Banker Motylev. The owner of Russian Credit, Anatoly Motylev, can get away with it for the second time. The offender of self-regulators, banker Anatoly Motylev, was arrested in absentia. The SROs who suffered from it are absolutely excluded from the register...

Anatoly Motylev, whose banks lost their licenses on July 24, began his career in Soviet times at Gosstrakh. His father was the head of the only insurance company in the USSR

Banker Anatoly Motylev (Photo: PhotoXPress)

​Start of a career

As Forbes wrote, Anatoly Motylev is a representative of the Soviet golden youth. His father, Leonid Motylev, worked in the USSR Ministry of Finance, and then in 1973-1986 (until his death) headed Gosstrakh. In 1983, Anatoly Motylev entered the Moscow Financial Institute, where he first led a construction team, then a Komsomol committee.

Motylev began his financial career in the 1990s at Gosstrakh, where he worked as an assistant to the president and then as vice president. In 1992, he, together with Rosgosstrakh (the successor of Gosstrakh), created Globex Bank.

In 1995, the leadership of Rosgosstrakh changed - it was headed by Vladislav Reznik (now the first deputy head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market). “For the new team that came to the insurance company, Motylev ceased to be “one of our own,” noted Forbes. Globex was co-owned by former Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Andrei Dunaev, who, according to Forbes, helped Motylev get out of his criminal history. in 1996, Motylev was detained on suspicion of illegally debiting Rosgosstrakh funds from an account at Globex, but about a month later law enforcement agencies admitted that there was no crime and the money was written off legally.

In 2001, Dunaev left the co-owners of Globex, taking up other projects, including real estate in partnership with Motylev. In 2002, Motylev became the sole owner of Globex, as his other partner, Alexander Zhukov, left the bank.

Banking crisis

In September 2008, Globex faced a large-scale outflow of customer funds, as a result of which it was acquired by Vnesheconombank (98.94%) for a symbolic 5 thousand rubles. The head of VEB, Vladimir Dmitriev, was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the problem bank. The new management team was headed by Vitaly Vavilin, who previously held the position of chairman of the board of VEB’s Tolyatti subsidiary, the National Trade Bank.

The Central Bank allocated 87 billion rubles to VEB for the rehabilitation of Globex. as a deposit. VEB, using these funds, financed its “daughter” - the specially created company “VEB-invest”, which, as described by the magazine “Expert”, in turn bought out development assets controlled by Motylev: commercial real estate, unfinished objects, land located pledged to the bank. These assets were transferred to the balance sheet of VEB-invest, and the loans issued against them were repaid.

“There were no people at Globex who could issue loans. There were no normal lenders or risk takers. Instead, they were replaced by competent people who were previously engaged in arranging loans for the right clients,” Vavilin said in an interview with Expert. He noted that Globex was not a commercial bank in the classical sense. “The volume of market transactions, credit and other, was insignificant. The bank was mainly aimed at financing and servicing the projects and businesses of its owner, Anatoly Motylev, who, through affiliated structures, owned numerous real estate properties that were at different stages of development,” Vavilin previously stated.

Currently, the state corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) owns 99.993% of Globex shares. The share of minority shareholders accounts for 0.007%.

New approach

Several years ago, Motylev began to assemble a banking group. It included the Russian Credit, M Bank and AMB Bank banks, whose licenses were revoked by the Central Bank on July 24, the Tula Industrialist Bank, where a temporary administration was introduced, as well as the KRK Bank, which lost its license in the summer of 2014 (a year after the acquisition his Motylev).

Previously, a source close to Motylev said that the banking group plans to participate in projects, including business owners. “It is planned to create a financial base by attracting funds from clients and directing them to various projects: housing under the programs of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), commercial projects,” said the interlocutor of

Non-banking business

Through affiliated structures, Motylev at various times also owned Novinsky Passage, the second Slava watch factory, 2 thousand hectares of land in the Moscow region, the Family Club village near Moscow, and a shopping and entertainment center in Novosibirsk.

