, it will come on its own =))) In the end, this has its own charm - just as a Japanese man gets half the pleasure from picking his woman out of a kimono, so I solve a creative problem. Writing is not nearly as exciting, there is much less of creativity left, just a shell X_x
Just now they compared Solas to a sinusoid, along which he is constantly and inevitably storming from feelings to duty and back. And Lavellan, like an inevitable piercing X axis, which does not allow you to jump off this graph. There is also a good comparison: “climbs like a toad on a heap.” It's about Lavellan, yes. At the same time, the heap sniffles, suffers, and every now and then tries to crawl away, but then it still returns. And here we should not forget that the point is not even in who and how many times he hit whom on the ass, but in the fact that Lavellan for Solas is also a pedagogical experiment and a beacon of Zarthra in one bottle. In fact, the only one he can rely on in this rather depressing world for an ancient elf of begging elves and thieving Dalish people - they say, not all is lost, there is still gunpowder in the flasks, and berries in the buttocks (that’s what I checked, yes, hussars, yes =3). And when he wipes the vallaslin off her face, it means a little more than a friendly service of cosmetic facial cleansing. In any case, in the final scene they look like two stubborn idiots, which means that people are in love, and who are we to judge them... X)))
Could be worse. Look at Blackie. His novel is written in approximately the same way, but you either want to hug February and cry, or laugh and run away. You can combine it, and then bury yourself in Cullen’s fur traps (hussars, I’ll kick you out right now!). What would we do without Cullen, really?
Cough, cough, it turned out to be a rather stubborn post, and perhaps what better way to end it than a complete fall into the abyss and a story about how the subconscious for once became generous with an erotic dream and even with a choice, and says this: “Well But do you want Solas, since you didn’t get enough in the game?” And I was like: “No, don’t, I’m somehow embarrassed...” - and instead of Solas I got a hot sexy Dalish girl. X)))
Okay, that's enough for today, and next time I'll talk about multiplayer. Or about Cullen. Or about Dorian and how the golden boy in him correlates with good aspirations. Or about how we went to a luxurious mansion in the Emerald Graves, and Solas always lingered suspiciously in all the rooms and came running last and pretty out of breath... although no, enough about Solas! X))) By the way, the mansion was a little disappointing. The beginning was really mysterious, but it all ended a little poorly.
And in the same Emerald Graves there is a house with four torches in the corners, which go out almost immediately. I tried to arrange my party members and start the fire right away, but it didn’t work. The order doesn't seem to matter to them either. What's more... X)))

Story quests

It is to this territory that you need to go to gain access to the dwarven city of Orzammar, where you will have to persuade the dwarves to come to your aid in the battle against the Spawn of Darkness. A group of bounty hunters, which will include a magician, will attack you along the way if you come to this map for the first time, but they are unlikely to pose a danger to you.

In fact, you don’t have to do anything to gain access to Orzammar - go to the gate, listen to the guard’s bickering with Loghain’s envoy Imrek, declare your desire to enter the city, then either kill Imrek or drive him away - and the guard will let you into Orzammar .

Non-plot quests

At the entrance to Orzamar, not far from the merchants, one of the magician’s students is walking, to whom you need to present a letter of dismissal.

The Frost Mountains are home to one of the caches you need to visit as part of the Denerim quest line “Services for Interested Persons.”


Story quests

After passing through the Hall of Heroes and entering the residential part of the city, you will immediately witness a not too unpleasant scene between Belen and Harrowmont (with whom you may already be quite familiar if you are playing as a noble gnome). After talking with the chief of the guards after everyone has fled in different directions, you will find out that you came to the dwarves at a not very opportune moment - after the death of King Endrin, the Assembly cannot decide who should inherit the throne, and without the presence of a king, there is no help from there is no need to wait for the gnomes, because no one will take upon themselves the responsibility of sending an army to the surface when there is almost a civil war going on inside.

It doesn't take a genius to figure it out - you need to do everything possible to ensure that one of the contenders for the throne becomes the rightful ruler of Orzammar. Which one is up to you, it doesn’t make much difference (although if you are playing as a noble gnome, you may have personal scores with one of the contenders).

Attention: you can talk to representatives of both applicants and receive initial tasks from both, but complete only one of them - the applicant you decide to support. If you complete them all, both representatives will decide that you have sided with the opposite party and will not talk to you anymore.

Regardless of which side you decide to take, first you will be asked to prove your loyalty (and that you are not a spy for the opposing group) by completing a small assignment.

