The wonderful life of the wonderworker Mitrofan of Voronezh. Saint and wonderworker Mitrofan of Voronezh. Prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh for help in various situations St. Mitrofan of Voronezh life

Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh, wonderworker
Days of remembrance: July 19, August 7 (Discovery of relics), September 4 (Second discovery of relics), November 23

Saint Mitrofan, the first bishop of Voronezh, was born on November 6, 1623 in the Vladimir land, presumably into the family of a priest. The worldly name of the future saint was Michael. The saint lived half of his life in the world, was married and had children. Information has been preserved about the care of Saint Mitrofan in raising his son Ivan. The future bishop was for some time a priest in the village of Sidorovskoye, Suzdal diocese. At the age of 40, he became a widower and decided to devote his life to God. He chose the Zolotnikovsky Assumption Monastery not far from Suzdal as his place of residence, where he was tonsured a monk with the name Mitrofan.
Here the saint of God began his monastic asceticism, distinguished by deep humility. His strict monastic life became known among the monastic community. Three years after entering the Zolotnikovsky monastery, the brethren of the neighboring Yakhroma Kosmin monastery, which did not have an abbot at that time, began to ask the local spiritual authorities to bring Mitrofan to them as abbot. The request was fulfilled. At first, the ascetic was ordained to the priesthood, then, despite his reluctance, he was elevated to abbot of the Yakhroma monastery.
When Patriarch Joachim of Moscow and All Rus' learned about the ascetic’s zeal, he entrusted him with the larger Unzhensky monastery, founded in the 15th century. Venerable Macarius of Zheltovodsk in Kostroma land. Here the future saint abboted for about seven years, during which the monastery achieved prosperity. A temple was built in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and many wonderful icons were painted.
The monastery of Abbot Mitrofan attracted the attention of not only the Patriarch, but also Tsar Theodore Alekseevich, who visited the monastery and often talked with the abbot. At court, the saint was treated with special respect. When in 1682, by decision of the Moscow Church Council of 1681, the new Voronezh diocese was formed, Tsar Theodore proposed to appoint Abbot Mitrofan as its first bishop. The episcopal consecration on April 2, 1682 was led by Patriarch Joachim.
Saint Mitrofan had to witness the riot of schismatics in July of the same year and attend the “debate about faith” between the Old Believers and the Orthodox in the Faceted Chamber. This event made a strong impression on him and subsequently affected his episcopal affairs. Saint Mitrofan gained fame as an exposer of the schism and a supporter of the patriotic endeavors of the reformer tsar. Saint Mitrophan considered the clergy as a force capable of influencing the population in the most beneficial way. At the very beginning of his activity, the saint began to build a new stone church in Voronezh in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. Saint Mitrofan loved church splendor and invested enormous amounts of money in the construction of the cathedral. The life of the saint was more than modest.
A special page in the biography of Saint Mitrofan is his relationship with Peter I. The saint deeply and sympathetically entered into the fate of the young Tsar, and tried to promote the transformations that arose that were beneficial for the Fatherland. He approved of the construction of the fleet undertaken by Peter I in Voronezh and supported it financially. When in 1696 Russian troops won a victory over the Turks near Azov, Peter I ordered Saint Mitrofan, as if as a reward for his participation in this victory, to be called Bishop of Voronezh and “Azov”. At the same time, Saint Mitrofan could not approve of the tsar’s too close communication with foreign infidels and thoughtless acceptance of their customs. The saint refused to visit the Tsar's Voronezh palace because of the pagan statues that were in it. When the angry Peter began to threaten him with death, the saint began to prepare for it, preferring to die rather than approve pagan rituals unacceptable for an Orthodox person.
The bishop's confession put Peter to shame; as a sign of agreement with him, he removed the statues, and peace was restored. The saint of God remained at the Voronezh pulpit for 20 years, until his death.