According to Forbes, structures associated with Motylev own pension funds, including NPF Sberfond Solnechny Bereg (formerly NPF Sberfond RESO), NPF Solntse. Life. Pension" (formerly NPF "Renaissance Life and Pensions"), NPF "Sunny Time" (formerly NPF PSB), NPF "Uraloboronzavodsky", "Sberegatelny", "Protection of the Future" and "Adekta-Pension".

Orthodox banker

Motylev is a member of the Orthodox Entrepreneurs Club. “The Club of Orthodox Entrepreneurs is an association of people for whom honest business and honest relationships with business partners are a spiritual need. The title of club member is the calling card of a modern Orthodox entrepreneur,” posted on the club’s website. Among the members of the club is presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev.

His country palace, apartments, parking spaces and land plots in the Moscow region. A banker who fled to London stole 17.6 billion.

The capital's Basmanny Court arrested the property of the IKMA cold storage plant. The arrest of a complex of 15 buildings worth about 2.5 billion rubles became an interim measure taken as part of a large-scale investigation into multibillion-dollar thefts, which, according to the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR), were committed by issuing bad loans, including to the company IKMA by the Russian Credit Bank “, and the investigation considers the former owner of the credit institution, Anatoly Motylev, to be the organizer of the fraud. The total amount of stolen funds, according to the calculations of the Investigative Committee, amounted to 17.6 billion rubles.

At the court hearing, which considered the petition of the investigator for especially important cases of the Investigative Committee, Sergei Dubinsky, to seize the property of IKMA OJSC, it became known that the Investigative Committee had currently combined into one proceeding three criminal cases involving multibillion-dollar fraud with funds from the Russian Credit Bank. All of them relate to the issuance of obviously non-repayable loans issued to companies controlled by the owner of the credit institution, Anatoly Motylev and his accomplices. One of these companies was IKMA OJSC, whose affiliation with Mr. Motylev is considered TFR, found “complete and objective confirmation” during the investigation.

According to the case materials, the president of the Rossiysky Kredit bank, Anatoly Motylev, concluded 11 loan agreements “without the purpose of returning funds” in the office of his credit institution (Novinsky Boulevard, 31). Among them were three agreements with ICMA, signed from June to December 2014. At the same time, the property of ICMA was indicated in the documents as collateral. It was this circumstance, the investigation believes, that made the theft of funds possible, since the property belonged to a company conducting real commercial activities and was definitely not a fly-by-night company. As a result, a total of 2.42 billion rubles were stolen under contracts with ICMA, according to investigators.

IKMA OJSC, located in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow, was created on the basis of refrigeration plant No. 15, built in Soviet times. The main activity of the company was the wholesale trade of alcoholic beverages and food products. The OJSC included a distribution refrigerator for 25 thousand tons of simultaneous storage, a sausage factory, a plant for the production of fish products with a capacity of 10 tons per day, a caviar section, a preserved section, and an oil and fat shop. To develop “integration ties under investment contracts with the Moscow government,” equity stakes in Belinskaya Poultry Farm LLC in the Penza region, the largest full-cycle pig farm in the Yaroslavl region, as well as Kurba OJSC were acquired. IKMA was a supplier to more than 1 thousand enterprises, including metropolitan school canteens, medical institutions, boarding houses, hospitals, the company also carried out contracts in the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs And Ministry of Emergency Situations. The OJSC was awarded the honorary title “Supplier of Food for the Needs of the City of Moscow.” Now all the enterprises in which ICMA had shares are in bankruptcy. The OJSC itself was declared bankrupt by the Moscow Arbitration Court on May 7 this year. Yesterday, ICMA confirmed that the company is no longer engaged in production activities. The OJSC website states that its premises and production facilities are rented out.

As an interim measure, the Investigative Committee considered it necessary to seize the property of IKMA OJSC. A representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation supported the corresponding investigation request in the Basmanny Court. The court granted the request of the Investigative Committee, seizing 15 buildings of the IKMA industrial complex on Izhorskaya Street. The value of the seized property is about 2.5 billion rubles, which makes it possible to repay the damage from the episode with loans issued by the OJSC bank.