If you decide to side with Lord Harrowmont, then you should talk to Doolin. He can be found at the Harrowmont Mansion in the Diamond District or at the local tavern. If you decide to go into the Assembly before speaking with representatives of both candidates, Doolin will intercept you on the way out. To test your loyalty, you will be asked to compete in the Arena of Trials as the champion of Harrowmont. Several of his fighters unexpectedly withdrew from the competition, so along the way it would be a good idea to find out what the reason for this behavior was (although this is not necessary to complete the task).

Go to the Arena. Bayzil, one of the Harrowmont fighters, will share his problems with you if you have developed the Persuasion skill. As he admits to you, he is in a love affair with a married lady, and representatives of Belen, having somehow obtained letters from the loving couple, threaten to make them public. The letters are in a chest in the locked room of Myajala - one of Belen's fighters - right there in the Arena, and you can either simply pick the lock if you have the appropriate skill, or steal the key from Myajala herself and thus open the door. If you give Bayzil the letters, he will agree to fight for Harrowmont.

Harrowmont's second fighter, Gwyddon, was informed that Harrowmont had decided to give up his position and give up the throne to Bhelen, and the competition was being held only to allow him to "save face" at the same time. You can persuade him to take part in the competition by convincing him (with the appropriate skill) that Harrowmont is not going to give up.

After you finish all your business, go to the Arena Manager and announce that you are ready for the duel. You'll have a series of fights, and you'll have to fight the first three alone. In the fourth, you will be allowed to choose one of your comrades as your partner. In the last fight, if you convinced Bayzil and Gwiddon to side with Harrowmont, they can join you if you want - or you can take your normal party.

Once you finish all the fights and are declared champion, you can finally meet Lord Harrowmont face to face. Unfortunately, winning the Arena is not enough to convince the Assembly of Harrowmont's right to the throne, so you still have a lot of work to do.

If you decide to support Prince Belen, then you can find his representative Vartag either in the palace or in the House of Assembly. As proof of your loyalty, you will be asked to deliver two letters, from which it follows that Lord Harrowmont promised the same reward for support to two different individuals. It is to these persons - Lord Helmy and Lady Days - that you will have to take the letters. Lord Helmy is at the local tavern, and all you have to do is give him the letter. Lady Days, although she will be very upset by the news, nevertheless does not have the right to make such decisions herself, and therefore, after talking with her, you must find her father, Lord Days, who is located on the Deep Paths. Lady Days will give you a map so that you can get to the desired tag, namely the Educan tag.

Lord Days is located in the southwestern part of the thaig. To get to it, you have to fight your way through a significant number of Spawns of Darkness, Deep Pursuers (small animals with very sharp teeth that love to ambush you in indecent quantities) and other dungeon inhabitants. When you reach Lord Days and help him deal with the monsters attacking his group, you can finally give him the letter and receive assurances that from now on he will support Belen.

After this, return to Vartag and you will receive an audience with the prince in the palace. Unfortunately, your efforts only won Belen two supporters - which is not enough to convince the entire Assembly, and therefore you must take a few more steps to ensure his throne...

Regardless of whether you took the side of Belen or Harrowmont, your next tasks will be exactly the same, and the first of them will be to deal with the head of the local mafia named Jarvia, who is absolutely no help - especially in Dusty Town.

Travel to Dusty Town. If this is your first visit to this remarkable place, then it will be marked by an attack by local bandits. If you're playing as a commoner dwarf, you might meet your old friend Leske here, but he won't tell you anything useful. To get the information you need, talk to a beggar woman named Nadezhda, a local merchant named Alimar, or a gnome named Radek. (Perhaps it is most profitable to talk with Nadezhda, since she does not need to pay - unless you yourself want to reward her - or use any special persuasion.)

Whoever you choose, you will learn that Jarvia's lair can be penetrated with the help of special talismans that Jarvia's assistants carry with them. Go to the house in the southernmost part of the area (you might even have been there before and not found anything interesting). However, this time a whole gang of bandits will be waiting for you there. When you take almost all the lives of the leader, he will beg for mercy. You can kill him or let him go, but in any case you will receive a talisman in the form of a bone finger, which is a kind of key to Jarvia's lair. Now go to the “Suspicious Door” north of the house with the bandits, and when you examine it, you will receive the option to use the talisman and can now safely go inside.

Jarvia's lair is teeming with bandits of all kinds, in some places - spiders, and also, like any self-respecting bandit den, it is filled with numerous traps, so I highly recommend going there with a robber. Jarvia herself is in the eastern room, and no matter what dialogue options you choose with her, you will end up having to fight her. Beware of traps - there are quite a few of them in this room, although virtually all of them are concentrated in the second half of the room (you can notice them by the numerous barrels placed around).