The saint’s favorite reflection was the remembrance of death, the afterlife, and ordeals; favorite prayer is the prayer for the dead.
Not being familiar with the widespread in the 17th century. Latin scholasticism, Saint Mitrophan knew the Holy Scriptures and patristic works very well. In his “Spiritual Testament,” Saint Mitrofan edified: “For every person, this is the rule of wise men: use labor, maintain moderation, and you will be rich; drink abstinently, eat little - you will be healthy; do good, flee evil, and you will be saved.” Saint Mitrofan reposed before God in 1703 at a ripe old age. Shortly before his death, the saint accepted the schema with the name Macarius. He was buried in the Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh with great honors: the tsar with his own hands helped to carry the coffin of the saint, whom he revered as a “holy elder.”
Since 1820, the number of admirers of the prayerful memory of St. Mitrophan has especially increased, and records of miracles at his tomb began to appear at the cathedral. In 1831, there was an official report about this to the Synod, according to which, on August 7, 1832, the solemn opening of the coffin took place, and then the canonization of the saint followed. From his holy relics, by the grace of God, numerous healings took place for those suffering from physical and mental ailments, the possessed, and the paralytic. In 1836, the Annunciation Mitrofan Monastery was established at the Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh.

The Church of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh on Khutorskaya is a visible embodiment of the mercy of past years that we have inherited - it was once a home church at the Elizabethan orphanage, cared for by the royal family. Today the tradition of mercy continues.

Mitrofan of Voronezh is a great saint and wonderworker of the Russian land, who accomplished many good deeds both for Voronezh and for the whole country.

Advice! You can turn to the saint with any request - he stands before the Throne of the Lord and prays for everyone who calls for his intercession.

Prayer for work

O Saint Father Mitrofan, we are sinners, through the incorruption of your honorable relics and the many good deeds miraculously done and performed by you, having become confident, we confess that we have received great grace from the Lord our God, and, humbly falling to your mercy, we pray to you: pray for us, Christ our God, may He bestow His rich mercy on all who honor your holy memory and who diligently resort to you; may she establish in her holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, the spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, that all her children, being pure from worldly temptations and carnal lusts and the evil actions of evil spirits, may worship in spirit and truth Let them be diligent in keeping His commandments for the salvation of their souls.

May the Lord give her shepherd holy zeal for the salvation of people, to enlighten the unbelievers, to instruct the ignorant, to bring those who doubt to reason, to return those who have fallen away from the Orthodox Church to her, to keep the faithful in the faith, to move sinners to repentance, to comfort the repentant and to strengthen them in the correction of their lives, and so that all people can be brought to His prepared eternal Kingdom of saints. Pray to the Lord, O servant of Christ: may His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow cry out to Him day and night, hear the painful cry and may our belly be delivered from destruction. May our good God grant to all people in the kingdom peace, silence, serenity and an abundance of earthly fruits, and especially to the fulfillment of His commandments, unslothful diligence; and may he deliver the reigning cities, this city and all other cities and towns from famine, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, deadly plagues and from all evil.

To her, the saint of God, may your prayers arrange all that is good for our souls and bodies; Yes, and we will glorify in our souls and bodies our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the life of children

O Saint Father Mitrofan! Accept this small prayer from us, sinful servants of God (names), who come running to you, and with your warm intercession beg our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, that having looked upon us mercifully, He will grant us forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins and deliver us from troubles, sorrows, sorrows and illnesses of soul and body that beset us; may everything contribute to the benefit of our present life; May He grant us to end this temporary life in repentance and may He grant us, sinners and unworthy, His Heavenly Kingdom, to glorify His endless mercy with all the saints, with His Beginningless Father and His Holy and Life-giving Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

A short prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh

O Bishop of God, Saint Mitrofan of Christ, hear me, a sinner (name), at this hour, in which I offer you a prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God, may he forgive my sins and grant (the content of the petition) with your holy prayers .

Brief life and prayer help

Baby Mikhail was born in the village of Antipovka, Moscow district, where he grew up and studied science. He later married, and the couple had a son, John. But at the age of 40, his beloved wife departed to the Lord. Mikhail became a widower and decided to take monastic vows. In 1663 he was tonsured a monk and given the name Mitrofan.

Mitrofan Voronezhsky

The monk was strict with himself and with those around him; these qualities played an important role for the abbot of the Yakhroma monastery, who appointed the monk abbot of the monastery.

The saint enjoyed the respect of the brethren, he was especially valued and respected at the royal court of Theodore Alekseevich. The greatest abbot supported many of the undertakings of Peter 1, and was his mentor and teacher.

In 1682, Mitrofan was elevated to the rank of Bishop of Voronezh. At this time, Voronezh residents did not trust the Church of Christ, there was no parish life, people blasphemed God, their level of education was too low. But Saint Mitrofan actively promoted Orthodoxy, erected churches and monasteries within the diocese.

In 1703, the saint fell ill and felt his death approaching and soon died. Emperor Peter 1 was present at his burial and personally carried the coffin with the body of the deceased.

Saint Mitrofan (in the world Michael) was born in November 1623 in the Vladimir region, in the family of the hereditary priest Vasily and Mary (or Mavra). From the spiritual will of the saint it is known that he was “born of pious parents and raised by them in the immaculate piety of the Eastern Church, in the Orthodox faith.” Until the age of forty, the saint lived in the world: he was married, had a son, John, and served as a parish priest in the village of Sidorovskoye. Having lost his wife, priest Mikhail in 1663 took monastic vows with the name Mitrofan in the Zolotnikovskaya Assumption Hermitage, located not far from Suzdal. Three years later, Hieromonk Mitrofan was elected abbot of the Assumption Yakhroma Kosmin Monastery. He ruled this monastery for 10 years, proving himself to be a zealous abbot. Through his care, a temple was erected in honor of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Patriarch Joachim (1674-1690), having learned about the holy life of Abbot Mitrofan, elevated him in 1675 to the rank of archimandrite of the famous Marievo-Unzhensky Monastery in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity. There, under the care of the new rector, a temple was built in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

At the Moscow Council of 1681 - 1682, as part of measures to combat the schism and in order to improve education among the Orthodox, it was decided to increase the number of dioceses.

On April 2, 1682, Patriarch Joachim and sixteen archpastors dedicated Saint Mitrofan to the new Voronezh see. Upon arrival in Voronezh, the Saint, first of all, taking into account the difficulties of the time and the low moral state of the clergy and flock, sent out a District message throughout the diocese, in which he called for correction. “Honorable priests of the Most High God! - wrote the Saint. - Leaders of the flock of Christ! You must have bright, intelligent eyes, enlightened by the light of understanding, in order to lead others along the right path. According to the word of the Lord, you must be the light itself: “you are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14)... Christ the Savior, entrusting His flock to His Apostle, said to him three times: feed, as if instilling in them that the three are different images shepherding: the word of teaching, prayer with the aid of the Holy Mysteries and an example of life. You too act in all three ways: set an example of a good life, teach your people and pray for them, strengthening them with the Holy Mysteries; Most of all, enlighten the unfaithful with holy Baptism, and bring those who have sinned to repentance. Be attentive to the sick, so that they do not depart from this life without communion of the Holy Mysteries and anointing with holy oil.”

During the 20-year bishopric of St. Mitrofan, the number of churches in the diocese increased from 182 to 239 and 2 monasteries were founded.

It is known about the great friendship of Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh with Saint Pitirim of Tambov (July 28).

They maintained correspondence and met for spiritual conversations. The history of the foundation of the Tregulyaevsky Baptist Monastery near Tambov is connected with the friendship of the holy archpastors.

The First Voronezh Saint zealously cared for the needs of his flock: he eradicated disorder and disorder in the monasteries, established life in them according to the monastic rule, consoled everyone without distinction of rank and condition, was the patron of widows and orphans, and the intercessor of the offended. His house served as a hotel for wanderers and a hospital for the sick. He prayed for living and deceased Christians, and especially for the soldiers who died for the Fatherland.

Saint Mitrofan, as a man of high patriotism, with his authority, donations and prayers contributed to the transformations of Peter I, the need and purpose of which he well understood. During the construction of the fleet in Voronezh, the Saint convinced the people to help Peter in every possible way, and he himself gave all his funds, realizing that they were going to the good of the Motherland. This was very important, since many considered the creation of a fleet to be useless.

The high patriotism of the holy bishop was combined in his soul with the firm faith and severity of Orthodox convictions, for the sake of which he was not afraid to incur the royal wrath.

Although the saint was threatened with disgrace for disobeying the royal will, he refused to go to the palace of Peter I, because there were statues of pagan gods there. The king ordered the statues to be removed and from that time on he gained even greater respect for the saint.

E. Poselyanin describes an incident that testifies to the spiritual connection between Saint Mitrofan and Peter I, who honored him, after their death. Once in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg they saw a man praying earnestly in front of the tomb of Peter I. When asked why he was doing this, the man replied that St. Mitrophan commanded him to pray. One day in a dream, the holy bishop appeared to him and said: “If you want to be pleasing to me, pray for the repose of the soul of Emperor Peter the Great.”

Saint Mitrofan died on November 23, 1703, in old age, having accepted before his death the schema with the name Macarius, in honor of the Monk Macarius of Unzhensk, with whom he became spiritually related during his abbotship of the Macarius-Unzhensk Trinity Monastery.

The coffin with the body of the great saint was carried to the tomb by Peter himself. Saying goodbye, he said: “I don’t have such a holy elder left. May he have eternal memory."

The Saint's contemporaries did not leave us any monuments describing his Christian exploits, and only the Spiritual Testament reveals to us those gracious treasures of love and humility with which his soul was filled.

In this testament, filled with the spirit of prayer, he embraces everyone with his love, wanting to always teach his flock even after his death. Addressing the shepherds and flock, the saint says: “For every person this is the rule of wise men: work hard, keep moderation, and you will be rich; drink abstinently, eat little - you will be healthy; do good, avoid evil - you will be saved... May all Orthodox Christians abide in their ancestry piously and righteously, in all purity, in abstinence, holiness and repentance. I command you to love the Orthodox Faith; and the Holy Church is one in the entire universe, like a mother, to honor and abide in it relentlessly, and to hold the tradition and teaching of the holy fathers firmly and not in any way violated and unshakable. Just as it is impossible to please God without right faith, so without the Holy Eastern Church and its bright, God-given teaching, it is impossible for anyone to be saved.”

Since 1820, the number of admirers of the memory of St. Mitrofan has increased enormously, and Voronezh Archbishop Anthony II repeatedly reported to the Synod about miracles through the prayers of the saint.

In 1831, the incorrupt body of St. Mitrofan was found and he was glorified as a saint. Since that time, the Russian Church has commemorated the Saint twice a year: November 23 - the day of repose and August 7 (1832) - the day of glorification.

The first icon of St. Mitrofan was painted in 1830 by the artist Shvetsov after the holy archpastor appeared to him in a vision, which was predicted by Voronezh Archbishop Anthony.

Another saint to whom people often turn for help is Mitrofan of Voronezh. We will tell you below what Christians pray to him in church and at home. We will also briefly describe his life and deeds, thanks to which he was canonized.

Mitrofan of Voronezh: life

Mitrofan Voronezhsky was born on November 6, 1923 in the Moscow district, the village of Antipovka. At birth his name was Mikhail. Mikhail grew up and studied here, in his village. He got married and had a son. But his wife died early and at the age of 40 Mikhail was widowed. After this, he became a monk and took the name Mitrofan - 1663. Mitrofan was famous for his strict monastic life, thanks to which the abbot of the Yakhroma monastery appointed him abbot.

  • In 1675 he became abbot of the Trinity Monastery in the city of Makaryev.
  • In 1680, in the same place, he took on the duties of a tithe manager, that is, he patronized several churches. In this case there were 94 of them.
  • In 1682, Mitrofan was appointed Bishop of Voronezh.

The affairs of the Voronezh diocese were very neglected at that time: residents of the region did not show any trust in the church and practically did not visit churches. Their educational level was low. Church life was in terrible desolation: the existing churches were sorely insufficient for the growing population.

When Mitrofan was Bishop of Voronezh, the number of churches increased significantly. Several monasteries and a stone five-domed church were founded in Voronezh itself.

The bishop actively built schools in the villages and was involved in charity work. He was strict, but honest and fair, thanks to which he was able to win the trust of ordinary people.

Veneration and canonization

In 1703, the monk became seriously ill and died at the age of 80. Tsar Peter 1 himself was present at his funeral and personally carried the coffin to the burial place. To this day, his remains are kept in the Annunciation Cathedral in the city of Voronezh. In 1832 the monk was canonized.

Many churches of St. Mitrofan were built throughout the country:

  1. In 1847, a church named after him was built in St. Petersburg.
  2. In 1904, the monastery “Mitrofanievskaya Hermitage” was founded on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.
  3. And in 2003, the temple of the saint was created at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Voronezh.

In 1919, a special commission opened the funeral urn of St. Mitrophan. At the site of his relics, fragments of a skull with other hair glued were discovered. The main mass was a rag doll and a burnt blanket. Where the other remains went is still unknown.

Prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh

Believers ask Mitrofan for different things. During his lifetime, he helped to recover from illnesses, gave shelter to those in need, and helped orphaned children.

Here are some messages about your well-being and the well-being of your children:

  • About help in business: “To the divine Saint Mitrofan, who enlightens with miraculous deeds, we fall on our faces and ask: ask for us (names) of our Christ. May he bestow upon those who honor his commandments faithfully his rich mercies. He will give life affirmation and his blessing to true deeds, so that they come true correctly and reliably, there is no mistake or failure in them. And we, our Father Saint Mitrofan, will continue to glorify you and our Lord Jesus with prayers. Amen".
  • About children, their proper upbringing and well-being: “Holy Eternal Father Mitrofan is our patron, we ask you, we turn to you about our children, whose life was given by God to Jesus. Keep them as happy as you can. Help us parents in proper upbringing. Give us the necessary patience: strength and will to enlighten them and do good deeds, hard work and patience. Guardian, may you always be with us in this difficult matter. Saint Mitrofan and patron, we pray to you: give us joy from children and encourage us to live a long life next to them. Amen".

About health and getting rid of diseases

Many travel to Voronezh to visit the relics of the saint from other cities. Mostly they ask about health. But if this is not possible now, you can pray at home in front of the image.

  • “Our Father Mitrofan we pray to you, your benefactor: ask Christ the Great God for us, may he send us his mercies! May the Lord grant his care to his sinful sons and daughters who repent. Lord Christ, grant healing from the terrible unbearable pain that subjects me (name) to terrible torment. Saint Mitrofan is our patron, may the Lord hear your glorious prayers and help and not forget. Amen".
  • “Oh, blessed saint of Christ, Saint Mitrofan! Have mercy on me, hear my sufferings and cries and appease our Heavenly Lord Christ. May he give health and cure from every ailment: spiritual and physical. Accept my request, do not refuse, do not disdain my grave sins, I will pray for them diligently, honestly and openly correcting myself. Amen".

The power of prayer lies in the faith of the person praying and sincerity. Believe in what you ask for, but don’t sit idly by. Prayer will help you tune in, but it will not solve the problem for you.

In this video we will tell the stichera to Mitrofan of Voronezh, how the chant sounds correctly:

Prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh about work

The monk was a great worker. How many gracious and useful deeds were performed by him to help the church and ordinary people. Therefore, they pray to him for work when they cannot find it or change it.

  1. “Oh, Bishop Saint the Great Mitrofan! Hear me, the son of God Christ (name), I ask for help and favor, for the forgiveness of sins. Deliver me from troubles, sadness and sorrow. Give them a good job so that the children have something to feed. I will work faithfully for their good and support my family in my home. In my prayers I will praise your memory, merciful Saint Mitrofan, and I will instruct my children not to forget. Amen".
  2. “Saint Mitrofan is the intercessor and patron of everyone! (name) addresses you standing in front of your image and asks. Be baptized to our God Christ for me, become my helper and support, as always. May he give me joy and his blessing for good work, so that I work and sweat for his glory and for the good of my family’s children. My gratitude to him is great and the memory in my thoughts is endless. Amen".

The bishop helped everyone during his lifetime; people still pray to him for different things.

In this article we told you who Mitrofan of Voronezh is and what people pray to him for. They say that when he died, there was not even a will left, since the monk was poor until his old age.

All that remained from him were spiritual instructions: “ Love work, keep moderation - you will be rich. Drink little, eat little - you will be healthy. Do good - you will be saved».

Video about Saint Mitrofan

In this video, Father Mityai will talk about Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh, the life of the saint, his commandments and rules of life.

Days of remembrance: August 7/20 (Discovery of Relics), September 4/17 (Second Discovery of Relics and the Council of Voronezh Saints), November 23/December 6.

The future Saint Mitrofan (in the world Michael) was born on November 6, 1623 in the Vladimir province (now the Savinsky district of the Ivanovo region) into the family of a priest.

The saint lived half of his life in the world, was married and had a son, Ivan. It is known that for some time the future bishop was a parish priest in the village of Sidorovskoye, Suzdal diocese, not far from the city of Shuya.

Monasticism and Abbess

At the age of 40, he became a widower and decided to devote his life to God. In 1663 he entered Zolotnikovsky Assumption Monastery not far from Suzdal, where he was tonsured a monk under the name Mitrofan, and 3 years later he was ordained a priest and appointed abbot of the Yakhroma monastery ( Yakhroma Kosmin Monastery), which he managed for 10 years. Afterwards Saint Mitrofan was transferred to Makarievsky Zheltovodsky Monastery on Unzha, where he stayed for 7 years, being loved and revered not only by the brethren, but also by all the surrounding residents, who appreciated his humility, selflessness, hard work and vigilant concern for the organization of the monastery and the construction of a new temple in it.

The monastery of Abbot Mitrofan was often visited by Tsar Feodor Alekseevich Romanov, who often talked with the abbot. At court, the saint was treated with special respect. When in 1682, by decision of the Moscow Church Council of 1681, a new department was established to combat the growing schism - the Voronezh diocese, Tsar Feodor Alekseevich proposed to appoint Abbot Mitrofan as its first bishop.

Bishop of Voronezh

On April 2, 1682, Abbot Mitrofan was consecrated Bishop of Voronezh. The ordination was performed by Patriarch of All Rus' Joachim.

After his consecration, the saint lived in Moscow for several months, arranging the affairs of the new diocese. During his life in Moscow, he participated in the burial of the deceased Tsar Feodor Alekseevich and the crowning of the young sovereigns John and Peter.

Saint Mitrofan also had to witness the riot of schismatics in July 1682 and attend the “debate about faith” between the Old Believers and the Orthodox in the Faceted Chamber. This event made a strong impression on him and subsequently affected his episcopal affairs.

At the end of August 1682, Saint Mitrophan arrived in Voronezh. The population of the region was heterogeneous. Taking advantage of the fact that the region was remote from Moscow, people from all over Russia flocked here, seeking freedom or hiding from punishment. The clergy were almost entirely illiterate, but there were still not enough such clergy - some churches were closed due to the lack of pastors (there were only 182 churches on the territory of the diocese, which did not correspond to its scale and the constantly increasing population). The monasteries were also in a state of disrepair. The monks were more subordinate to lay people - the benefactors of the monasteries - than to the spiritual authorities. This situation contributed to the spread and strengthening of the schism in the diocese. The schismatics felt at ease in the Voronezh region, attracting the population to their side, they either led them into schism or distracted them from going to church.