As the agency previously reported "Ruspres", charges of fraud with loans were brought against the ex-head of the Russian Credit bank Anatoly Motylev (in absentia) and the general director of ICMA Igor Shvets. A number of other former top managers and employees of Russian Credit are involved in other episodes of theft. The total amount of damage is estimated by the TFR at 17.6 billion rubles.

Anatoly Motylev himself has been living in London for a long time; his extradition to Russia, taking into account the current relations between the countries, looks almost unrealistic. In Russia, by a court decision, in order to pay off damages in a criminal case (it is being investigated under Article 159, Article 160 and Article 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud, embezzlement and laundering of funds obtained by criminal means), the former banker's property - a country house - was arrested , apartments and parking spaces in underground parking lots, as well as several land plots in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Anatoly Motylev appealed the arrests of property personally in writing, without resorting to the services of lawyers, and even achieved the removal of the encumbrance from a small part of his property. In February 2017, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared businessman Motylev bankrupt.

“Kommersant” became aware of the details of the criminal prosecution of the former owner of the banks Globex, Rossiyskiy Kredit and M Bank, Anatoly Motylev. According to investigators, Mr. Motylev organized the issuance of a deliberately non-repayable loan for 700 million rubles. from M Bank, which was used to pay for the bills of a shell company. The ex-banker is now wanted, and the Prosecutor General's Office considered the arrest of one of his alleged accomplices to be unfounded, believing that the connection between them has not been established.

As follows from the documents available to Kommersant, the main investigative department of the Investigative Committee suspects Anatoly Motylev of fraud on an especially large scale (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code). Acting for selfish reasons, in the spring of 2014, Mr. Motylev entered into a criminal conspiracy with a certain Olga Ivanova and “unidentified persons” aimed at stealing funds from M Bank (Mosstroyekonombank, founded back in 1990). The latter was acquired by structures controlled by Anatoly Motylev in September 2013.

According to the plan, developed, as the investigation suspects, by Mr. Motylev and his assistants, the thefts were supposed to be carried out “by issuing a obviously non-repayable loan” - the funds would eventually end up in the Russian Credit Bank, of which Mr. Motylev was then president.

Initially, at the direction of the banker Motylev, Mrs. Ivanova “secured” the opening of accounts in “Russian Credit” for Alicante LLC, “LegalVersiya” and “Media Reserve”, one-day companies that did not carry out any financial and economic activities. Then, to participate in the operation, they used Stanislav Markeev, the general director of the quite prosperous Brokerage and Depository Services LLC.

Mr. Markeev, acting, according to investigators, in accordance with the general plan of the criminal group, submitted an application to M Bank for a loan of 700 million rubles. The loan, according to the documents, was taken out for the purchase of highly liquid securities for 12 months.

The Brokerage and Depository Services company was a completely conscientious borrower, so first the credit committee of M Bank, and then its and. O. Chairman of the Board Hovhannes Jalalyan, “unaware of the criminal plans” of the organized crime group, approved lending to the brokerage structure on March 18, 2014.

On the same day, credit funds were credited to the Brokerage and Depository Services account at M Bank, but the participants in the criminal scheme could not immediately “dispose of them at their own discretion,” since further transactions with 700 million rubles were not allowed. it was necessary to obtain permission from the general meeting of the company. Mr. Markeev managed to obtain the company’s consent to transfer money to the account of Univer Capital LLC - the purpose of the payment, according to the documents, was to purchase securities.

On March 20, Univer sent 700 million rubles. company "Anekt" for investing in shares. Anekt, in turn, acquired from LegalVersia LLC for 696 million rubles. 25 bills issued by Alicante. Moreover, they were signed by the nominal director of Media Reserve.

The bills, the investigation believes, had no value, since they were issued by an organization that did not conduct any activities. Moreover, all transactions were completed suspiciously quickly - within two days. Then, the investigation believes, the stolen loan funds were used in the interests of Anatoly Motylev.

Mr. Markeev, in turn, extended the validity of the loan agreement, agreeing to increase the annual rate on it to 17%. Initially, the loan taken from M Bank was repaid, but then, in the summer of 2015, the loan obligations were transferred by Brokerage and Depository Services to the fly-by-night company LegalVersia. M Bank did not object to this, since the corresponding decision, according to the testimony of witnesses, was personally made by Mr. Motylev, who had the power of attorney from the chairman of the board of the creditor bank, Victoria Fialko. She, the investigation believes, did not know about the theft of loan funds.

