How to treat rotten orchid roots. How to reanimate an orchid if the roots have rotted? resuscitation methods. The main signs that the roots are gone

Roots and leaves are very important for orchids.


  1. Collect moisture.
  2. Accumulate nutrients.
  3. Carry out photosynthesis.

Attention! Under natural conditions, orchids are never completely submerged in soil or water, some of the horses are on the surface. Therefore, if overdrying of the soil has occurred, you should not fill the plant with water. It is better to hold the root for 10 minutes in water, and then spray the foliage.

We talked in detail about what to do if a flower bay happened.


  1. The condition of the leaves can indicate how well the plant has adapted to the environment.
  2. Dense and elastic leaves indicate that the flower developed in drought conditions.
  3. Somewhat compacted leaves are found in species that grow in open spaces with good lighting.
  4. Shade-loving orchids have soft and light leaves that quickly burn in the sun.

What are the consequences of their absence?

The consequences of such a circumstance will be obvious. A flower cannot grow without these important elements. It will gradually die.

To determine how serious it is, you need to inspect the roots for damage.

The following signs will indicate the death of the root system:

  1. Color change (you can find out what the normal color of a healthy root system should be and why it changes).
  2. Muddy and wet areas.
  3. If you press on the roots, water will flow out of them.
  4. The presence of collapsed filiform roots.

What are the reasons for such a problem?

No growing point

In this case, all rotten roots are removed. This is done using pre-disinfected scissors. Then the plant is installed in the water so that its upper part rises above the water. You need to move the container with the orchid to a well-lit place. So the orchid will begin to recover, and a new root system should soon appear.

We offer you to watch a video about the resuscitation of an orchid without a growth point:

There are no sheets

If the leaves of the orchid began to fall off, but the root remained unchanged, then the following recovery tips will help:

  1. You should not wait for all the leaves to fall off the orchid, you need to remove the flower from the pot and inspect the condition of the root system.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the system of natural leaf change so as not to confuse the natural process with a pathological condition.
  3. Watering rules in indoor conditions should be clearly regulated.
  4. If the plant has just been bought, you should immediately check the roots for the presence of or (?).
  5. If necessary, use a room greenhouse.
  6. From time to time it is worth transplanting a flower into a new substrate.
  7. Clearly adhere to the concept when using firming agents.

We offer you to watch a video on how to reanimate an orchid without leaves:

When does resuscitation no longer make sense?

When all the roots of an orchid have rotted and all the leaves have withered, it will be impossible to save the plant.

But if, nevertheless, small parts of the roots remained in a normal state, then it is worth trying to reanimate the orchid.

  1. To begin with, all rotten parts of the plant are removed. Then it dries well.
  2. Where the cuts were made, the areas are disinfected. This is done with activated charcoal. It is ground into powder, and slices are processed with this tool.
  3. After that, the zones where future roots should form are treated with vitamin solutions.
  4. And that's not all. After all these actions, constant care and nourishment of the orchid is necessary.

Resuscitation can take a long period, which on average lasts from several months to one year.

sluggish plant care

When growing an orchid, it is always worth remembering that the flower tolerates drought more easily than an excess of moisture. The orchid should be in a transparent pot with holes, so it will be easier to regulate the watering time. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the plant does not overheat and receives sufficient lighting. But direct sunlight is detrimental to the orchid, the light should be diffused.

It is difficult to care for a diseased plant, but it is quite possible to restore it. You will have to make a little effort before the flower will again please the household with its flowering.

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According to the structure and appearance of orchid leaves, it can be argued that these plants are perfectly adapted to environmental conditions.

Orchids growing in arid regions have a dense and fleshy leaf. Plants that live in the scorching sun have thickened leaves.

Shade-loving orchids have a thin and folded leaf. The color of the leaves of this flower is mostly green, it is rare to find variegated shades.

Due to the leaves, photosynthesis, respiration and evaporation of moisture are carried out. Orchid roots are also endowed with many functions.:

The roots of the plant are covered with a special tissue - velamen, which consists of dead cells. Such a fabric is filled with air, and like a sponge, it can both absorb and accumulate moisture. Velamen provides protection to the roots from mechanical stress and drying. The drier the conditions for the flower, the thicker the layer of velamen on the roots.