If you are playing as a commoner dwarf, you will find Leske along with Jarvia. If you're playing as someone else, Leske will be sitting in a cell in one of the previous rooms, and you can free him if you want.

After dealing with Jarvia, disarming the traps and finishing exploring the room, go to the corridor in the northeast corner - through it you can go to the Unnoble District through the trading post without having to return through the entire brothel and Dusty Town.

When you report to Harrowmont/Belen about the success of your mission, you will immediately be given another task - to go to the Deep Roads and find Paragon (Perfect) Branca there, about whom you may well have already heard from the locals. Branca is currently the only living Paragon of Orzammar, and her support will certainly ensure support for the candidate in the elections. (In the event that Branka met a sad end in the Deep Roads, you need to at least find her remains.)

At the exit from the city, you will be caught up by someone Ogren, whom you may have already met earlier - or perhaps not, but this does not play any role. Branka is his wife, and therefore he will decide to join your group. You don't have to take him with you right now, even if you agree with his offer, but at some point he will still automatically join your group. (Ogren is a berserker warrior who specializes in two-handed weapons.)

Non-plot quests

Information about the city is scattered throughout Orzammar - collect it and the location of the treasure in the Chamber of Assembly will be revealed to you. Each area of ​​the city contains some of the information you need, that is, you need to visit: Hall of Heroes (near the entrance to Orzammar), Trial Arena (in the room south of the main hall), Dusty Town (near Alimar's shop), Diamond District (sign above the entrance) and the Unknown District (document on the bridge leading to the Arena). After that, go to the Assembly and in the niche next to Vartag you will find a chest with a reward - a ring that adds 2 to all characteristics.

This quest is given to you by Orta in the Archives in the Diamond District. You need to go to the Deep Roads and find evidence there that her family belongs to a noble family. You can find evidence in a chest in the Ortan taiga in front of the bridges, near which spirits and golems are found. (He will be there even if you did not receive the quest.) As a reward, you will receive 5 gold from Orta when you visit her in the Assembly Chamber. If you refuse the reward and return to it later (you need to leave Orzammar and the Frost Mountains), you will receive 10 gold from it.

This quest is only available if your PC is a male gnome of noble birth and if he spent the night with Mardi in the prologue. Now she has a son (yours), but since you were declared an outcast and you lost your caste, her child is also out of caste. You can ask Belen or Harrowmont (depending on who you supported) to accept your son into their family. Do this before you leave Orzammar after the king is elected (it's best to talk to him immediately after the coronation), otherwise the child will remain Out of Caste.

You will receive this quest from Rogek in Dusty Town. He will instruct you to deliver the contraband lyrium to Godwin in the Tower of Magicians (if you have already completed the Tower, you may remember him - this is the frightened gentleman who was hiding in the closet on the second floor). To get lyrium you must pay Rogek 50 gold (40 with high Conviction) and you must have the money on hand. If you talk to Rogek without the required amount, he will wander away and the quest will be lost. Also, if you have already completed the quest for the Tower of Mages and took the side of the templars, you, of course, will not be able to deliver contraband to the recipient.

If you delivered the lyrium to Godwin, then you can receive from 50 to 65 gold plus a dagger from him, depending on how high your Conviction is. Report to Rogek that the task has been completed and you will receive 10 to 25 gold as a reward.
If you are unable to complete the quest (for example, if Godwin is dead), you can sell the lyrium to traders (although this will not fully reimburse you for your losses).

You can also kill Rodek. If you say that you cannot deliver the goods to their destination because there are simply no magicians left in the Tower, he will decide that you are going to cheat him and will attack you. He will also attack if you threaten to turn him over to the authorities for smuggling. (Rodek can be killed immediately without bothering with the quest, but in this case you will only receive 20 gold from his corpse.)
If you feel a moral obligation to stop lyrium smuggling, another way to do this is to report it to Gregor in the Wizards' Tower (And this can be done after you have received the money from Godwin.)

In the Archives, one of the Guardians Milldrath will complain to you that a valuable book was stolen from them. Travel to Dusty Town and talk to Korebit. He will attack you. You won’t find the book on him, but you will find a receipt on his body, from which we can conclude that he has already sold the goods to someone in the Test Arena. Go to the Arena and talk to Gredin. He will attack you. After getting the book back from his corpse, you can either return it to Milldrath, or sell the person named Jerthrin right there in the Arena for a couple of gold pieces.

This quest is given to you by Naga Trapper Boermor in the Unknown Region. Once you receive it, nagas will appear throughout the city - a curious cross between a rat and a pig. You need to deliver them to Bohermore. The quest will be considered completed after delivering the very first naga, but you will be given money for each subsequent one, and if you find all ten, you will receive an additional reward.