The licenses of M Bank and Russian Credit were revoked by the Central Bank on the same day for various violations - July 24, 2015. Financial structures owed their clients 38 billion and 126 billion rubles. respectively.

At the request of the DIA, the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, first in relation to unidentified persons, and then Messrs. Motylev, Ivanova and Markeev became defendants. The latter were detained by investigators, and then arrested by decisions of the Basmanny District Court until October 31 of this year. In the near future, the Moscow City Court should consider their complaints against the chosen preventive measures. Let us note that a representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office opposed the arrest of Mr. Markeev, believing that he did not hide from the investigation, regularly went to interrogations and consistently gave evidence. Moreover, according to the representative of the supervisory authority, from the circumstances of the crime charged to the entrepreneur, it is not at all clear who he “wanted to deceive”, how exactly he “interacted” with other persons involved in the investigation, and most importantly, they do not prove that, having taken out a loan, he generally had the intent to steal it.

A criminal case against Anatoly Motylev, who moved abroad long ago, was initiated in absentia. He himself, as follows from the documents, was only put on the federal wanted list in the spring of this year, however, by decision of the same Basmanny District Court, the banker’s real estate in Russia, including his country house, apartments, as well as land plots and cars, places were arrested to pay off the damage caused to M Bank. His bankruptcy trustee from the DIA was recognized as the injured party in the criminal case and, as part of the investigation, filed a claim for the amount of the stolen property against the accused.

Kommersant was unable to obtain comments from Mr. Motylev and representatives of his alleged accomplices. We only know that they do not admit guilt.

Anatoly Motylev is a remarkable figure in the financial market, if only because he twice managed to force the state to pay off the creditors of its banks. After the Globex Bank, owned by Mr. Motylev, was urgently rescued by Vnesheconombank in 2008 and the rescue amount exceeded 80 billion rubles, the financier started a new business from scratch - by the end of 2009, Anatoly Motylev created AMB Bank, in 2012 he acquired the Russian Credit bank (which became the largest in his banking empire), and later two more banks - Tula Industrialist and M Bank. At the same time, Anatoly Motylev’s return to the banking market occurred despite serious problems, one of which was the publication of the current first deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Dmitry Tulin (then he worked at Deloitte) in the Analytical Banking Journal, “The History of Globex Bank as a Mirror of the Problems of Russian Banking.” supervision." In this article, Mr. Tulin wrote about “inflating” Globex’s capital and called him a champion in falsifying financial statements. However, despite these warnings, the Central Bank did not prevent Anatoly Motylev from increasing his business in the banking market and by mid-2015, Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank, for example, was among the top 50 Russian banks, whose license was revoked at that time and became one of the largest insurance companies. cases.

Simultaneously with building a banking empire, Anatoly Motylev actively increased his presence in the pension fund market. By August 2015, he was the informal owner of seven non-state pension funds: “Sun. Life. Pension”, “Sunny Time”, “Savings”, “Adekta-Pension”, “Savings Fund “Sunny Beach””, “Protection of the Future” and “Uraloboronzavodsky”, which managed about 60 billion rubles. pension funds of citizens. The total assets of Motylev’s NPF exceeded 50 billion rubles, of which 35 billion rubles were illiquid assets. Thus, it is possible that the story with the M Bank loan will be only the beginning of a large-scale investigation against Mr. Motylev.

Nikolay Sergeev, Yulia Lokshina

Anatoly Motylev

Bank "Russian Credit" 46th place "M Bank" Globex Bank

report Media...

FROM THE EDITOR. These are the sad reflections of our freelance author. I wonder what you, dear readers and self-regulation professionals, have to say about the whole “Motylev epic”? We are looking forward to hearing your responses to this publication on our forum!

The offender of self-regulators, banker Anatoly Motylev, was arrested in absentia. The SROs who suffered from it are absolutely excluded from the register...

Information has emerged that the banker Anatoly Motylev arrested. Unfortunately, in absentia. You understand that arrest in absentia is a very interesting measure: it seems that you are arrested, but it seems that you are not. However, the things that Mr. Motylev has done are certainly enough for a full-fledged arrest. Our volunteer Moscow expert thinks about this.

The brainchild of Anatoly Leonidovich - Bank "Russian Credit" was one of the largest credit organizations in the Russian Federation. The bank borrowed 46th place by asset size. Together with him, the single group included other credit organizations, in particular, "M Bank". Earlier, during the first crisis, Mr. Motylev was the owner Globex Bank. Then, for some unknown reason, the state did not declare this bank bankrupt, but took it for reorganization. And so the creditors at that moment managed to get out and get their money back.

However, this time the Central Bank did not bail out another Motylev brainchild, Russian Credit. As a result, RK’s debt amounted to 126 billion rubles. Among this amount, a significant part is made up of money from self-regulatory organizations of the most important industry in Russia.

There were many other banks that embezzled funds from self-regulators. The method, of course, is banal. Traditional rollback. When money is taken from investors and issued as a loan to their controlled commercial organizations. So to speak, non-repayable loans, without any collateral. And formally it turns out that the money was not stolen, that there is some kind of creditor. But this creditor is, in fact, a representative of the company “Horns and Hooves”, from whom there is nothing to take.

And self-regulatory organizations, as a result, now turn out to be insolvent in batches, despite the fact that their insolvency lies in the fact that they cannot collect the so-called “historical compensation fund.” At the same time, the banker arrested in absentia is happily living in London, where he left immediately after the revocation of his banking license. Anatoly Leonidovich also filed documents to declare himself bankrupt, so that even all his debts would be written off. Perhaps he will be put on the international wanted list, although this will not add money to self-regulatory organizations. Now this makes them “neither cold nor hot.” Even if Sir Motylev is arrested and extradited to Russia (which has almost never happened in the history of English courts), then, of course, you will not get any money from him. And self-regulators will be excluded from the register. Because, as they used to say in the Ministry of Construction, they are “swindlers or incompetents.” While the real criminals continue to walk along the Thames embankment. I just want to ask the age-old Russian question “How long?!”

Let me remind you that the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is investigating a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale, the central figure in which is the former owner of the Globex, Rossiysky Credit and M Bank banks Anatoly Motylev. The investigation believes that the ex-banker issued a deliberately non-repayable loan for 700 million, and then ran away with the money.
The former banker was put on the federal wanted list this spring, and his property in Russia was seized in order to somehow compensate for the damage caused. However, the Deposit Insurance Agency has already calculated: even if all of Sir Motylev’s Russian assets are sold (several apartments and land plots in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region), this will not be enough for even a fifth of the damage caused to legal entities and individuals. But Anatoly Leonidovich, who claims that he is not guilty, is trying to win back this property. Remotely, from London. And the appellate instance of the Moscow City Court even partially satisfied his claim,

He has always been considered a “black sheep” in the banking market. The largest credit institutions refused to borrow money from him. In the past, Anatoly Motylev, who began his career at Gosstrakh, belonged to those who were called “golden youth” in the Soviet era. Of course, his father headed a structure that was a monopolist in the insurance market. Naturally, it is not difficult to predict that Anatoly Motylev had a brilliant career ahead of him. But is this true? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Biography facts

Anatoly Motylev, whose biography can serve as an object of envy on the part of every bank employee, is a native of the Russian capital. He was born on August 11, 1966. His father was a high-ranking official: he worked in the “Soviet” Ministry of Finance. Of course, Anatoly Motylev in all respects could count on the support of his parent, who headed Gosstrakh from 1973 to 1986.

After school, the young man decided to apply to a financial institution. Having successfully passed the entrance exams, he first receives an offer to lead a construction team, and after some time - to head a Komsomol organization. He agrees and skillfully combines his studies with his social workload.

Start in career

After graduating from the capital's university, Anatoly Motylev, whose biography certainly deserves separate consideration, goes to work at Gosstrakh. Over time, he is entrusted with the position of assistant to the president, and then vice president of the company. However, in the mid-90s of last year, the emphasis in the management of Gosstrakh changed, and new people came to manage the insurance company. And Anatoly Motylev could not find a common language with these managers, headed by Vladislav Reznik, now a high-level official.


One way or another, Anatoly Motylev made sure in advance that if something happened he would not be left “with nothing.”

In 1992, on a parity basis with the successor of the Soviet insurance company, Rossgostrakh, he established the Globex credit structure, which would later become a reflector of problems in the banking supervision system. It is noteworthy that the Central Bank was “aware” of everything that was happening with Globex and, despite this, took a wait-and-see attitude.

In 1996, Anatoly Motylev became a suspect in a case of illegal transfer of funds from the deposit of Rosgosstrakh to the settlement account of Globex. However, one month was enough for detectives to understand the situation and recognize the operation as legal.

Some experts believe that none other than the “police” General Dunaev, who later became a co-owner of Globex, helped the banker avoid criminal prosecution.

He also contributed to saving the assets of Motylev’s brainchild from the financial year.

Bank - investor

At the beginning of the 2000s, Anatoly Motylev (banker), together with Dunaev, began to look for new horizons for the development of his business.

Globex acquires large real estate properties. One of them is the Novinsky Passage shopping and business complex, whose area is 80 thousand square meters. However, the sources were not unanimous on the issue regarding the amount of the transaction. Some experts announced investments of $100 million, others - $280 million, and others - $350 million.

Another major acquisition of Globex is the Slava enterprise, where watches are produced. It is located near the Belorussky railway station of the capital. It is planned to build a multi-industry complex “Slava Business Park” at local production sites. Globex has also registered several large land plots in the Moscow region, where it is also planned to implement new projects. Thus, we can say with confidence that Anatoly Motylev is a large-scale banker.

In 2002, he became the sole owner of Globex, since its co-owners - Dunaev and Zhukov - left the founders of the credit organization.

Two years later, Globex became a participant, after which businessman Anatoly Motylev, through his brainchild, received the right to raise money from the population.

Business is under threat

In the fall of 2008, Globex fell on hard times. The thing is that there was a massive outflow of depositors’ funds, and the credit institution’s assets lost a lot of weight. Vnesheconombank, headed by Vladimir Dmitriev, becomes the new owner of Globex. Banker Vitaly Vavilin was appointed to lead the new management team. But in any case, Globex lacked competent specialists who could issue loans to a wide range of borrowers.

An attempt at rehabilitation in the banking business

Despite the failures in the banking segment of the market, Vitaly Motylev is making every effort to regain its former influence in this area of ​​entrepreneurship. He invests money in several banking institutions at once.

In particular, he, together with his partners, acquired the financial structure “Russian Credit”, which in the 90s of the last century enjoyed high confidence among the population. The transaction amount was about 350 million. Anatoly Motylev (“Russian Credit”) also acquired the following credit organizations: AMB Bank, M Bank, KRK, Tula Industrialist. The businessman planned to create a strong financial foundation by attracting client funds, which were to be invested in housing and other commercial projects. However, the Central Bank revoked the licenses of almost all credit institutions owned by Motylev. This is due to the fact that the size of the liabilities significantly exceeded the value of their assets.

The same fate befell the pension funds, the owner of which was Anatoly Leonidovich. NPF "Solnechnoye Vremya", NPF "Sun. Life. Pension", NPF "Uraloboronzavodsky" and other structures lost their licenses because they did not comply with the instructions of the supervisory authority in a timely manner.

Is the businessman hiding?

After the banker-entrepreneur suffered a fiasco in the lending business, rumors spread that he had disappeared somewhere.

Many people still wonder where Anatoly Motylev is now. According to unofficial data, he left for the British capital. And the banker has a reason to hide: his credit structures are audited by the Central Bank. If the supervisory authority discovers violations, then Motylev cannot avoid criminal prosecution by law enforcement agencies.

Personal life

It should be noted that Alexander Leonidovich has never been a public person. He didn't make expensive purchases. The businessman is also a member of the Orthodox Entrepreneurs Club. His wife is a financier by training. The banker has a son.

The story of the rise and collapse of Motylev’s business gives experts another reason to doubt the current stability of the banking sector of the economy.