It often happens that the leaves and roots of the plant dry out or rot.. This affects not only the appearance of the orchid, but also affects its further growth and flowering. To prevent such problems from leading to death, urgent action must be taken.

The main task is to find out for what reason the loss of roots occurred. The orchid is a tropical plant, and the following conditions contribute to the oppression of the roots:

  1. Insufficient lighting. For the formation of new cells, as you know, photosynthesis must occur, which is impossible without good lighting.

    With a lack of light, the plant "falls asleep", water is not consumed, which accumulates in the porous tissue of the roots, due to regular watering.

  2. Cold. A lower temperature in conditions of sufficient lighting does not harm the orchid, on the contrary, it improves the flowering process. But in the case when the plant does not absorb the incoming moisture, the cold is dangerous. Under conditions of low temperature, the process of evaporation of excess moisture from the substrate is inhibited, the development of fungi and bacteria is activated, and the root system begins to rot.
  3. . The top root layer of an orchid, like a sponge, continuously absorbs moisture, even if the stem and leaves do not need it. Due to the stagnation of moisture in the substrate, pathogens multiply.
  4. Fertilizer abuse. The roots of this flower are very delicate and sensitive to excessive amounts of macronutrients, especially with regard to phosphorus and potassium. An increased dose or a high concentration of fertilizers can cause burns. Then the roots dry up and die.
  5. fungal diseases. In conditions of constant dampness, the plant is exposed to fungal diseases. With the rapid reproduction of the fungus, the living tissues of the orchid die.

One of the reasons for the loss of leaves may be the defeat of a disease such as fusarium (you can learn more about diseases of the green cover of orchids, as well as see photos of the affected leaves). This fungus has a high degree of distribution, and you need to save the orchid quickly. The disease occurs due to salinization of the substrate and a decrease in temperature. It is not excluded the appearance of fusarium after constant and excessive watering. Once in the tissues of the plant, the fungus clogs its vessels, and the leaves die off without even having time to turn black (read about why the leaves and roots of the orchid turn black and how to help the plant).

If only the root system is preserved

  1. Remove the affected areas of the plant, capturing a small part of the healthy tissue. Healthy tissues are green.
  2. Treat the orchid with a fungicide solution.
  3. Transplant the flower into a new substrate.

When does resuscitation no longer make sense?

If the flower does not hold well in the flowerpot and can be easily swung in different directions, hurry to remove it from the pot to determine the condition of the roots. If you find a root that is slimy, soft and full of water or mucus, be sure it is rotten tissue. The living root system is hard, dense and has a light brown color to the touch.

If the roots or leaves did not grow, this means that resuscitation measures began too late. Most of the root system or leaf tissue has atrophied significantly, and it is impossible to restore its vital processes.

Orchids are quite tenacious plants, and if at least one living bud is present, it is worth trying to fight for her life. With the right recovery process and further care, the orchid will definitely “come alive” and grow.

Caring for a sick orchid should be especially careful. It is necessary to do the plant daily baths.

If you find problems with leaves or roots in your favorite orchid, do not rush and throw the plant away. After all, treatment is not difficult. And timely and proper treatment will lead to the fact that your pet will delight the eye with beautiful flowering.

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The orchid flower is probably considered one of the finicky houseplants. It is necessary to take a special approach to their care, since basically these plants are tropical, and it is extremely difficult to recreate conditions suitable for a flower indoors.

Absolutely all owners of these delightful, but wayward flowers, need to understand how the resuscitation of an orchid without roots and leaves will occur if they are damaged.

Improper irrigation of the plant

Although orchid flowers come from the tropics, frequent watering can harm them. You should monitor the condition of the earth, when it is dry enough - the flower should be watered. Too much watering will cause the roots to rot. Conversely, infrequent irrigation will lead to their drying.

Irrigation of an orchid from a watering can

Overheating from high temperatures or direct sunlight

If the plant is under the influence of high temperatures or direct sunlight for a long time, the flower becomes very hot and loses a lot of water. Due to this circumstance, orchid leaves dry and die.

The amount of fertilizer used

It is important to monitor compliance with the maximum optimal amount of fertilizers added to the soil. Sometimes there is a glut of the flower with top dressing, intoxication occurs, and as a result, the plant dies. But it must be borne in mind that even a lifeless orchid can be restored.

It is worth considering in detail the methods of resuscitation of an orchid, which may differ depending on the condition of the roots and leaves.