In Dusty Town, a beggar named Zerlinda will tell you her sad story, and if you want, you can help her. You can advise her to try her luck on the surface or talk to her father, who is at the local tavern, and convince him to take his daughter and grandson back. If you have completed Brother Berkel's quest and a branch of the Church has opened in Orzamarr, you can send her there (or talk to Brother Berkel yourself and ask for help for Zerlinda). You can also convince her to abandon the child in the Deep Roads, as her family demands.

This quest is given to you by Dagna in the Unknown Region. She dreams of studying at the Tower of Magicians, but for some reason all her letters asking for acceptance remain unanswered. Head to the Tower. If you have already completed the quest “Broken Circle” and sided with the templars, then Gregor will refuse Dagne’s request. If you took the side of the magicians, then Irving will agree to accept her as a student, and all that remains for you is to tell Dagna the news. Another option is that you can persuade Dagna to stay in Orzammar, as her father wishes. If you help Dagna go to study in the Tower, her father, the owner of a weapons shop, will be so upset that he will refuse to sell his goods to you.

You may receive this quest earlier or later depending on whether you sided with Bhelen or Harrowmont. If you decide to support Belen, then you can go to the desired part of the palace immediately after the first conversation with him, and if you supported Harrowmont, then you can do this only after his coronation.

In one of the bedrooms in the western part of the royal palace you will find a sick woman, and the doctor nearby will explain that she is poisoned and only a very strong antidote can save her life. He will give you a recipe for an antidote (which requires the highest level of Potions). All you need to do is prepare an antidote and give it to the patient. You will not receive any reward other than the antidote recipe itself (which can cure Paralysis and Sleep).

You will receive this quest from Brother Berkel in the Unknown Region. Brother Berkel dreams of opening the Church of the Creator in Orzammar, which is somewhat difficult, since conservative gnomes revere their Paragon ancestors and are not too enthusiastic about the prospect of some new religion. If you decide to help Brother Berkel, then talk to the Chief Guardian in the Archives and convince him to allow Berkel to open a branch of the Church in Orzammar. (You can also refuse to help Brother Berkel, stating that he should not interfere in the religious affairs of the dwarves.)

This quest is given to you by Fielda in the Unknown Region. Several years later, her son went on an expedition to the Deep Paths and disappeared there without a trace. He can be found in the Ortan teig, but over the past years and the trials that befell him, poor Ruk has changed so much that he does not want to come back. You can lie to Fylda that he is dead (this option is only available if you talked to Rook about his mother and he asked you to lie to her) or tell the truth. If Filda finds out that Rook is alive, he will decide to go to him on the Deep Paths, but in any case, the quest will be completed. You can also kill Rook if you want. If you leave him alive, he will act as a merchant for you.

You will receive this quest in Jarvia's Lair. Almost at the very beginning of the map you will find Jammer's diary, from which you will learn that he hid a treasure here. There are three chests scattered throughout the dungeon, and from each you need to take one - the cheapest - item (an iron envelope opener, a silver ring, a garnet trinket). If you pick up the wrong object, you will get injured. Once you have all three items, you can open the treasure chest in the northern part of the map.

If you talk to Bohermore with Leliana in the group, she will notice that she doesn't really like his nakeds. Talk to her after this - she will say that she would like to have her own naga. If you talk to the Idle Dwarf in Dusty Town after this, he will snag you a "cute naga" for a few silver coins, which you can present to Leliana as a special gift. After this, the naga will be found in your camp.

In the throne room of the royal palace, you can solve a small riddle. Place your two companions on the arrow-shaped tiles in the southwest corner and place the third on the central tile in the previous room, then activate the throne with the fourth (get ready for battle). Deal with the monster that appears and you will receive a two-handed sword as a reward. This quest must be resolved before any of the applicants are crowned.

In the royal palace in one of the eastern rooms you will find a black bottle. This is one of the vials that will summon a revenant if you break it.

In the royal palace in the northeastern part, when you first enter there, a group of robber dwarves will appear in front of you, who appeared in this corridor by mistake. You will have no other option but to kill them because they will immediately attack you.

In the Trials Arena, you can take part in unofficial competitions (unlike competitions for the honor of Harramont, here you will not fight alone, but as a group). If you win all four, you will be rewarded with a ring for the Blood Mage.