Arriving in the diocese, Saint Mitrofan, first of all, addressed the priests of his diocese with an archpastoral message, which was imbued with one thought - about the greatness and holiness of pastoral ministry.

For 20 years the saint worked at the Voronezh see. During this time, Saint Mitrofan gained fame as an exposer of the schism and a supporter of the patriotic endeavors of the reformer tsar. One of the first concerns of St. Mitrofan was the construction of a new cathedral in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With the blessing of the patriarch and donations from sovereigns and other persons, the church was built and consecrated in 1692. This construction cost the saint great labor. The temple was remarkable both in its architecture and in its interior decoration, and the saint loved it as his brainchild.

Over the 20 years of Saint Mitrofan’s ministry in the Voronezh diocese, the number of churches increased from 182 to 239.

Saint Mitrophan and Tsar Peter I

A special page in the biography of Saint Mitrofan is his relationship with Tsar Peter I. The saint deeply and sympathetically entered into the fate of the young Tsar, and tried to promote the transformations that arose that were beneficial for the Fatherland. Tsar Peter, in turn, respected the saint and contributed greatly to strengthening the newly established poor Voronezh diocese.

Saint Mitrophan approved of the construction of the fleet undertaken by Peter I in Voronezh and supported it financially. When in 1696 Russian troops won a victory over the Turks near Azov, Peter I ordered Saint Mitrofan, as if as a reward for his participation in this victory, to be called Bishop of Voronezh and “Azov”.

At the same time, Saint Mitrofan could not approve of the tsar’s too close communication with foreign infidels and thoughtless acceptance of their customs. The saint refused to visit the Tsar's Voronezh palace because of the pagan statues that were in it. When the angry Peter began to threaten him with death, the saint began to prepare for it, preferring to die rather than approve pagan rituals unacceptable for an Orthodox person. The bishop's confession put Peter to shame; as a sign of agreement with him, he removed the statues, and peace was restored.

"Spiritual Testament"

In his cell life, Saint Mitrofan was simple to the point of squalor; his entire household routine was distinguished by exceptional modesty. He ate the simplest food and dressed just as simply. He used all his income for the needs of his diocese and mainly for thanksgiving. After him there was no money left even for burial, although recently the income of the Voronezh saint was considerable. He wrote in his will: “But I don’t have cell money... the imam has neither gold nor silver in his cell to give for the remembrance of my sinful soul.”

The saint’s favorite reflection was the remembrance of death, the afterlife, and ordeals; favorite prayer is the prayer for the dead.

Not being familiar with the widespread in the 17th century. Latin scholasticism, Saint Mitrophan knew the Holy Scriptures and patristic works very well. A few years before his death he compiled "Spiritual Testament", in which he gave pastoral instructions for all Christians: “For every person this is the rule of wise men: use labor, maintain moderation, and you will be rich; drink abstinently, eat little - you will be healthy; do good, flee evil, and you will be saved.”


Saint Mitrofan died November 23, 1703. Shortly before the death of St. accepted the schema with the name Macarius in honor of St. Macarius of Unzhensky, founder of the monastery. Buried he was in Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh on the 12th day after death. The funeral was forgiven with great honors: the tsar with his own hands helped to carry the coffin of the saint, whom he revered as a “holy elder.”

Funeral of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh and the discovery of his holy relics. On the left is Peter the Great. Religious painting of the 19th century

Discovery of the relics of St. Mitrofan and canonization

14 years after the death of Saint Mitrofan, in 1717, the Annunciation Cathedral began to collapse from the proximity of the ditches due to the instability of the foundation and it was dismantled in order to build a new one from the same material. Construction began in 1718 and ended in 1735. The body of Saint Mitrofan was transferred “to the right wing of the cathedral.” It was then that it was noticed that the body of the Saint was incorruptible.

100 years later, in the spring of 1831, the cathedral was repaired. It was necessary to examine the foundation for strength and re-lay the floor. During the renovation, the church platform was dismantled and the crypt of St. Mitrofan was discovered with a broken hole at the top. Through it they saw the open coffin (the lid was rotting) and the incorrupt body of the Bishop of Voronezh.

August 6, 1832 took place on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord discovery of the relics of St. Mitrofan. About 50 thousand people attended this event.

The relics were solemnly transferred from Annunciation (during repairs) to the Archangel Cathedral. The Annunciation Church reopened to believers in 1833. At the same time the relics of St. Mitrophan were transferred. For this event, Voronezh merchants arranged a silver gilded shrine weighing seven pounds.

In 1832, Bishop Mitrofan was canonized.. From his holy relics, by the grace of God, numerous healings began to occur for those suffering from physical and mental ailments, the possessed, and the paralytic. At the cathedral, records of miracles at his tomb began to appear.

History of the Annunciation Cathedral in Soviet times

In 1836, at the Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh, it was established Annunciation Mitrofan Monastery.

The name is closely connected with the Annunciation Cathedral Hieromartyr Tikhon (Nikonorov), Archbishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk. On May 13, 1913, Tikhon was appointed to the Voronezh department. The Archbishop performed divine services in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Mitrofanovsky Monastery. December 27, 1919 (January 9, 1920) on the third day of Christmas Tikhon was hanged on the royal gate of the altar of the Annunciation Cathedral. He was ruined by the Civil War, of which he was an ardent opponent.

On February 3, 1919, the Bolsheviks burst into the cathedral during a service and tried to defame the holy relics of Mitrofan, tearing off their robes and raising them at bayonets. An act of opening the relics was immediately carried out, according to which they were recognized as fake. The Mitrofanovsky Monastery was declared a stronghold of counter-revolutionary forces and, by decision of the Soviet authorities, was closed. In 1922, the Bolsheviks initiated a schism in the Orthodox Church, and the Annunciation Cathedral became Renovationist.

On August 20, 1929, on “Mitrofan’s Day,” Soviet authorities banned all religious services. A certain party member, Vareikis, announced to those present that the relics of the saint were being confiscated due to the closure of the Annunciation Cathedral for the needs of socialist construction. The relics of Bishop Mitrofan of Voronezh were transferred to the Voronezh Museum of Local Lore. On the same day, folk festivities took place on the square near the Annunciation Cathedral. All five Voronezh orchestras performing revolutionary music took part in them.

During the Great Patriotic War, the cathedral was almost completely destroyed. Finally it demolished in the 50s of the XX century.

Construction of the new cathedral began only in 1998. The newly built cathedral has no external resemblance to the lost one. It consists of two parts: the upper and lower temples, and can accommodate up to 6 thousand people. The new cathedral is the third largest Orthodox church in Russia and one of the tallest Orthodox churches in the world - its height is 97 meters.

Troparion to Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, tone 4
The rule of faith and the image of meekness / in word and life you were to your flock, O humble father Mitrofan. / Likewise, in the brightness of the saints / you have shone brighter than the sun, / we adorn you with the crown of incorruption and glory, / pray to Christ God // for our country and your city to be saved in peace.

Kontakion to Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, tone 8
Having enslaved the body to the spirit through abstinence, / having created the soul equal to the angels, / you clothed yourself with holy clothes, like the crown of the priesthood, / and now, standing before the Lady of all, // pray, the all-blessed Mitrofan, to pacify and save our souls.

Prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh
O saint, Father Mitrofan! Accept this small prayer from us, sinful servants of God.(names) , those who come running to you, and with your warm intercession, beg our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to grant us forgiveness of our sins and deliver us from troubles, sorrows, sorrows and illnesses, mental and physical, that hold us back; may everything contribute to the benefit of our present life; May He grant us to end this temporary life in repentance and may He grant us, sinners and unworthy, His Heavenly Kingdom, to glorify His endless mercy with all the saints, with His Beginningless Father and His Holy and Life-giving Spirit, forever and ever.