Methods for growing new roots with water

A simple way is to resuscitate orchids in water, where a well-prepared solution will play the main role.

It will require pre-boiled water at room temperature, activated carbon, any root formation stimulator. In order for the resuscitation of the Phalaenopsis orchid in the water to be successful, before starting work, it is necessary to wait a few hours, putting the plant in the shade, so that the cut is slightly delayed. After it dries, you need to dilute the root former according to the instructions in the instructions and immerse the leaves in it for about twenty minutes. Next, pour water into the prepared container, throw activated charcoal and only then immerse the plant there. It is preferable to leave a vessel with a flower in a ventilated room with a temperature of 23 to 25 degrees.

Sometimes the leaves need to be wiped with a cotton swab, soaking it in sweet water in advance, sugar can help a weakened plant recover faster. It is imperative to monitor the volume of water in the container with the plant and, as necessary, add warm boiled water.
As soon as the roots become about 5 or 7 centimeters long, the flower needs to be transplanted. The whole process will take about two months. In the same way, resuscitation of orchid babies in water occurs.

A more painstaking method is considered to be the resuscitation of an orchid without roots above water, where the plant should not be immersed in liquid.

All rotten and dried roots should be cleaned. Before you remove the blackness and cut off the damaged roots, you need to disinfect the scissors or knife. When the plant becomes clean, it is worth treating it with a fungicide to prevent rotting. Treat all cut sections without exception with crushed activated carbon. In order for the treated areas to drag on, the orchid should be dried and left overnight. Pour clean water into the prepared container so that the distance to the plant is at least 1 centimeter.

Resuscitation of an orchid with sluggish leaves

Orchids with sluggish leaves are resuscitated in various ways and directly depends on the cause of their withering.

When a few bottom leaves wither, while others remain healthy, then this is a natural process, and there is no need to remove them. After a certain period, the leaves themselves will fall off. But if all the foliage withers, it should be concluded that errors were made during the care. In this case, it is necessary to put the flower for several hours in a dark place. It must be remembered that it is forbidden to irrigate the flower until it rests. When enough time has passed, you can sprinkle the leaves with water and water the roots. But one should not expect that the orchid will revive instantly, it will take several days to restore it.

The question arises if the orchid is being resuscitated: should the flower stalks be cut off if they have not wilted? The answer is obvious - the top of the peduncle must be cut off so that the plant spends energy only on rebirth, and not on the growth of flowers.

Also, when the plant is restored, the leaves lose turgor and become soft. Here, the resuscitation of orchids without roots with succinic acid, which is available both in tablets and in powder, will undoubtedly help.

Irrigation with succinic acid helps to recover damaged areas of the plant faster. It will also give resistance to negative conditions, such as cold, excessive moisture, heat or high temperature. Succinic acid activates the increase in the number of leaves and roots and eliminates the excessive concentration of nitrogenous elements in the soil. Half of the tablet must be dissolved in one liter of warm water. Do not use more than once every 2 weeks.

In case of frostbite, pest attack, or excess moisture, a good way is to resuscitate orchids with Epin, in the correct proportion. For 5 liters of water you need to take one ampoule. The solution should be sprayed with tops and foliage once every two weeks, but in no case should be watered. Epin has a powerful effect against stress, and also gives resistance to negative circumstances and diseases.

Another great technique is the resuscitation of an orchid in a greenhouse, which can be purchased in a special department with flowers or built with your own hands.

The places of the plant from which the roots grow should be thoroughly washed in water, which should not be cold, and treated with a growth stimulator. To do this, it is possible to use any plastic or glass tank. It is necessary to pour a row of expanded clay on the bottom, and a little raw moss on top. It is very important that the moss does not have a large amount of moisture. There will be significant humidity inside the greenhouse, for this reason it should be ventilated at least 2 times a day to prevent the formation of fungi.

Inside, not far from the plant, a small container of hot water is placed and closed for several hours to create a suitable climate inside, which promotes the growth of new roots. Once a day, preferably in the evening, the flower should be removed from the greenhouse, washed in hot water, wiped and dried thoroughly for 1-2 hours. The duration of such procedures is directly dependent on the state of the orchid.