If you activate the Memory Wall in the Archives and then find and activate three rune slabs scattered throughout Orzammar and the Deep Roads, then when you return to the Memory Wall and activate it again, you will receive experience as a reward. (Rune Plates - next to the miner chief at the exit from Orzammar to the Deep Roads, in the southeastern cave at Caridin Crossing and in the west-central hall in the Dead Moats.)

After you choose the side of Belen or Harramont, you will be attacked several times by groups of supporters of the opposing party.

After you deal with Jarvia, if you return to Dusty Town, you will be attacked by Jarvia's supporters.

In a chest in one of the rooms of the royal palace you will find a Love Letter, which you need to complete the quest “Intercepted Correspondence”.


Story quests

In order to find Branka, you need to go through a whole series of tags and dungeons. First, head to Caridin's Crossroads, which should appear on your map after talking to Harrowmont/Belen. You will enter it at the northernmost point, and your goal is to reach the exit at the southernmost point. The direct path is blocked by rubble, so you can bypass it either through the western caves or through the eastern ones. The western caves are filled with Fiends of Darkness, and the eastern ones are filled mainly with Deep Pursuers.

Having made your way through numerous opponents and finding yourself at the southern exit, now when you enter the map of the Deep Paths, a new location will open to you - the Ortan thaig.

Thaig Ortan is filled with Fiends of Darkness and spiders, as well as spirits, golems and other equally unfriendly inhabitants of the local dungeons. Your goal is to make your way to the northeastern part of the teig, where Branka’s diary is located. Be careful - when you reach the place with the diary, you will have a boss battle - the spider queen. I recommend running away after she appears, because in this case she will follow you and you can avoid simultaneously fighting with other spiders that will appear later. The Queen will disappear a few times when you remove a certain percentage of her health, but will return to the battlefield fairly soon. After dealing with her and the rest of the spiders, read Branka's diary. Now, when you go to the Dead Paths map, a new location will open to you - the Dead Moats.

After enjoying the sight of the army of Fiends of Darkness at the entrance to the Dead Moats, you will soon come across the Legion of Death, repelling the attack of the Spawns. Since you still need to go through the bridge and the attacking enemies to continue your mission, you can help the gnomes in the battle or even run forward along the bridge and take on the entire enemy (in this case, I recommend walking carefully and with caution, because a group of advancing Fiends The darkness is quite numerous and it may not be very wise to start a fight with everyone at once - although in any case everything depends on your group and your level.)

If you clear the bridge and the area behind it, the Death Legion will follow you to hold the line on the new line, but they won't get much further than that, so you'll have to rely on your own strength. Move along the map, fighting off hordes of the Spawn of Darkness - in some places almost an entire army will be waiting for you - for example, in the south-central part you will meet the orange boss - the Forge Master - along with the elite Alpha Harlock and numerous “white” opponents. It is best to first carry out reconnaissance with your robber - there are also traps here.

Having overcome all obstacles, you will stumble upon Hespit - Captain Branka. At first, she will simply appear in front of you from time to time, reciting rather creepy poetry in a low voice, and then you will be able to talk to her in person. From a conversation with Hespit, you can find out that Branka, apparently, is still alive, and that something extremely terrible happened to the dwarves accompanying her (especially the women) - but, in general, you won’t get much intelligible information from her .

After passing through the cave with Hespit, you will come out into a fairly spacious hall, where several ogres will be waiting for you. Having cleared the hall of the enemy, you will find that one of the doors is locked and requires a key. Go through the southern door, where you will see several Legionnaire spirits, and take the Legionnaire's Key from the altar at the end of the corridor. The spirits will become hostile after this, so be prepared for a fight.

You now have the key to open the "Evil Door". Go through it and the corridor and soon enough you will come across a huge and exceptionally nasty looking boss of the area. So, now you know what the Womb of the Fiends of Darkness looks like, giving birth to them.

The queen cannot move, but her tentacles (each one is an elite) can disappear and appear wherever they want, and in addition, she can spit poison over a long distance to almost any place in the cave. If you look around, you'll notice two corridors on either side of the queen - you can move your group there so that she doesn't bother you too much with her particularly powerful spits. If you stand at the very end, then the tentacles, which for some reason can only appear at the very beginning of the corridor, will not be able to attack you directly. Several times during the battle, the Matka will call upon the Fiends of Darkness for help - fortunately, ordinary ones, not the elite.

Once you've dealt with her tentacles (and they have a habit of disappearing when you deal some damage to them and appearing a little later, so it can take a while), then the queen herself will no longer be such a dangerous enemy. You can finish her off from a distance, you can do it in close combat (cu-de-gra - blow of mercy - looks very impressive with a melee weapon), just keep in mind that, like ogres, she can grab the enemy and start cutting him to pieces pieces right in the air.

After dealing with the Matka, go to the eastern corridor. If you need to stock up on potions or sell loot to free up space in your backpack, return now - once you cross the border of the next territory, you will not be able to return whenever you want.

After you exit onto the Trails map, a new location will open to you - the Forge of the Void. When you join, Ogren will automatically join your party (if he wasn't already in it) and you'll have the option to change the rest of your party if you want.

In the Forge, you will finally meet Branka and get information from her about what happened to her and her dwarves. After talking with Branka, you will have to fend off several attacks from the Fiends of Darkness. Having dealt with them, go along the corridor to the room with the golems. It is filled with poisonous gas and to turn it off you need to turn four levers in the center of the room. Golems will come to life when you get too close to them, so it makes sense to retreat from the room as soon as the first golem is activated, deal with it, repeat the procedure until the room is completely cleared of the enemy, and only then turn off the gas and move on.

And then you will come across another room and again with golems - which, for a change, will be activated in pairs (although in this case not all golems will come to life, some will remain statues). There are also traps on the floor in this room.

Go further and you will come across a rather strange device, resembling a giant head surrounded by four altars, near each of which there is a spirit. Once you've dealt with the spirit, you need to activate its altar. You need to repeat this procedure four times, after which four slightly stronger spirits will appear, but the principle will remain the same - after the death of each of them, activate his altar. When you deal with the second four, the device will finally fail and you can proceed further.

In the final cave you will meet Karidin himself. He will explain how he was able to create golems at one time and why he now regrets it. At the end of your conversation, Branka will appear and you will have to make a decision: take the side of Caridin or Branka. If you side with Branka and Sheil is in your party, he will go over to Caridin's side and you will have to fight him. If you side with Caridin, you will - as you might expect - lose quite a lot of approval points with Oghren (although he will still remain on your side in the battle).

Regardless of whether you sided with Branka or Caridin, take note of the lyrium veins scattered around. I strongly recommend using them as often as possible - firstly, this is a free increase in your mana and health, and, secondly, if you don’t do this, your opponents can use them. Also, if you are having difficulties with the battle, I can recommend somehow temporarily immobilizing the main boss (for example, with a Force Field) and dealing with the golems first. Don't forget that golems are usually very sensitive to magic, while gnomes are the opposite.

After the battle, Branka/Caridin will create a crown for you, which you can give to the pretender to the throne. If you took Karidin's side, then after that he will ask you to destroy the Anvil of the Void and throw himself into the lava, thus ending his centuries-long existence. Alternatively, if you sided with Branka, you can convince her that her actions were wrong - in this case, after giving you the crown, she will throw herself into the lava, having first destroyed the Anvil of the Void. Now you can go back and present the crown to Harrowmont or Belen. If you give the crown to Belen, he will immediately order Harrowmont's execution. If you hand over the crown to Harrowmont, Belen and his minions will rebel right in the House of Assembly and you - with the help of the supporters of the new king - will have to kill them all. You do not have to give the crown to the claimant whose quests you completed - if you wish, you can betray him and give the crown to his opponent.

In any case, after this the new king will promise you support in the war on the surface, and your quest will be over.

Note: if you chose Branka’s side and she remained alive, then in the final battle a squad of golems will also join your army.

After you have chosen the king, upon leaving the Assembly, you will be greeted by Kardol, the commander of the Dead Legion. If you can convince him to help you on the surface, he will appear during your battle with the archdemon along with Eamon and the others.

Non-plot quests

Find three bags of demon body parts in the Deep Roads and piece it together. The first bag is located in the Edukan taiga in a small cave with the Spawn of Darkness approximately in the center of the map, the other two are at the Karidina crossroads - in the southeastern and northeastern caves. When you have collected all three bags, go to the Ortan thaig and activate the altar in its southern part in front of the bridge with spirits and golems. The demon that appears can be killed, or you can let it go in peace, having previously demanded a bribe of 25 gold from it. If you kill him, there is a chance that he will drop a magical sword or armor, but in most cases you will get nothing but mental satisfaction.

There are four pieces of Dead Legion armor scattered across the Dead Moats. If you collect them all, the location of the sarcophagus will be revealed to you, from which you can take the seal of the Dead Legion and take it to the Archive. If you do this, the Dead Legion will be recognized as a separate caste. Three pieces of armor are found in sarcophagi in the central and northern part of the Dead Moats, and the last piece is on the altar in the room with ghosts. You will find the seal in the sarcophagus in the corridor behind the Ominous Door.

Explore the four piles of rocks at Caridin's Crossing to find the hidden treasure. The piles you need are located: near the western entrance, southwest of the bridge with Alpha Harlock, in the central part, east of the cave with the Deep Pursuers. When you have examined all four, an icon will appear on your map indicating the location of the treasure in the southern part of the map. When you collect the treasure, this will complete this quest.

In the Anvil of the Void, in the cave with Caridin, you will find a wall with a list of the names of the gnomes who voluntarily agreed to sacrifice themselves and become golems. If you make a copy of this list, you can give it to the Chief Keeper in the Archives to perpetuate the memory of the valiant dwarves.

Assemble the Overlander's Sword. To do this you need to find all three of its parts. One is with the Herlock emissary in the southern part of Caridin Crossroads. One can be found in a vase in the Ruka cave in the Ortan teig. The last one drops from the Ancient Spawn of Darkness in the south-central part of the Dead Moats (It only appears there if you already have the other two parts. Sometimes - not always - for it to appear you also need to first visit the warrior's grave in the southeasternmost point of the Ortan thaig ). When you get all three, go to the grave in the Ortan tag, which will appear on your map, and when you activate it, you will receive the assembled sword (a very good one-handed sword with three slots).

If one of your party members is wearing the Dead Legion Armor (all four pieces), then when you activate the Dead Legion Relic in the room with the ghosts and the altar, a monster will attack you.

The story begins to unfold from the interactive Main Menu. The magicians on the other side with the templars are wandering towards the Temple of Sacred Ashes, where their long-standing confrontation should be resolved. But as soon as the New Game option is selected, an explosion occurs...

This is followed by the first player selection menus. What race will the character be? Will he be a man or a woman. Unlike the two previous games in the series (Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II), all the main races known in the game are available for selection: human, elf, dwarf and qunari. Each of them is different in appearance and has an additional bonus to attributes.

Playing as a gnome will exclude the possibility of choosing the mage class, since gnomes do not have the ability to magic.

Depends on the choice of race background character, as well as dialogues and romantic interest.

Then we select the character class. At first glance there are five of them, but in fact there are three: Rogue, Warrior and Mage. Each class has access to four branches of development of abilities (skills).

The difference between the subclasses for a robber and a warrior is only in the automatic selection of one of two active skills at the beginning of the game.

Starting Class Skills

In the future, you can develop the robber and warrior branches at your own discretion.

Each class choice corresponds to the first available weapon in the game.

Once the class is selected, select the difficulty. There are four difficulties to choose from: Easy, Normal, Hard and Nightmare. In each variant, the health and attack of enemies are increasingly increased. The experience gained on any difficulty is the same. The difficulty of the game can be changed even in the midst of combat. But to get the achievement "Inquisitor" A prerequisite is to start the game on Nightmare difficulty and complete the main storyline without ever lowering the difficulty.

After the future inquisitor “by default” wakes up, it will be possible to completely edit the appearance of the head, from the hairstyle to the tip of the nose. There are two voice acting options: one with a British accent and the other with an American accent.

Heavenly Wrath

The hero finds himself in the fog of the other world called the Shadow. He will experience a brief introduction on the other side of the veil and will be rescued by a mysterious female figure.

Unconscious, among what remains of the once sacred place, a group of soldiers finds us.

Having come to our senses, we notice something strange with our left hand.

We play out the interrogation scene to our liking, Cassandra (Seeker) and Leliana (Church Agent) will react regardless of the dialogue.

It turned out that the matter was not limited to the explosion... In its place a huge breach between two dimensions. Through rifts in space, demons attack across all lands Thedasa.

Cassandra hopes that the mark on her hand can close rifts and intends to test this theory.

Our hands will be freed and we can get a little used to the controls. Follow the given hints. The search button might come in handy [V] to detect nearby objects within the radar radius. The function is useful throughout the game by finding trophies and items for tasks.

When trying to cross the bridge, it is destroyed by a burning fragment from the Breach; they climb out at the crash site Small ghosts. Our hero grabs a weapon himself and begins to defend himself. Initially, you can only control the main character. When we finish off our ghost - Kassandra will finish hers and ask you to drop your weapon, the outcome does not depend on the choice of dialogue - Kassandra will allow you to carry a weapon.

In Cassandra (like all other warrior class) you can notice that the health bar is covered with metal plates this is an indicator Defense. While there is a defense, the warrior does not receive damage from normal attacks from the front. The more enemies attack a warrior, the more protection he has, but special attacks and attacks from behind will break through it. Defense is also enhanced by abilities.

It is also worth noting that the amount available potions limited. They are not sold, but found, improved and created. Afterwards, their limit can be increased. The entire stock of potions is common for the entire group.

At the top, after the first staircase, you can return to the bridge and pick up the gold.

We move further along the target marker on the map. A small squad needs help. When the last enemy is defeated by the dwarf Varric, the mage Solas helps us close the gap with a mark. Let's get to know this couple, we are far away and on the way with them.

We follow along the river. Several Small Ghosts are waiting for us on the ice, Big ghost and a couple Ghosts. From now on you can use the tactical camera [T], so that you can think through your future strategy.

When you aim at an enemy in tactical mode, its indicators, vulnerabilities and resistance are shown. Order your team members who, how and where to attack. In the future, automatic behavior for each satellite can be configured separately. This can be done immediately after receiving the second level, as soon as another gap in front of the bastion is closed.

Optionally, check out the two huts. Along the path to the left you can meet additional ghosts and listen to dialogue.

There will be a cache here that will replenish the entire supply of health potions. Characters can drink potions to restore health.

In the bastion we meet Leliana and the chancellor Roderick. He blames us for what happened and threatens us with execution.

Nevertheless, there will be no fight and the decision on how to get to the Breach falls to the hero.

The direct road is much shorter and there is an acquaintance with commander Cullen.

It takes longer to get through the mountains, but there are more monsters and gold along the way.

The choice will not affect the plot. In both cases you will meet a new monster Small horror. The set of items found is approximately the same.

Entering the ruins, we see that the Gap is fueled by a huge rift. Suddenly a creepy voice and cries for help are heard High Priestess Justinia. Going down, something strange happens... we hear a possible echo from the past. A dark silhouette discovers us and orders us to be destroyed. As soon as the command to prepare for battle is given, a huge Demon of Pride.

This one is the first boss has the ability of absolutely impenetrable defense. To deal damage and get rid of a couple of small ghosts, you need to activate the mark on the rift. The monster will be weakened for a few seconds and will not attack, and for some time it will become susceptible to damage.

Cassandra would benefit from the “Stunned Defense” skill and choosing a target for herself.

Regardless of what choice you made earlier, one warrior and three archers, including Leliana, will help you in the battle over the demon. She can be resurrected as a companion.

Designations on the map:
Vortexes faults;
Numbers progress on the quest;
Blue dots item or gold;
Green man character joining.

When victory is finally won, it's time to close the rift and put an end to this...

Next task:


x4 Warrior Rank 2, 3
Bounty Hunter x1 Mage Rank 2
Imrek x1 Warrior Rank 3 Optional battle (can be intimidated).
Bodyguard x1 Warrior Rank 3
Bodyguard x1 Spiritual healer Rank 3
Tornas the Deserter x1 Warrior Rank 3 Quest battle Dereliction of duty.
Vicious Thug (Shady Thug) x2 Warrior Rank 2
Brian x1 Duelist Rank 2 Quest battle False witnesses.

The guard at the entrance to Orzammar advises discussing political issues with Sergeant Major Bandelor. Bandelor is located in the Council Chamber (mini-location of the Diamond Halls).


Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be picked up in Lothering, Redcliffe or Denerim). It is necessary to take away the stolen Guild supplies from three deserters - in the Frosty Mountains, on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim (Port Backyards).

ring Frost Strike from a deserter in the Frosty Mountains;
175 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Stan's personal quest. If your relationship with Stan is good, he may talk about the loss of the sword. You need to talk to the marauder at Lake Calenhad. Then find out from Farin in the Frosty Mountains who he sold the sword to. In one of the houses in the village of Redcliffe, you need to convince Dvin to give the sword, then give the sword to Stzn.

125 XP for talking with the marauder;
125 XP and two-handed Stan's sword for completing the quest.

You need to read five lost documents in Orzammar. The documents are located in the Hall of Heroes, Community Halls, Diamond Halls, Dusty City, and the Test Arena. A chest with a unique ring will appear in the Council Chamber.

50 XP for each document read;
100 XP and a ring Key to the city for completing the quest.

Quest for the Society of Mages (can be taken at Lake Calenhad). Need to give three Notices of dismissal. Students are located in Denerim (Market and Curiosities of Thedas) and in the Frost Mountains of Orzammar.

175 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from D. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). It is necessary to destroy three false witnesses: on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim (“Wonders of Thedas”), in the Frosty Mountains of Orzammar.

6 gold coins for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from K. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to take four “bags” to the so-called Transfers(hides). Their location: Denerim Trade District, tavern on Lake Calenhad, pass in the Frosty Mountains, Redcliffe village. The last pouch will explode when placed.

175 XP and 3 gold and 98 silver coins for completing the quest.