Just as with phalaenopsis, resuscitation of the oncidium orchid may be necessary in case of a prolonged excess of moisture. Remove the plant from the container, clean the roots from the bark and dry thoroughly. Having put the root system in order, plant the flower in a pot, making drainage in the form of expanded clay and foam at the bottom. It is better to refrain from watering for a week.

Orchids are considered capricious flowers, so beginners are often afraid to take on their cultivation. But a gentle tropical plant often shows miracles of vitality at home. Experienced flower growers even know how an orchid is if the roots have rotted partially or completely.

The roots of epiphytic plants lack thin processes that would absorb water and nutrients from the soil, like flowers we are used to. Water enters through the layers of hollow cells that cover the roots, moving inside the root, and then higher, to the leaves. This process depends on the amount of sunlight and air. It slows down with a lack of lighting, it can stop completely if the roots are tightly stuck to the substrate. The process of decay begins when water remains in the cells of the velamen (spongy part of the root) without moving further and without evaporating.

The main causes of root rot are violations of the rules for caring for the plant, such as excessive watering, especially at low air temperatures and short daylight hours. If the substrate does not dry out between waterings, then the roots will sooner or later begin to rot. It must be remembered that moisture is absorbed faster with active growth and flowering, and the dormant period requires a decrease in the frequency of watering. Insufficient watering leads to drying out of the roots, which means a decrease in the vital activity of the whole plant.

If you forget to change the substrate in time, then its components are crushed, it becomes denser, cakes, retains excess moisture, does not let air through, which also leads to root rot.

If the roots are damaged during transplantation or the substrate is allowed to become infected with fungal diseases, the larvae of the click beetle, this can also lead to rotting of the roots. Gentle velamen can get, especially potassium-phosphorus, in too high a concentration. All these troubles become the causes of rotting of the roots, are reflected in the state of the whole plant: the leaves lose their elasticity, begin to fade, we are no longer talking about flowering.

Plant Rescue Instructions

The plant must be removed from the pot, freed from particles of the substrate, washed with roots under running water, assess their condition. After washing, the plant is left to dry in partial shade for several hours.

Rotting roots must be cut to living tissue - the last cut is made literally “alive”, so that there are no rotten particles left at all that could provoke the continuation of the process. The tool can be a sharp knife or scissors, which are treated with boiling water or alcohol before use.

Places of cuts are abundantly smeared with crushed activated carbon or wood ash, some flower growers use cinnamon. You can dip the base of the orchid into a fungicide solution, especially if a fungal infestation has been found. The cuts are allowed to dry, and then a series of procedures for growing new roots begin.

To build up the roots, a mixture of moss, bark and vermiculite, water is used. Do it just in a room or in a small greenhouse. The main thing is that the plant has enough light (at least 12 hours daily), fresh air, comfortable temperature (+23 ... +27 ° C), humidity at the level of 70%. If even small root shoots are preserved, roots can grow for 1-5 weeks. When you had to cut a leaf rosette to the base, growing new roots can take 11-13 months.
A layer of expanded clay is poured into a pot with a diameter of 6-8 cm, sphagnum moss is placed on top, an orchid rosette is placed on it - so that it comes into contact with the moss in those places from which the roots are supposed to grow. Moss is moistened by spraying, it retains moisture for a long time, gradually giving it to the plant. If you put vermiculite under the moss, then the plant will receive not only moisture, but also mineral fertilizer.

The easiest way to maintain the right conditions in a greenhouse. It is made from an old aquarium, a large plastic bottle. A greenhouse with a pot is placed on a window or under a phytolamp. It is important that the plant receives enough diffused light. Air humidity can be increased to 80-100%, and the temperature can be kept at +25…+27 °C. The greenhouse must be ventilated daily by removing the pot for 15-30 minutes.

To grow roots above water, the plant is placed in a vase (glass, glass) - so that it only slightly touches the water with the base of the rosette. Water (necessarily clean and soft) is poured in the morning, and drained after 6-7 hours. This process is repeated daily. You can add sugar or honey to the water (no more than 1 tsp per 1 liter). Once every few days, you can add iron chelate, and after 15-20 days - a solution of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

And the conditions under which the plant will fully develop, acquiring an exotic pet, quickly lose it, although orchids are very cheerful and almost always recoverable.

How to understand that the orchid is dying and what to do? Determining the cause of the impending threat of death is not very difficult, since there are not so many signs indicating a plant health problem.

Orchid dies

External manifestations

The main reason for the possible death of an orchid is damage caused by improper care or disease.

Most often, orchids die due to rotting of the root system.

Common and requiring urgent intervention are signs:

  • Withering of the main leaf mass;
  • Wrinkling of leaf plates and them;
  • Drying along the entire length of the stem;
  • The instability of the plant in the container;
  • Loss of more than 70% of roots.

How to determine in the early stages?

The first sign, by which one can judge the possible unpleasant consequences, is a change in the structure, color and condition of the leaves.

What to do if the orchid dies? Decayed, frozen, drying or already an orchid - unpleasant sight. But if at least a piece of living tissue remains on the stem of a plant, it can be reanimated, returning it to a normal, full-fledged life.

Unfortunately, not every grower takes on the care of his pet, but prefers to buy new. By this, he not only does not gain experience, but also does not try to find out his mistakes during the exotic.

There are risks in which it is almost impossible to save an orchi. If the plant is weakened and has undergone fusarium wilt with damage to most of the trunk, then the chance of recovery is no more than 5%.

Important! A big risk of not saving the plant is the presence of a viral disease (infection).

The early stage includes treatment with anti-infective drugs along the leaf, and if the root part is damaged, standard resuscitation with the use of special preparations, depending on the infection, fungi and disease.

Important! Capturing the disease at an early stage guarantees recovery and restoration of vital functions.


Direct sunlight burns the leaves and the plant itself. Having received a burn, at the leaf (plant) inside moisture transpiration is impaired which leads to dehydration. Without providing the required conditions, he dies.

External manifestations

  • The surface temperature of the sheet plate is hot to the touch;
  • Change in leaf color to a lighter side;
  • The appearance of pigmentation;
  • The presence of discolored spots with a brown edge.

Resuscitation measures

The most dangerous time to get a sunburn is it's spring and summer. It is not recommended to place a container with a pet in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Or you should shade the biomass with tracing paper, blinds or other methods.

Sunlight on orchid leaves causes burns.

Parts of a leaf or plant in severe damage are trimmed. With little damage, they can be left under observation. The leaf should be removed only after complete yellowing (death).

Sunburn causes stress in the plant, which negatively affects development for a long time. During this period, fertilizing should be excluded, moderate watering should be carried out and diffused light should be provided.

How to choose the right location for a flower?

The best place for orchids that need enough daylight hours will be east side window sill rooms.

In other cases, it is necessary to shade from the sun or provide additional lighting. In any case, diffused light and prolonged (at least 10 hours) illumination are required.

Violation of the temperature regime

The temperature regime for different types of orchids is different. In any case, the room temperature is set to be comfortable for the owners of exotic plants. Accordingly, a species is selected that feels comfortable in these conditions. Those. temperature will be optimal.:

Overheating plant should:

  • Remove to a shady place;
  • Do not water;
  • Don't feed.

After 3-4 hours of cooling, spray a little to restore the water balance, and then rearrange to a place that is safer from high temperatures.

At low temperatures it should also move to a warmer place and temporarily exclude watering and nutrition, while the plant adapts to a normal existence.

Transplanting a dying orchid

The dying orchid is first of all reanimated, restoring the root system and general condition. Only after that you can plant an orchid in a new soil.

But what if the orchid dies after transplantation? Find the cause of the problem:

  • Or poor quality substrate.
  • Or too sunny place.
  • If the roots damaged by rot were not removed on time or poorly processed.
  • Incorrect concentration of fertilizers or top dressing on diseased, fragile roots.

Required again:

  • Extract plant;
  • inspect;
  • If necessary, process the root part;
  • And planted in a different, better substrate.

capacity also should choose a new one and the right size. Follow the rules of care.

What to do with the peduncle and children?

save the plant itself. draws out the remnants of nutrition, so necessary at this stage. It is better to start resuscitation and rescue of the orchid.

With an orchid disease, the baby must be separated from the mother.

The baby feeds on the mother plant and if it does not release roots, then something is wrong with the mother. It remains to either wait or try to separate and put in a greenhouse on the moss, which is periodically sprayed. The result is 50/50.

Attention! Usually, a dying baby cannot be saved because of her weakness.

Useful video

Find out in the video why the orchid dies:

Watch the video on what to do if the orchid begins to die: